Level 21, safe zone "Lugoin".

Complete the quest released by NPC Atma,

After taking out "Rodament" for her.

Lane and the others gained the favor of the tavern proprietress

And there is a good room for everyone.

Before the player's army arrives.

The tavern seemed a little empty.

However, it also avoided a lot of trouble.

Like what...... Dawn dragged a beautiful elf into the room, and no one cared.

Rien sat down across from Eudora,

looked coldly at this elf who seemed to be going crazy.

He didn't always feel like he was going crazy.

It's that Yudola's mental state is really not normal.

"Oh, I almost forgot. "

Dawn patted his head,

Turn on the mind-reading function of "No Mind Eye".

Since being able to freely switch on and off the ability to "mind read".

He barely used it.

After all...... Who doesn't want to have a quiet head in their head.

As soon as Li En opened the "unrestrained eyes",

I was taken aback by the clutter of information that came in my moment!

Eudora's mind is like a ball of thread that has been violently kneaded!

Illogically jumbling,

Accompanied by complex emotions.

It's almost like a burnt circuit board.

"No wonder her behavior is so chaotic......"

Li En whispered thoughtfully.

"But what does that have to do with me?"

There is no point in simply reading thoughts.

The brain itself hides a lot of information.

Rien thought for a moment and spoke.

"How did you get to the 21st floor?"

Seeing Rien talking to himself,

There was a frenzied look on Eudora's face,

She didn't even think about it, so she directly shook out all her hole cards.

"Huh...... I didn't expect it to be in the case of the bloodline being suppressed. "

"The elves can actually forcibly use the power of [space]. "

After listening, Lane couldn't help but sigh.

The gap between humanity and other races.

It's almost bigger than a man and a dog.

As an orthodox mystical side race,

Elves have a high talent for magic,

And a clansman like Yudora with noble blood,

You can even directly drive three special forces - time, space, and illusion!

Yudora was born in the Solar family, which is famous for its "space" bloodline.

What he does best is "breaking boundaries",

That is, to break through the limitations of seals, enchantments and other factors.

It was already almost instinctive power for her.

So even in this special dungeon.

You can barely use some of the power of space......

But according to her, before the bloodline restrictions are lifted.

She only had this one chance.

I wanted to teleport to the safe zone on the 21st floor.

But who knows that there is a point deviation in the spatial coordinates,

Parachuted directly into the 22nd floor of the "Lugoin Sewer",

It just so happens to be in the lair of the dark gold boss "Rodamente......

Hearing this, even Lane almost burst out laughing.

He glanced at Eudora's message,

She is only level 16 now, a full 10 levels behind "Rodamant"!

It can only be said that fortunately, she was teleported to the iron cage.

Otherwise, even if it's a monster around the dark gold boss,

plus the mechanism of the "abyss", it is enough for her to die several times.

"So...... Why would you want to come to the 21st floor at all costs?"

Li En said lightly.

"To find me?"

Hearing this question, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The infatuation on Yu Duola's pretty face was slightly retracted.

It was as if she had finally regained a shred of her senses.

Tense expression, with all the strength of the body to spit out two words.

"Save ...... I ......"

But the next moment, she regained her previous indulgence. []

Gazing at Lane with fiery eyes.

Said without hesitation.

"It's Mr. Lane's, and of course the has to find her own owner!"

"Yes. "

Lai En had a rough inference in his mind,

It is estimated that before he left the elf camp,

That wave of [Voice of the Gods] infusion,

directly used forbidden knowledge to "play bad" with Yu Duola's head.

"I think you're fine with this. “

"Besides...... I have no reason to save you. "

"Who turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, and if the deal failed, he just wanted to take me down?"

Lane's tone was cold and disdainful.

The most important thing is to be able to afford to play.

You are only allowed to eat black and black, and you will not let others retaliate?

Hearing this, You Duola also nodded happily.

"That's right, as long as I can be a dog for Mr. Rien, I'm already satisfied!"

That's not what she really thinks.

In the depths of Eudora's eyes,

A flash of deep sadness flashed.

Her only remaining sanity has been acting as a "bystander",

Witnessing all the actions of "myself".

From the very beginning of anger, regret, shame.

And then to the helplessness and despair of the present.

She had all but given up hope of recovery.

She was born in the noble "Sunflower" family,

If you go back with this ugly gesture,

Seen by other people...... I'm afraid that's what scares her the most.

"Damn humans, if not you...... I'm not going to be in this situation!"

Eudora's consciousness wailed in pain deep inside.

"I'm going to curse you!"

"Oh, curse me?"

A voice familiar to Eudora but not supposed to be in her heart,

Suddenly came to her mind!

The elven daughter's expression became flustered,

"Mr. Rien, how dare I curse you...... It must be your who is upsetting you!"

"Please punish me, you can do it any way!"

Rien rubbed his temples,

Feel the blood pressure in the head gradually increase.

Well...... Both the upper and lower heads are a bit high.

He said directly in a commanding tone.

"Obedient and quiet. "

Sure enough, Yudora, who got the order,

Immediately sitting in a chair,

The atmosphere didn't dare to gasp.

"It's good, it's quiet now. "

Rien nodded in satisfaction.

Looking directly into Eudora's eyes,

As if to be able to see from these crystal-like beautiful eyes,

See the depths of this elven girl's soul.

"Now...... We can talk about three things formally. "。

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