Because "invasion" is an affix added by the reincarnation space to the entire dungeon world.

So even Lane couldn't get more information.

"Isn't the invasion event different for each scenario?"

Rien thought with some confusion.

"Be careful, we don't know anything about this new type of invasion at the moment. "

"Don't be too lax. "

Because I just challenged an enemy of the level of "Andariel".

So the atmosphere of the team was very loose.

As the captain, it is necessary for Rien to be reminded.

"Hmm. "

Asuna's expression was straight, and she became serious.

As for Long Crescent, she had a cold expression from beginning to end.

Nameless still followed behind Lane without saying a word,

Waiting for his orders.

"Watch your surroundings...... Departure "183"!"

Rien led the way through the entrance.

Walk slowly down the damp, moss-covered staircase.

As we continue to deepen,

The surrounding light also gradually dimmed.

The smell of decay comes to your face,

People can't help but wrinkle their noses,

Rien looked back at the girls,

Judging from the face of the face,

The current situation is still tolerable.


The space to get into the water is very spacious.

The light was also not as dim as expected.

The surrounding walls show obvious signs of artificial excavation.

Torches powered by some kind of fuel hung from them,

It emits a cool light of light blue, enough to make people see underground.

To be on the safe side, Asuna activated the [Resistance] aura that increases physical defense.

Long Crescent also took out the "leaf" staff,

Always be prepared to paste monsters with a big fireball on their faces.

Nameless leaps into the shadows,

Can appear behind the enemy at any time.

And then......

"What are you looking at me for?"

Lane spread his hands,

Said helplessly.

"Don't you just want to see the skills of your new class...... Let's get it straight. "

He took out a few pieces of deliberately prepared whiteboard equipment,

Throw it into the clearing.

I saw that these equipment were immediately disassembled and reorganized.

In the end, a puppet with a height of one person was formed!

This is the skill tree corresponding to the "Necromancer" summoning system - the mechanical creation!

Corresponding to "Summoning Skeletons",

The skill of "Mech Technician" level 1 is "Mecha Soldier Spawning"!

It's just that it's not the same as the skeleton that has been fixed.

The Mechist's Mechanical Warrior can choose their own blueprints.

What Li En chose was naturally the "Sword Dancer" that he was already familiar with and couldn't be more familiar!

The cost is low, the combat power is strong, it can be described as good quality and low price!

As the price of "spawning" mechanical warriors out of thin air,

Ryne had to pay an item of equal value to the sword dancers.

It can be gold or equipment of the same level.

Because he slain Andariel before,

Rien gained a lot of skill points.

So he directly clicked the "mechanical soldier generation" to level 20!

Up to 8 Sword Dancers can be summoned!

It's already quite terrifying.

These "sword dancers" who are proficient in hand-to-hand combat

It's not something that a skeleton warrior can touch.

Next up is the "Heavy Load" that corresponds to the "Clay Stone Demon"!

This time, Li En didn't have a corresponding drawing,

He directly chose to have the "virtual game" automatically generate the corresponding units.

As a result, a large amount of data flow suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

In an instant, these data streams transformed into a huge figure of iron gray. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When you see the shape of the Reloaded Construct,

Players, including Dawn, couldn't help but be stunned.

"This ...... Isn't that the monster called the Colossal Beast in Act 1?"

Asuna said with some uncertainty.

She turned to look at Rien, who nodded. []

"I didn't expect to use such a tricky method......"

Lane was also quite surprised by the immediate result.

But it makes sense.

In real-world video games anyway.

Model reuse is also nothing new.

"It's similar to bionic weapons, it's very logical. "

Rien looked at the skills of the other systems again.

"White Bone" corresponds to the "Destruction Device" skill.

For example, the necromancer's iconic white bone spell "Bone Spear",

In the skill system of "mechanical technician",

Transformed into a "high-energy laser prism",

A disposable prism device can be deployed directly,

Fires lasers with powerful destructive effects!

The "curse" system corresponds to the "invasion.......

For example, the Level 1 "Structure Brittleness" skill,

Corresponds to the "Damage Amplification" curse.

Although the result is to increase the damage taken by the target unit.

But the logic of execution and the principle of the process are completely different.

One is the curse of the mysterious side,

The other is the invasion effect on the technology side.

Even Rien was amazed by the 3 new skill systems.

There are a lot of skills that inspire him a lot.

Even after learning the relevant knowledge and skills,

The corresponding drawings can be developed directly!

"If nothing else, just these transformed professions have already made a lot of money!"

Lai was pleasantly surprised.

And that's just 1 skill tree for the "Tech Hero Class"!

All 7 classes are his treasure trove of materials!

Looking at the puppets whose bodies reflect the cold light of metal,

and a "reloaded structure" that resembles an iron lump.

Asuna and Dragon Crescent fell silent.

"I always feel ...... Lien: Your painting style is suddenly a little different from this world. "

Asuna God 5.7 subtly summed up his mood.

"Who knows, maybe this game is in this style. "

Lai En laughed,

Blamed the art style problem on the game planner who didn't exist.

"In short, it's about the same as the original skill. "

"It's just a different name and modeling...... The tactics are still the same. "

Rien drove the Sword Dancer deeper into the depths.

"Strive to complete this hidden mission within today!"

At the same time, the other side.

Act I, within the safe zone.

"Your Highness, please think again!"

Ansenas said to Eudora with a serious expression.

"Your bloodline power is sealed, and there is only one chance before the suppression is lifted. "

"Are you sure you want to do this?".

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