Three B+ items!

Duriel's loot didn't disappoint Rien.

It's just a B+-level "Demon King" bloodline item.

It's enough to make him a lot of money!

This is a high-grade bloodline that is difficult to buy with no amount of points!

"Keep this bloodline item and trade it. "

"The bloodline on the mysterious side should be better than the market on the technology side. "

Ryne already has a bloodline of his own, so he doesn't need it much.

And because of the existence of the "power of the true king".

He can convert his followers into the Void Race as well.

It is a secondary derivative bloodline of the "Void Emperor".

There is no need to think about bloodline items.

Therefore, this "Demon King" bloodline is useless.

It's better to trade with other players.

The remaining two items are all skills......

One of them is a rare B+ knowledge skill!

"It's a big money this time!"

Li En rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

This dungeon world belongs to the type of low open and high go.

So there are very few loot that excites him in the early stage.

But this time it's a gorgeous explosion in line with his level!

How could you not get him excited!


[Skill Card: Soul Freeze (LV1)]

Level +: B+

+ Seek: Will 150, Mystic 5

+ Fixed: will, mysterious

+ Result: Psychic attacks you unleash can be inflicted with "Soul Freeze", and each stack of "Soul Freeze" reduces the thought speed of the target unit.

+ Positive: Each stack of "Soul Freeze" reduces the thinking speed by 10%, the initial maximum stack is 1 stack, and each level increases the stack limit by 1 stack

+ Note: "When he realizes it, he is already in eternity"


"It's ...... The effect of Duriel's domination of the realm!"

After Li En looked at the effect of the skill.

Immediately, I remembered the feeling I had just felt when my thinking speed was slowed down.

That sense of misalignment between thinking and action.

Definitely an extremely lethal negative status in battle!

"It's a pity that it's a mysterious skill. "

Li En said regretfully.

And it's more suitable for spellcaster players who are good at psychic attacks.

For example, professions like Illusionist.

However, that doesn't mean that Lane can't use this skill.

- Conjugation of Thoughts!

"Wizard Pioneer" class skills,

The gap between the mystery side and the technology side can be eliminated directly!

And, in this virtual world.

Li En can directly adjust the success rate to 100%, a small wave of cheating.

"Let's see what the effect is when it is converted into a skill on the technology side. "

Li En directly cast [Conjugation of Thoughts] on this skill card

[Transformation successful!] You have obtained "Skill Card - Subjective Time Delay (Lv 1)]


【Subjective Time Delay (Lv1)】

Level +: B+

+ Seek: Intelligence 185, Will 150

+ Fruit: Greatly increase your thinking speed, everything around you seems to be slow, and normal activities in the state of "subjective slowdown" will cause a very high load on the body

+Positive: Increases global speed by 1% per intelligence attribute, the increase must not exceed (agility attribute)%, and increases physical cost by 500% for duration, base cooldown for 10 seconds, and decreases cooldown time for 1 second per level

+ Note: "Time is nothing but the observer's measuring stick, you will redefine its flow rate"


After the transformation, the skill type of "Soul Frozen" has changed!

Skills from the "Negative Status" class.

It has become the effect of "positive buff"!

"One is to reduce the speed of thinking, and the other is to speed up thinking and slow down......

Rien looked at the demand,

He had wanted to use this skill for Nameless.

But her intellectual attributes are somewhat substandard.

Even if it is strengthened by [Divine Awakening],

There is also a certain gap from 185 points.

After all, this is not her primary attribute.

185 points is already close to the level of the C-level peak.

Only players who specialize in research or spellcasting classes.

will have such a high intellectual attribute.

"Looks like I'm going to have to use it myself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lane learns the skill directly and points to level 10.

3 breakout options emerge.


【Please select 1 of the following breakthrough effects】

+ Touch Transmission: Reduces the total physical cost of actions in the "Subjective Slowdown" state by 50%[]

+ Dimensional Overclocking: Each point of Intelligence provides an additional 0.5% global speed and an additional 50% increase in stamina cost

+ Warp Connection: The mechanical units you control also gain the effect of "Subjective Slowdown", but at the cost of additional durability


"The breakthrough effect of B+-level skills is not a little stronger than that of low-level skills......"

Lane looked at the 3 breakout options with their own characteristics.

Lost in thought.

The effect of "synaptic transmission" is the most useful, directly reducing physical exertion by 50%.

You can continue the "subjective time slowdown" state for a longer time!

"Thinking overclocking" has the opposite effect.

can speed up the mind to a faster state,

But at the cost, it takes extra physical strength -

Originally, in the state of "subjective slowdown",

The physical exertion is already 5 times that of normal times!

Add another 50% to 7.5 times your physical exertion!

Even with Li En's physical strength, it is estimated that it will not last long.

But the extra 0.5% intelligence bonus,

Very much for Lane to act...... Originally, he had 200 intelligence.

Provides a 200% global speed boost.

But after choosing ".thinking overclocking", it's 300%!

Directly increased speed bonus by 100%!

However, after seeing the last breakthrough reward "Nerve Bond".

He threw away the hesitation in his mind.

Locked the 3rd Breakthrough Reward on the spot!

"Wait for Nameless to complete the awakening of divinity, and have both mechanical and human nature. "

"She can also enjoy the effect of subjective moderation!"

"There are still nights, with the blessing of [King Kong Force], it will only be more terrifying!"

Lai En tried to turn on the "subjective time slowdown".

All of a sudden, the world in front of me suddenly became different!

Of course, the global speed also includes the "speed of thought"!

200% faster thinking,

This is equivalent to 3 times the speed of thinking!

Everything around is in Lien's perspective,

It's only a third of what it used to be.

Rien took out a gold coin and bounced it into the air.

After counting for a few seconds, I realized that it had not reached its highest point.

The time that fell was enough for him to do a set of eye exercises...... (Money is good)

However, it's just the action of "popping up coins".

It just made him feel a little burdened.

Not a serious load though.

But the more intense the action, the greater the consumption.

You may even directly damage your body.

Fortunately, Ryne's agility and constitution attributes are both at full 200 points.

No less than intelligence attributes.

This load is nothing to him.

"If I can not care about physical exertion, can I maintain a subjective state of relaxation forever?"

A thought crossed Ryne's mind.

Then he shook his head and withdrew from the state of "slow time".

What does a person want to do when he lives in the flow of time that is out of touch with the world......

"However, it is a good ability to save lives. "

There is also a knowledge skill, which Li En plans to continue to digest when he is fine.

Next, he opens the game menu and directly selects Log Out.

"The boss in the second scene has also been killed. "

"New permissions should be unlocked!".

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