"I've tried the remaining six professions as well. "

Ryne took out the transfer cards for several other classes from his inventory.

There is a precedent for the transformation of "barbarians" into "armed maniacs".

The next transformation was a logical and successful one.

The reason for the [homomorphic reconstruction] of the "transfer card" in the game

It's not that Lane wants to change careers.

Rather, his third class, the Apostle of War, has a need for this.


Legion-based Transformation (Lv10)

Level +: B

+ Fruit: Consume a class item no higher than the skill level to convert it into your war class

+Positive: You can convert any number of classes, but you can only have up to a maximum of (skill level) of the official class

+Break: +1 minimum level for official class units

+ Note: Soldiers are the cornerstone of warfare


Although the "Apostle of War" class has not yet been unlocked.

But Lane had already maxed out his initial class skills before!

Apostle of War - the core of this professional power.

It comes from the "legion" you have!

Ryne can have up to 10 official war classes.

Before 097, he was still hesitating about the choice of these 10 classes.

But since the "Dark" hero class can be converted into a tech class......

Then there is nothing to say, directly all of them will become the reserves of the arms of the war!

"The technology side class corresponding to the necromancer is called [Mechanic Technician]...... Interesting. "

Li En glanced at the transformation result rather curiously.

discover the transformed vocational skills system,

Most of them are related to the knowledge system on the scientific and technological side.

For example, mechanical, energy, field, photothermal, etc.

It's like a very typical mystical side class [Witch]

That is, Long Crescent's current occupation.

The transformed tech side class is named [Source Energy Attendant]

The original Fire, Frost, and Lightning skill trees.

Transformed into a thermal, electromagnetic, and light energy system.

The class's ultimate skill can even be a ball of lightning in your hand!

This made Lane a little excited.

Suppose you have 10,000 [Source Energy Attendants] under your command

It doesn't matter what kind of demon king or demon god it is,

Directly a lump of thunderclouds and storms to paste the face!

"I just don't know how much it costs. "

He shook his head and erased the imaginary scene from his mind.

Rien casually tosses the converted class card into the inventory.

Although the dream is very good, the road still has to be taken step by step.

Same as Act I.

Act II also has 6 missions.

Two of them are tasks that must be completed,

After this is done, you can only fight the final boss.

Thus proceeding to the third act.

"Even if I had opened all the teleportation stations, the last few scenes would not have been reached. "

"You still have to go through the process first. "

Rien thinks back to the flow of the second act.

Compared with the first act, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The flow of the second act is more complex.

You need to find the most famous "artifact" in "Dark" first.

Heradic Cubes.

Then (BGFF) look for the "King's Staff" and the "Pit Viper Necklace".

Combining Heradic blocks to form the "Heradic Staff"[]

Eventually, use this staff to open the portal to the "Mystery Sanctuary".

Finally, pass through the "Mystery Sanctuary" to reach the "Talasya" tomb, one of the Seven Heroes.

After finding the real tomb among several real and fake tombs.

Arrive at the room of the Demon Lord of Pain, Duriel.

Fight the boss of the scene.

"It's a bit of a hassle......"

Even Dawn, thinking of such a tedious process,

I couldn't help frowning a little.

"It seems that we have to use a teleportation station that is unlocked in advance, otherwise it will be a waste of time. "

"I won't take Asuna with me for this...... I guess they're not interested. "

The work of collecting quest props,

It's left to Yui's "stand-in" to deal with.

Anyway, the "stand-in" has the same permissions as Lane.

You can travel between all teleporters at will.

He intends to do so during these seven days,

Quietly clear the second act directly!

Until the other players arrive,

Take back the second part of the permission!

"Hmm...... There are a few inconsequential tasks left. "

"Plus collect world fragments scattered across the floors. "

Dawn opens the dungeon map,

The brow couldn't help but lift slightly.

The entire 21st floor is the territory of "Rugoin".

In other words, the entire floor is a safe zone!

"Without the World Fragment, it looks like we'll have to keep exploring the level. "

Ryne actually wanted to give Yui the task of collecting the shards as well.

But considering that she is already in charge of collecting the items needed for the mission,

By the way, I have to help him fight monsters and level up his experience......

He did it himself.

Although Yui's performance is very strong,

But he has only one "stand-in".

Once you've arranged your next action plan.

Li En just wanted to send a message to the girls,

Ask them how they're doing.

I saw Asuna send him a private message.

There was a look of excitement between the lines.

The content of the message also made Li En slightly stunned.

"Captain, I seem to have triggered a hidden mission!"


(Taobo shouldn't be a round of 16 tour...... )。

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