Defuse the negative effects of other players with "High Risk" talents.

Even analyze, imitate, and copy "high-risk talents"!

This thought came to Dawn's mind after a flash of inspiration.

It will inevitably spread.

"Put it first, there's no rush for this. "

Li En let out a long sigh of relief,

Calm down a somewhat restless heart,

He has realized.

This virtual world is gradually "collapsing".

It's the perfect "test environment"!

He can use the computing power of the entire virtual world,

as well as the special nature of the world of dungeons,

Analyze and simulate everything that comes into this world!

It's a pity that "Ayn Grant" is gradually collapsing.

If Lane wants to have his own "virtual world".

You have to keep collecting the fragments of the world,

Use the knowledge gained to remake one out.

This kind of thing sounds simple,

But only those who know this knowledge know,

There are countless technical problems encountered in the process.

However, after recognizing the advantages of "quasi-world".

Li En was determined to complete the "cold start" task.

"You wait here for a while, and I'll go back. "

After entering the depths of the sewer,

Rien glanced at the dungeon map.

A fragment of the world was found nearby.

I said hello and left the group.

Because the fragments of the world can only be seen by him.

Even Nameless couldn't recycle it for him.

So you have to do it yourself.

"Hmm...... Is it also inserted in the monster's skull this time? "

Actually, when seeing the fragments appear moving on the map.

Lane had already expected it.

The monster that is "possessed" by the fragments is a humanoid unit called the "Sand Knight".

This kind of enemy with 4 arms and 4 long knives,

Widely seen in various areas of Act II.

Once you get close to the enemy, it's like a meat grinder,

Constantly attacking with 4 sharp long knives -

That is until they meet the "Sword Dancer".

"Even if it's just the skin, Jiguo Yuanyi's swordsmanship is not something that these monsters can touch. "

Lane shrugged his shoulders and saw a "Sand Knight" stumbling towards him.

He didn't dodge, he snapped his fingers directly,

A clear hexagonal prism appeared next to him.

The next moment, a light even more blazing than the "chain lightning" shot out from it!

Multiply...... Boom!

Accompanied by the muffled explosion of the "Magnetic Storm Crown".

This hapless Sand Knight was directly blasted into a cloud of blood mist by the high-energy laser!

"Except for the way the attack is too conspicuous, it is much better than the floating cannon in other aspects. "

Lai En is quite satisfied with the effect of the "high-energy laser prism".

It's just that if you want to be outside of the dungeon world,

Reverse launch drawings of this device.

He also needs some pre-knowledge skills.

For example, "laser spectroscopy", "quantum optics", and so on.

Knowledge and skills related to "lasers".

At least it's also a C-level start.

It's not easy to collect......

But in this dungeon world,

Li En can find a way to "trade" the way,

From elite reincarnation players from other countries,

Or the organizations and forces behind them

Get these valuable knowledge and skills.

"There it is!"

After taking out the last Sand Knight.

At a glance, Rien saw the fragments of the world mixed in with the gold coins.

Every world fragment, for Rian.

It's all a virtual class of knowledge and skills given for nothing!

So he's interested in collecting debris.

I've always enjoyed it.

"I don't know what knowledge I can gain this time. "

In anticipation, Lane reached out to retrieve the fragment.

The corresponding prompt information suddenly appeared in front of me. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[You have recovered 1 World Shard!]

[You have acquired C-level knowledge and skill: Self-Evolution Logic (Lv1)]


[Self-Evolution Logic (Lv 1)]

Level +: C[]

+Setting: Lv10 for managed artificial intelligence

+Fruit: You have the knowledge to enable AI to autonomously, update, and optimize its own algorithm structure and existence, access to resources, and more

+Positive: Increases evolution speed by 10% per level

+ Note: "Introspection, then proliferation"


See the pre-requisites for "self-evolving logic".

Rien's eyes lit up.

"Actually requires a pre-knowledge level of Lv10 ......"

"I didn't expect to unlock a specialized knowledge skill!"

In general, the pre-requisites for knowledge and skills,

It doesn't require a high level of prior knowledge.

There are only some knowledge that has a high depth of research in a specific field,

Only then can you fully understand the prior knowledge before you can learn.

This kind of knowledge is often an in-depth study and specialization enhancement of pre-skills!

After browsing the effects of "Self-Evolving Logic",

Lai En was even more pleasantly surprised!

Directly took this knowledge point to level 10.

A large amount of obscure knowledge poured into the mind,

But in his current state,

It is already possible to accept this information without any pressure.

With [self-evolution logic], even the simplest AI. "

"It can also turn into a seed and gradually grow into a towering giant tree!"

"If combined with the principle of cluster control......

Thinking all the way, Rien returned to the group.

"Let's go, I've been delayed for a while. "

Put some thoughts in your head aside for a moment.

After all, sewers are not a place for scientific research.

The most important thing in front of you,

It is to find the dark gold boss "Rodament".

Under the guidance of the dungeon map,

About two hours passed.

The group is finally in the deepest part of the sewers,

An incredible number of undead monsters have been discovered!

Surrounded by countless skeleton mages and burning death archers,

Like a freshly unearthed mummy, (good enough)

Rings of dirty bandages were wrapped around his body.

According to legend, there is a Heradic tomb underneath Rugoin.

And Rodament is an ancient mage resurrected from the ancient tomb......

Or rather, the ancient necromancer!

"Wait...... Don't move yet!"

"Is there someone in that cage?"

Asuna reminded in a low voice.

Lane raised his eyebrows,

The markers on the dungeon map are densely packed.

It is impossible to distinguish the types of these units at all.

can only be directly observed with the naked eye,

Sure enough, in a rusty cage behind the dark gold boss.

A glamorous elf with long pointed ears,

He was sitting helplessly on the ground, his eyes were empty.

"Hmm?!Why is she ......?!"

Lane was stunned.

Because of the appearance of the elf in front of him......

It was the elven reincarnation player who had a conflict with him,

At the same time, she is also the "Yudola" of the elven duke's daughter!

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