damp and shady sewers.

After passing around a certain corner.

The air was churning with scorching waves.

A skeleton with a crimson color,

is constantly pulling the bowstring,

Unleash fiery arrows!

Originally, in the first act, only the stunts mastered by "Blood Crow",

In the second act, it's called "The Burning Death Archer"

The regular means of attack of ordinary monsters!

If you don't have a certain amount of fire resistance,

In the face of hordes of burning death archers,

is likely to take a high amount of fire damage directly,

Hit the spot, even in danger of death!

However, the targets set on fire by these flaming red skeletons,

But he looks fearless,

The outer layer of the thick steel body,

There is also a hazy energy shield,

Even though the arrows rain down,

But it still can't hurt it in the slightest!

The "reloaded structure" took the step of not recognizing the six relatives,

Approaching directly to the side of the 16 skeletons,

The hammers come together to create a powerful suction!

- Force Field: Gravitational Cage!

For example, the Clay Stone Demon can slow down the enemy's speed,

"Reloading constructs" can't do that,

But it can be equipped with a force field-type device to produce miraculous results!

Under the pull of the sudden force field,

More than a dozen "burning death archers" were in chaos in an instant,

They were sucked to the side of the reloaded structure!

A beautiful girl with swaying black hair,

Figures suddenly appeared near these gathered enemies,

The pretty face raised her arm coldly-

In an instant, a blue ring of ice bloomed!

Frost Nova!

Mages have always been good at group attacks,

Especially after the high rank,

The [Witch] who is proficient in 3 types of spells has a wider range of killing methods!

Frost is followed by lightning.

A blazing thick arc of lightning burst out from the fingertips of the dragon crescent,

Jumps from the first target to nearby enemies.

The energy transmission was completed in an instant!

In the air after casting

It left behind a stench of burning and ozone.

- Chain Lightning!

The lightning skill of the [Witch] class.

It's the same as the "teleportation" she used when she entered the arena just now,

All new skills unlocked after level 18!

In the next few seconds, the dragon crescent moon was like a turret,

Spells of different elements are performed one after another.

Walls of Fire, Fireballs, Icicles, Lightning Novas......

When she finally stopped,

When taking out a bottle of mana potion to replenish the mental power consumed.

The original enemy has been reduced to ashes.

Plus scattered drops.

"That's great, the skills of the witch class are gorgeous. "

Asuna with the [Flame Resistance Aura] walked over,

said with an envious face.

"Why are paladins' skills so ordinary? "

"If you want to change classes, you can go to the NPCs I talked about earlier. "

Lane came along and said casually.

With his current authority,

It has been possible to interfere with other players somewhat.

The premise is that the player "voluntarily" opens the permissions.

Using the various functions provided by NPCs,

It's easy to do that.

After all, no one is wary of NPCs in virtual games.

"Hmm...... No, it's still the Paladin who is better suited to me. "

Asuna shook her head,

The chestnut hair swayed as well.

"With so many skills, I'm sure I'm going to have a scramble. "

At this moment, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

There were a few dull noises in the aisle next door.

It's like the sound of a human body falling to the ground.

A few seconds later, in everyone's sight,

Nameless stepped out of the shadows.

"A lone [Sand Warrior] has been solved. "[]

"yes, hard work......"

Rien glanced in the direction of the battlefield.

"Rest for 5 minutes before continuing exploring. "

The sewer area is surprisingly wide.

After all, it is the underground sewage system of the entire "Lugoin".

In terms of scale, it is no smaller than the security zone on the 21st floor.

And the sewer is not just one, but two.

It's just that the two floors have been merged into one floor.

Even if there is a guide from the "Dawn Navigation System".

It also takes more than half a day.

in order to find the target of this mission - the dark gold boss Rodament.

While others adjust their status,

Lane took the opportunity to test a feature he had conceived earlier.

He now has some permissions,

It is easier to "modify" yourself.

Originally, he could only turn on and off some of the existing function switches.

And now, Lane is able to control the "flow" of certain data autonomously!

"Dismantle the information that has been intercepted by the careless eye. "

"Useless spam information is directly shredded into raw data and overwritten. "

"Useful information is sorted into text and stored on the server......

"This can also be called at any time, and it saves the head from being stuffed ......"

Lane's abacus was simple.

He intends to have the server of "Ayn Grant" replace him,

Deal with the sheer flow of information!

In one 143 times of groping,

Rien opened his eyes suddenly.

He turned to Asuna,

The latter winked at Rien suspiciously.

"Captain, is there something wrong?"

"No...... No, very good. "

Hearing Lane's meaningless answer,

Asuna was even more confused.

But Lee's heart,

At this time, there is already a crazy shout!

In his mind,

It's a time of unprecedented tranquility.

It was a peace he hadn't experienced in a long time.

In the exchange with Asuna just now.

He didn't get the slightest bit of mental information!

"It worked!"

"At least in this copy......"

"I don't need to be tormented by the negative effects of the careless eyes anymore!"

Rien suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Even so, he clenched his hands into fists.

I still couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

casually looked towards the dragon crescent.

In this virtual world, everything is composed of "data" and "algorithms......

Since the negative effects of one's own talent can be resolved.

Other players with "high-risk talents",

Is there a solution too?

Like what...... Dragon Crescent's "All Things Die" ?!。

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