"Dolphin Star" plus "Royal Double",

and Rian's ontology.

Each of them triggers the damage of "Magnetic Storm Crown" separately!

So, after Regaining the bonus of Bloodline Power.

The biggest improvement is in addition to the skyrocketing of mental power,

It is to be able to use the "Void Armament" in the "Crown of Sin"!

The two "Void Weapons" directly tripled his output!

That's why he's so keen on collecting the "Voids" of other players.

"Here it is...... The ancient tomb of Talasha. "

Ryne looked around.

The "Warlock's Canyon" is an enclosed space.

The teleportation station is located in an open space in the middle.

It is surrounded by ancient tombs built on the mountain.

The entrance to the area where the Act II final boss "Duriel" is located.

It's in one of the tombs.

There are a total of 7 ancient tombs, and only the deepest part of the tomb is reached.

in order to know whether it is really "into" 073 "mouth".

If you find a fake "Tomb of Talasya".

You have to start all over again and waste your time.

Even the dungeon map is not labeled.

But Rien quickly locked on to the real tomb -

After all, there is such a large hidden area on the map.

Even a fool can see the difference in one of the tombs.

Although the "Tomb of Talasya" is the 39th floor.

The base level of the monster is as high as level 39.

The level of elite and rare monsters even breaks through level 40!

But with the advancement of Lane,

It's still like a bamboo, and the road is unimpeded.

"Stand-in" + Dolphin Star,

Nearly 30 "Sword Dancers" were summoned alone!

Coupled with the reloaded structure, it is mighty like a bulldozer,

Run rampant in the ancient tomb!

"It's ......"

Finally, in the deepest part of the burial chamber,

In an empty room without half a monster.

In the middle is a stone platform with grooves.

Rien took out the "Heradic Staff" that he had synthesized earlier,

Align the tail of the staff and thrust it downward.

The shape and texture of the grooves are perfectly adapted to the specifications of the rod.

It's like a mechanism made for it.


Li En strained slightly.

I heard the clicking sound of a mechanism working on the walls around me.

A bright light fell from the hollow in the top of the tomb,

Then after the staff reflex.

Shine straight on the mural on the other wall!


In the blink of an eye, as if "pierced" by light,

The wall suddenly collapsed, revealing a hidden area behind.

A chill emanated from it,

It's as if even a person's soul can be frozen!

This is a symbol of "the demon king who dominates suffering",

The Frost Power of Dureel!

When the hidden area appears,

Ryne's main quest has also been updated!


[Main Quest: Beyond Pain]

+Degree: C+

+ Mark: Kill "Duriel" to reach the 41st floor

+ Reward: 15 attribute points, 15 skill points, 150,000 reincarnation points


Lane glanced at the quest reward,

Then he stepped into a hidden room filled with cold.

The piercing chill continued to seep into his body, and even his will!

Just like Andariel has the "realm of torment".

Durrell also has his own domination domain!


[You have stepped into the domination realm of the "Demon King of Pain, Dureel!]

【In this area, you will gain the following effects】

[1. Evil Frozen: When in the field, take 100 cold damage per second, and stack 1 stack of "Chill"]

[2. Soul Retardation: The Chilling Effect on Your Body also affects your thinking speed]



Dawn was shocked,

After seeing the effect of the second field.

Immediately opened his status panel. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sure enough, I found that there were several layers of "cooling" effect on my body!

[Chill (11 stacks): Reduces movement, attack, cast, and thought speed by 1% per stack, stacking up to a maximum of 100 stacks]

If you let the "Chill" stack to 100 layers,

I'm afraid the whole person will turn into an ice sculpture......

Even if there is life, it is impossible to think and move![]

This feeling is eternal torment,

Eudora must have understood this.

"Luckily, my tenacity reduces some of the debuff duration. "

After waiting for a moment, Rien breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the power of the bloodline has been re-unsealed.

His racial talent, Indomitable Will, is also back online.

Reduces the duration of debuffs by 20%.

Prevents the stacking "Chilled" debuff from accumulating.

As for the 100 Cold damage taken per second......

Lane lifted his foot slightly and gently stepped on the ground.

Suddenly, there was an extra aura effect on the soles of his feet that should have belonged to the [Paladin] profession!

- Data Creation - Resist the Frost Aura!

Match the Gear Resistance ....... on your body

Rien easily reached the 75% Elemental Resistance Cap.

originally up to 100 points of cold damage,

You only need to take 25 points per second!

For Rien, who had already broken through the 5-digit energy shield at this time.

Very insignificant.

However, Rien still frowned.

He reached out and tried to move it in front of him a few times.

"The speed of my thinking slowed down, and my reactions were disjointed......"

"The knock-on effect is terrifying. "

"Fortunately, I'm not a melee player who relies on reflexes to eat. "

The current state is acceptable to Lai.

He has a high margin for error and no teammates to take care of.

This...... He can show his true strength without any scruples!

At the end of the corridor covered with heavy ice.

Rien finally meets the ultimate goal of this trip - Durrell!

Named "Demon King", but Duriel is more like a giant Zerg!

It has a blood-red body,

The upper body takes on the silhouette of a human.

The lower body looks a little bulky,

It's a fat belly,

Supported by two rows of short limbs.

"It looks a lot worse than Andariel's sale. "

Rien sighed.

"And...... With only 20% reactance, who do you look down on?"

Durrell roared angrily,

It seems that I have never seen such arrogant human beings,

In its "frozen mausoleum",

Countless human bones are buried under the ice,

The two 2.6 humans in front of me look exactly the same,

Will be one of them too!

Just as Durrell was about to wield a scythe-like limb.

When you are ready to break these two challengers into pieces.

The blazing light instantly overwhelmed it!

3 high-energy lasers from different angles,

At the same time, it pierced its body......

By the way, 3 extremely terrifying damage numbers popped up!

[You dealt 400 energy damage to Duriel (100 are resisted)]

[You dealt 89,600 HP of electromagnetic damage to Duriel (2,400 HP of Resistance)]

Nearly 90,000 damage figures...... There are 3 at the same time!

"Durell" only played for less than 5 seconds,

The body instantly dried up,

Thick blood is constantly being lost from the wound site.

The stream of data that turned into dots dissipated.


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