"Players approaching here?!"

Ryne's brow furrowed.

The tingling sensation in my mind was extremely strong.

A very conspicuous player marker in the quest map.

The goal is very clear, and he is moving towards his area.

"Amaterasu? or Tsukiyomi?"

"How did they get out of the virtual world?"

"Why did you come to me...... What is the purpose?"

"Are they friend or foe?"

"What about the other one?"

A series of doubts came to my mind one after another.

But Lane didn't have much time to think.

Because the other party's speed is extremely fast!

It's just a matter of seconds,

It's already spanning several blocks,

We're almost there!

"In any case, we can't let the fighting reach this room. "

Li En glanced at the various precision instruments of "One Zero Seven" in the room.

At the slightest shock, these delicate devices will strike and malfunction.

He thought for a moment and said to Eudora.

"You stay here and don't let anyone come close. "

"I'll go back as soon as I go. "

With that, he directly activated the flying technique.

Flew out of the window and lifted off into the air in the player's tracks.


Above the sky.

A dignified woman in a splendid sacrificial attire,

Surprised to look at Rien who appeared in the field of vision.

"The aborigines of this world, there are still such capable people?"

"It's not right—"

Amaterasu frowned slightly, as the distance approached.

She had already recognized Lane's identity.

"It's a reincarnation player!"

"How is that possible...... In addition to me and Tsukiyo, could it be that His Majesty Clement also made a deal with someone else?!"

Amaterasu's expression was cloudy.

She stared coldly at the young man who had flown to the same level as herself.

Suddenly, like ice melting and snow melting, he smiled softly.

"Your Excellency doesn't know what to call it?"

"Hidden Dragon, Riene. "

Li En said lightly.

"His Highness the Divine Son is so aggressive, what do you want to do?"

Hear the name of the Hidden Dragon.

Even Amaterasu couldn't help but feel a headache.

After all, the title is what the latter represents.

It's such a behemoth as the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, the other party has apparently recognized himself.

It seems that this operation is very tricky.

Either don't do it, or ......

Do it absolutely!

Amaterasu's eyes wandered, and her beautiful eyes moved slightly.

She chuckled softly.

"It turned out to be a member of this year's [Hidden Dragon], and it was really extraordinary. "

"In that case, let's not talk darkly. "

"I want to ...... You should have found the control center of the virtual world. "

The control hub of the virtual world......

Isn't it the equipment left behind by "Akihiko Kayaba"?!

Li En's expression was cold, but his heart was cold.

She's actually here for the authority to control the virtual world!

"It seems that she is not a reincarnation player on the technology side, why would she have an idea about this thing?"

Although I was very puzzled.

But it was naturally impossible for Lane to hand over what should have belonged to him.

He said without changing his face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, Your Highness the Son of God. "


Amaterasu clearly didn't believe his words and said with a smile.

"It seems that Your Excellency is also interested in this virtual world. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In that case, we might as well make a deal. "

"I just need to copy a part of the data, and as for the price code...... You can do whatever you want. "

"How's it going, are you tempted?"

I'm tempted by you!

Lane sneered. []

"Is this the attitude of the Ming people who don't speak in secret?"

"I'm afraid that as soon as I agree to this deal, I will connect you to the control center. "

"The device that stores the virus developed by the Emperor Clement will take over the entire virtual world in an instant. "

Hearing this, Amaterasu's face instantly became gloomy.

The original soft and gentle dignified temperament,

At this point, it suddenly became cold.

"Mind reading, I didn't expect that this year's [Hidden Dragon] members are really Hidden Dragon Crouching Tigers. "

When Amaterasu saw that his deeds were revealed, he no longer hid them.

A few brilliant spiritual lights flashed on his body in an instant,

I don't know what kind of skills are blessed,

Directly block Lien's "unrestrained eyes".

"It's a pity...... If you know the truth, you will surely die!"

The scene of the negotiation that had just been in a peaceful atmosphere.

Instantly into battle mode!

Lane doesn't have any illusions about this either-

The other party is obviously coming for control of the virtual world,

And through the fragments of thought that are read,

Behind this, the first technology side of Bluestar is involved.......

"The Emperor of Machinery" Clement!

His thoughts were exactly the same as Amaterasu's at this time......

This matter, or give up completely on your own.

Either...... Do it completely!

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!

Suddenly, a second sun seemed to rise in the sky!

Amaterasu, who is in the real world, is already at its peak!

Although her rank is the same as that of Lane,

They are all C-level reincarnation players.

But as the [Divine Palace] there are only two of them in each generation.

Her strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary C-level elite players!

"Ignorant mortals, feel the wrath of the sun!"

Amaterasu's voice echoed all around,

The fierce sunlight almost makes it impossible to open your eyes,

Fortunately, it's in the sky,

If this battle breaks out in the city,

I am afraid that the creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters,

will be tragically affected.

The fiery feeling seemed to be directly imprinted in Lien's soul.

His brain seemed to be boiled, and it burned incredibly!

[You are affected by the "Scorching Sun Amaterasu Field" and gain the "Exposed" effect]

[When you have "Exposure", you will automatically become a target of the domain]

[You are attacked by "Flame Ray" and lose 1500 Shield Points!]

[You are attacked by "Ray of the Sun" 3.5 and lose 1500 Shield Points!]

[You are attacked by "Flame Ray" and lose 1500 Shield Points!]

Just as Rien was adjusting to the intense pain in his mind,

The "Psionic Shield" on his body was instantly cut by nearly 5,000 points!

Although this is for the 120,000 energy shield he has,

Not even a fraction.

But the frequency of attacks is so alarming!

If you leave it alone, I'm afraid it won't take more than a few minutes,

Li En will be directly burned to death by these scorching rays!

"Field? I have too—"

The next moment, a large reflection of the starry sky suddenly appeared in the sky,

Cover the dazzling sunshine with life!

When the light faded, Amaterasu Miko was revealed.

"It's ...... Domination of the realm?!".

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