Watching the huge insect body that collapsed to the ground and turned into a "Duriel" that dissipated the data stream.

Riene's expression was calm, and there was not much fluctuation in his heart.

Although a few days ago, when fighting with "Andariel" with only 50,000 HP.

It will take the whole team to fight together to defeat it.

However, after unlocking all skills and returning bloodline power.

Lane's strength is no longer comparable to that time.

The combat power is only at the peak of the C level,

And Duriel, who is bound by the rules of the virtual world.

Naturally, it can't be his opponent-

But it can kill it the moment they meet.

Directly clear up to 250,000 health.

This is no feat that ordinary reincarnation players can do.

Even if it's a B-tier player at the top of his game,

I don't dare to guarantee it,

One round of your own burst skill can do such amazing damage!

After killing Governor 16 Riel,

Rien waited in place for a moment.

But in addition to a whole bunch of prompts that only he could see.

And not like last time.

Consciousness was ejected directly from the virtual world.

"It seems that it will only come back to reality when you get permission for the first time. "

Rien thought silently.

"I don't know if the other players are after killing Andariel. "

"Will you be able to log out of the game freely? "

In this regard, Lane didn't think much about it.

Because there is nothing to fish in the real world - except for the identity of "Akihiko Kayaba" he plays.

Points, Skill Points, Equipment, Attribute Points......

These are all things that come out of the virtual world.

The reincarnation space should not be untargeted, engaging in these things that some don't have.

The burial chamber is collapsing.

To be precise, it is "melting".

With the death of Duriel.

The ice covering the floors and walls is gradually receding.

The air quickly filled with a damp and decaying smell.

After confirming that there are no surprises,

Rien walked over to pick up the loot and walked deeper into the burial chamber.

After his influence, he killed Duriel.

There is a final plot in the second act.

Sure enough, in one of the burial chambers in the deepest part.

Ryan found a woman who radiated a soft glow,

Behind it is a giant winged of light...... Angel!

"Hey, this is an angel in the dark, the first time I've seen a real guy. "

Lane looked at the angel in front of him curiously.

For this kind of divine incarnation that only appears in fantasy works,

Being able to see each other's posture in person can be regarded as satisfying curiosity.

"Thank you, human. "

As soon as he opened his mouth, Li En knew that the other party must be an NPC.

"I am the archangel Tyrell, trapped in the bondage of the demon god Baal. "

"After you defeated Dureel, I was also out of trouble. "

"But I can feel it...... The breath of the demon god still exists in this world. "

"You must travel across the Twin Seas to Kurast to find and defeat the 3 Demon Gods. "

"Diablo Diablo!"

"Baal, the Demon God of Destruction!"

"Mephisto, the Demon God of Hate!"

"Move fast, human...... The world won't last long. "

Hearing the last sentence, Li En was slightly stunned.

Because in the lines of the original plot......

Tyria didn't have that last word!

He looked at the other's mysterious face, hidden under the hood.

But the next moment, as if the world was rejecting angels,

Tyrrell's figure gradually dissipated - (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

But it didn't disappear as a stream of data.

Rather, it returns to an unknown place in the form of "light".

He ...... It's not just a projection!"

At this moment, Lane seemed to receive a lot of information.

A slight realization came to mind,[]

But then it was surrounded by more doubts.

"He knows the world is crumbling!"

"It seems that there is one more reason to kill the three demon gods. "

As for Tyrell's departure,

Lane wasn't surprised.

If nothing else, in the fourth act scene.

He would see the angel again.

But before that,

He needs to take out "Mephisto" in Act 3 first.

"Mephisto's level should be around 65. "

"It's beyond C+, but it's not at the peak of B-level. "

"With my current strength...... Should be able to cope. "

"The question is whether his status as a demon god will be the same as that of Tyrell. "

"It's not just data projection. "

After a moment of thought, Rien breathed a sigh of relief.

It's useless to think so much now.

When the time comes, see you again, and forget about the moves.

"Let's see what good things Duriel has contributed. "

So this time only Lane himself went to war.

Although the "Royal Double" is also considered a player......

But loot boxes follow the rules of the reincarnation space.

So Duriel only blew up 1 loot box.

Corresponding 097, the quality of this loot box is very high!


【Duriel's Loot Box】

Level +: C+

+ Fruit: After use, get 3 items of at least B+ quality

+ Note: Wasteland + Kill bonus, item level increased by 1 large rank


"B+-grade props, tsk. "

Lane opened the loot box with anticipation.

The best props and skills he has on him right now.

That is, the level of B+.

And the [Ring of Dominion] is not his own.

It's a drop from the "Young Master".

So, whatever this loot box can unravel.

It is also at least 3 B+ level items......

It's not a loss for him!

With a burst of low-key and restrained luxury dark gold brilliance.

A few prompts popped up in front of Riene's eyes again!


[You opened the loot box of "Duriel"]

[You have obtained a "Skill Card - Soul Freeze" (B+)]

[You have obtained the "Bloodline Item-Demon King" (B+)】

[You have acquired "Knowledge and Skills-Spiritual Network" (B+)]


(No, Tao Bo is really home, Le).

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