
How could she be here?!

Isn't the refresh time of Andaril 7 days?

A series of doubts flashed through Lane's mind.

But there was no time for him to continue thinking.

Because after a brief shock.

Roddamant has spotted this group of uninvited guests who covet the head of the person on it!

The tall humanoid mummy let out a terrible scream.

Everyone felt a violent vibration from the soles of their feet!

It's like there's a giant python rolling underground!

[Warning! The abyss is spreading!]


Asuna exclaimed,

This is still after entering the 22nd floor,

Experience this event for the first time!

I saw huge cracks in the ground of the sewers like cobwebs......

More enemies are pouring out of the rift!

"Gather the formation, everyone assembles!"

Dawn saw the battle break out,

And the number of enemies is still growing,

Immediately, he looked solemn and gave an order.

At the same time, it also shows the strong combat power after retrieving the bloodline ability!

- Void Armament: Dolphin Star!

A dolphin covered in starlight, as if swimming in the starry sky,

Out of thin air, he condensed around Rien, swimming happily.

For its duration, it is considered to be a "0 clone" of Lane.

No matter what action Lane makes, it will be "copied"!

This means that all of his skills will be cast twice!

Two heavily armed constructs and 16 sword dancers form a solid line of defense.

At the same time, Lane also raised his hand......

- Bunker construction!

"Device" type skills corresponding to "bone wall",

In an instant in the sewers full of the dead,

Assemble two walls of copper!

Greatly slowed down the enemy's offensive!

"The abyss is still moving!"

Asuna saw the fissure in the ground cross the defenses,

Skeletons and corpses came out of the soil,

Immediately activated the attack aura, which is rarely used......

- Holy Freeze!

A thick frost mist appeared at the girl's feet,

sets her off like a Valkyrie who controls ice and snow,

All enemies that come near her will instantly freeze and take continuous frost damage!

An offensive aura that can only be unlocked at level 18 of the Paladin,

Extremely powerful field control!

Because the aura isn't a one-time spell,

It's a constant damage effect!

A bgac sigh came from the corner of the battlefield.

After the dragon crescent moon teleported to the steel line,

Just one step away from the hundreds of undead who have emerged from the ground,

She sighed softly and removed the bracelet that suppressed the effect of her talent.

Seeing this scene, including Riene.

Everyone stepped back some distance in unison.

The next moment...... Everything is withering!

The invisible realm swelled in an instant,

Equal death for all things!

All monsters that die under the "wither" effect,

In addition to dissipating as a stream of data,

It will also condense a black "air flow",

hovered and submerged into the body of the dragon crescent.

Countless black air currents condensed out,

Like a stream blackened with ink,

Got into the body of a black-haired girl.


The beautiful face of the dragon crescent,

A look of irrepressible pain appeared,

Under the fair skin that can be broken by blowing,

A large number of black blood vessels appeared!

Hideous and terrifying veins like earthworms,

It seems that she is constantly struggling to tear the girl's body apart!

Countless strong negative emotions roared in her mind. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The terrifying innate ability to destroy a large number of enemies in an instant,

Not without a price.

The long-lost headache and splitting feeling stimulated Long Xinyue's nerves,

made her feel lightheadedness and weakness for a while.

He will collapse to the ground. []

But at this time,

Even she herself didn't have the luxury of expecting what would happen next-

A pair of powerful arms held her steadily.

"Good work. "

Li En said in a gentle voice,

His lowered eyes glowed with a rich silver glow.

"Leave the rest to me. "

Long Xinyue looked at Lien's back in disbelief,

She was so shocked that she didn't have time to ask just now......

Why was he able to approach unscathed,

Or even touch yourself directly?!

And even after the "restriction device" is lifted,

"Everything dies" in the case of a complete explosion of talent!

The black-haired girl's lips trembled slightly,

Involuntarily wrap your arms around and hug yourself tightly.

Trying to find the fleeting body temperature that I had just felt.

On the other side, Lane had already killed in front of "Rodament".

"Tsk, in the blink of an eye, he became the commander of the light pole, what a pitiful. "

Originally, Rodamant had the ability to resurrect undead monsters,

It's like a "Wizard of Perdition",

can constantly resurrect ordinary sinkers,

But the unit killed by "withering",

seems to have the same effect as "Freeze and Shatter",

The consequences of being resurrected can be avoided.

So, what is left of this dark gold boss,

There is only the combat ability of the ontology.

As soon as Li En raised his hand, two prisms instantly appeared on his side,

One of them is a replica of the "Dolphin Star"!

Two lasers instantly pierced Rodamant's shriveled body wrapped in bandages,

Takes away nearly 50,000 health points from it at the same time!

That's right...... Even if it has the resistance bonus of the Dark Gold Boss.

This [Magnetic Storm Crown] still caused nearly 100,000 electromagnetic damage!

Because after unlocking the first layer of bloodline bonuses.

The way Lane's mental power is calculated has changed.

It is no longer calculated by a purely "will" attribute.

It's the sum of all the attributes multiplied by 10!

The total value of mechanical power should be doubled on the basis of mental power!

Even Andariel, who is the final boss of Act 1, only has 50,000 HP!

These two lasers will directly kill "Rodamant" in seconds!

"Hmm...... The strength has regained somewhat, not much, but enough. "

Li En looked at the gorgeous explosion of the boss corpse with satisfaction.

Then turn your gaze to the side.

It just happened to meet the eyes of Yudora who was locked in an iron cage.

"Mr. Dawn......"

After identifying the identity of the young man in front of him,

The daughter of the noble elven duke,

finally couldn't hold back the excitement in my heart,

He shouted for help.

"Mr. Rien, save your...... I'm willing to do anything!"


Lane coughed violently,

He didn't expect Eudora to say such a powerful line.

In an instant, he sensed several burning glances coming from behind him.

"Wait...... I don't know what's going on!"

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