When Ryne joins up with his teammates.

Asuna is talking to a female NPC.

Say it's "talking",

In fact, it's just a matter of constantly triggering the lines that the NPC has already set.

After seeing Lane's figure,

Asuna ran over laughing,

Invite merit to share a task for Lai En.


【Hidden Mission: Ro-Damente's Lair】

+ Narrator: In the sewers of "Lugoin", there is a monster that has killed many innocent townspeople, including Atma's husband and son, and if you can kill this monster, you will be rewarded with her

+ Mark: Find and kill the Dark Gold Boss "Rodamant" on the 22nd floor of "Sewers"

+ Reward: 20,000 gold coins, skill points x2, attribute points x2, product discount x10%

+ Note: This quest can be claimed by up to 4 players at a time


"Isn't that the first mission of Act II...... Although it has no effect on customs clearance, it is just. "

Li En thought silently in his heart,

He had a premonition on the way here.

After all, there are only so many missions in "Dark".

Still, he smiled and patted Asuna on the shoulder.

"Good job, the rewards for this hidden quest are quite generous. "

For him, though, the reward is better than nothing.

But mosquito legs are also meat,

After 10 times the income, it is 200,000 gold coins,

and 20 stat and skill points.

"Hey, hey, when we're looking for a place to stay. "

"I happened to run into the barmaid asking for help. "

Asuna recounted the process of triggering the task,

She glanced out of her gaze at the palm of Lien's hand that had landed on her shoulder.

Rather dissatisfied, he muttered in his heart.

When Li En was praising the nameless,

It's all just hands-on and touching.

Why is it that when you get here, you just pat yourself on the shoulder?

Hearing his heart, Li En suddenly couldn't cry or laugh.

Directly change the subject.

"Hidden missions are good, but have you seen the location of the mission?"

"This dark gold boss called [Rodament] ......"

"Hiding in the sewers of Lugoin, are you sure you can stand this environment?"

There was nothing wrong with Lane himself.

But he doubted the girls' ability to endure it.

"I don't care, I've been exposed to any dirty environment before. "

Long Xinyue said lightly.

As a reincarnation player,

She hadn't seen any big winds and waves.

The ability to endure is far greater than that of a girl who grew up in a greenhouse.

"I—I'm okay. "

Asuna saw that Long Crescent Moon said so resolutely,

Said with some hesitation.

"It's just a virtual game, after all......"

"Environments are just data, right?"

Lane shrugged.

"Who has always wanted to bathe in the virtual world before?"

Hearing this, Asuna immediately blushed and defended.

"It's different!"

"Girls, girls, you don't understand!"

"Yes, yes, I don't understand. "

Lane smiled and shifted the subject.

"Since you have a task, it's better to finish it and then rest. "

"After all...... You don't want to go to the drain after taking a shower, do you?"

The girls in the team looked at each other,

They all nodded in agreement with Riene's proposal.

Just as everyone was ready to go.

Asuna exclaimed suddenly.

"Dawn...... How has your profession changed?"

In the team, Lane showed his profession.

From the previous "Necromancer",

Became a "mechanical technician"!(Read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh, this......"

Lane scratched his head,

He had tested the permission to change classes before.

I forgot to change it back, and I was caught.

However, in Lane's original plan. []

He didn't intend to hide his intentions for these professions.

Lane pondered for a moment, then organized the language.

Then he said.

"I've found a lot of features in the city of Rogue that don't have in Camp Roger. "

"For example, there are NPCs that can change classes twice, and there are NPCs that form guilds, etc. "

"After this mission, I can take you to see it. "

Hearing this, Asuna and the others did not doubt it.

After all...... The only one who is familiar with the information of the original "Dark" is Rien.

So he can change as much as he wants.

In other words, the right of interpretation of the entire "Ayn Grant",

It's all in his hands!

Even if there are some strange NPCs in Lu Gaoyin.

Other players won't have any doubts either.

At most, I think it's a character that exists in the game.

This gives Lane a lot of room to play.

He is free to add the features he wants.

Of course, under the premise of permission.

There are two entrances to the sewers.

One is located on the outskirts of Lugoin,

Near the outlet of the Twin Seas.

Because it is a channel for discharging sewage,

So the stench is stinking and the sewage is flowing sideways.

Naturally, Rien would not choose to enter from here.

No matter how Long Crescent Moon and Asuna said they didn't mind the environment of the sewers.

There is no need to explore from this place of tormenting one's senses.

"Here we are, and this should be the depths of the sewers. "

Following the map, Rien found the entrance to the sewers located inside the city of Lugoin.

It looks like a manhole cover in modern society.

It's just covered with heavy wooden planks.

Rien stepped up and lifted the plank gently.

[Strength Judgment in progress...... Judgment passed!]

[You have found the entrance to the "Lugoin Sewers"!]

This is because "sewers" are floors that resemble bones or evil caverns.

So there are similar quest modifiers.

Merely...... This time the affixes.

It seems a little different from before.


【This floor has the following effects:】

[1. Increase the number of normal monsters by 100%]

[2. Increase the number of elite monsters by 50%]

[3.Increase the number of rare monsters by 25%]

[4. This floor must contain the dark gold boss - Rodamant!]

[5.There will be an "Abyss" invasion on this level!]


"The abyss?"

Seeing the last one, everyone was stunned.

"This invasion...... It's not a sin soul!".

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