Although Yui looks on the surface,

Now I'm shopping with Asuna and the others.

But in reality, it was just an interactive interface for Yui.

The essence of "Yui" is a highly intelligent AI system.

She is widely present throughout the virtual game.

Each player's information is linked to her.

Yui is like an invisible background program,

Monitoring the emotions of all players -

This was before.

The current "Yui" has been granted a higher level of authority by Rien.

It can be said that in addition to Lane,

The existence with the highest authority.

So, two-line operation or something,

It's a normal ability.

to the performance of "Yui".

She can do thousands and hundreds of threads at the same time!

Not to mention, there is also Lane after repairing "Yui".

A bonus to the knowledge and skills gained!


【Managed Artificial Intelligence (Lv10)】

Level +: C

+ Setting: Computer Science Lv5

+Ming: Mature AI technology can already carry out good self-control, and apply this feature to other fields

+Positive: Increases the number of threads in the AI by your (skill level x10%) (intelligence) attribute

+ Note: "Logical algorithms have been specially reorganized with considerable academic enthusiasm"


"Go ahead. "

Lane thought for a moment and added.

"Don't be discovered by Asuna. "

After all, there are two "Lanes" at the same time.

It's still a little too bizarre.

"Got it, Dad.!"

Another "Lane" came out of his mouth with a cheerful girlish voice.

Let a bunch of black lines appear on the head of the genuine Lien......

It feels really strange.

After settling the matter on your side.

Riene began to wander around the city of Lugoin.

Although the atmosphere around is very nice,

But his purpose was not to go shopping.

Rather, it is to investigate the places that need to be "magically changed".

After having the highest privilege of 35%.

He gains the ability to add/modify game features.

To put it simply, it is an "online update" that can be carried out without downtime.

"The original work of Dark is also a game though. "

"But it's obviously not suitable for this kind of massively multiplayer online game......"

"Hmm...... Some of the lessons learned from past lives may be useful. "

There are 7 days left until the next group of players arrives.

Lane had up to a week to think about it.

The purpose of this is also very simple -

From "Act IV" onwards,

The power of a single player has reached its limit.

If you want to beat this game.

You have to rely on a large number of players to win.

Especially the last scene boss.

The "Demon God" Bal ...... with a level of 100 or more

Even Lai En didn't have the confidence to win at the same level. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This level is converted into the strength of the reincarnation player.

An existence equivalent to the pinnacle of A!

One step away from the "legend"!

So, Lane has to train the other players.

Become his "thug". []

And one more point......

Take advantage of the peculiarities of this world.

and the permissions you have.

Lane can reap even more benefits!

"Pure attribute points and integrals don't mean much to me anymore......"

"The elite reincarnation players of various countries are more valuable. "

"If there is an exchange of interests...... For me, the benefits are even higher!"

Rien thought silently.

At the same time, the changes that will be prepared for the future,

Write them down one by one,

Wait until later for another round of screening.

"By the way, level 20 unlocks the Wizard Harbinger class. "

"The previous idea can also be verified. "

Ryne opens the career panel.

After squandering the experience he had accumulated before.

His rank sits like a rocket,

Straight up to 24.

It also unlocks the second class, "Wizard Herald".

The "Universal Energy" and "Mechanical Pioneer" traits are back.

Along with this, you will also unlock skills such as "Conjugation of Thoughts" and "Homomorphic Reconstruction".

Rien pulls out a "Barbarian" transfer card from his inventory.

Because I killed a lot of dark gold bosses along the way.

Class Cards are a fixed output that all loot chests drop.

Anyway, it can be stacked, no matter how many sheets it can hold.

So there is a lot of accumulation in the team.

[Do you want to use "Homomorphic Refactoring" for "Career Card-Berserker"?]

[The base success rate is 10%, and every time you fail, the success rate increases by 1%]

"Huh...... It doesn't need to be so much trouble. "

Li En smiled slightly,

This kind of look at probability...... (Li Zhao's)

He finally had a bit of a "permission dog" feeling.

Open the control panel directly and adjust the probability to 100%!

It's a magical operation that can only be done in the "virtual world"!

Because the "job transfer card" itself is a product of the "virtual world".

So it's hardly any difficulty to modify.

Rien directly obtained the props after the "reconstruction"!

["Homomorphic Reconstruction" Successful!You have obtained the "Career Transfer Card - Martial Arts Maniac"]

"Sure enough!"

Dawn's eyes lit up.

7 mystical side classes in "Dark".

All of them can be converted into corresponding tech side classes!

This is no ordinary profession......

Rather, it's a "hero" class with a full 3 skill trees!

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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