"What, it turned out to be a child who strayed into the game. "

After Dawn had a hard time talking.

Asuna finally accepts the identity of "Yui".

After all, it's in the safe zone.

There are all kinds of players.

"Speaking of which, I also borrowed my family's equipment to get involved in this game. "

Speaking of this, Asuna couldn't help but have a look of memory on her face.

"It's been more than a week now. "

"I don't know how my parents are doing now......"

Although Asuna wants to be out of her parents' grasp.

But after all, it's all family,

There is a family bond.

At this moment, recall,

couldn't help but hug the little girl in his arms.

Yui's soft and weak appearance,

It is easy to arouse the motherhood of a girl.

"It seems to be similar to the original, and their relationship is good. "

Li En looked at the happy "mother and daughter" duo.

Then he said.

"Pack up, it's time for us to go...... Go to new places. "

"A new place?is the same Lugoin you were talking about last time?!"

Asuna's eyes lit up,

Because Dawn said,

In Act II, "Oasis City",

There is a good chance that there will be a place where you can take a bath!

It's a temptation that all girls can't resist!

"Hmm. 16 Lane nodded and said with a smile.

"Only a few of us will be able to get there for at least seven days. "

Because the refresh time of Andariel is 7 days.

So in these 7 days,

Players who have the qualification to teleport to the 21st floor.

There were only members of Lane's team.

"Okay, I'm going to call Miss Long over...... That's right!"

Asuna took Yui's little hand,

"This kid will come with us, right?"

"After all...... She now has no guardian either. "

"It's too dangerous to leave her here alone!"

Yo, so soon to take on the role of "guardian"?

Li En raised his eyebrows, naturally he would not refuse.

"Okay, but since you say so......"

"Then I'll leave it to you to take care of Yui. "

Yui cast a puzzled look at Rien,

But the next moment, her little face was gently pinched by Asuna.

"Hey...... Wrap it up on me!"

"Yui-chan, I'll take you to meet another big sister, she's beautiful!"

Looking at the departing "mother and daughter",

Rien shrugged and walked towards the teleporter.

At the moment of approaching,

A different panel from the other players appeared in front of him.


[You have unlocked all teleportation privileges]

[The current teleportation stations are as follows]

[Act I: omitted]

[Act II: Sewers, Dry Highlands, Distant Oasis, Second Floor of the Temple of the Dead......]

[Act III: Spider Forest, Vast Wetland, Lower Layer of Kurast, ...... Trivank]

[Act IV: ......]

[Act V: ......]


With the intervention of "permissions".

Ryan unlocked all the teleporters in an instant!

That is, if he wants to.

You can now teleport directly to the last station -

Located on the 97th floor, the "World Stone Fortress 2nd Floor"!

However, even if he is now back to his peak strength.

Converted to the level in "Dark".

It's only level 40.

The upper limit is 60.

Because this is the limit of C-level reincarnation players.

C-level reincarnation players have 3 classes.

Each class provides 20 class levels.

The cumulative amount is level 60.

Li En can directly use the authority to modify his level to level 60.

But there's no point in doing that.

It's like a temporary profession like a "necromancer" or "witch".

After leaving the dungeon, it will detach from the virtual body. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And completely disappear the same.

The forcibly raised level will also disappear.

You can only gain an increased level of experience by "killing".

can be transformed into real "experience" of reincarnated players!

Because the monsters killed by the player are not just simple data![]

It's a real life from another world!

It's just that because of plane fusion,

caused these demons, undead, demon kings, and even demon gods,

Caught in a state similar to "dimensionality reduction".

In order to comply with the rules of the world of "virtual games".

It had to be what it is now.

Otherwise, "Andariel" would never have been only a measly 24.

She is a powerful existence second only to the Demon God level!

What Li En killed was only a dimensional projection of her in the "virtual world".

Didn't really kill this powerful "Pain Demon King"

Andariel's essence should be the same as that of a player caught in a game of death.

Safe and sound in the real "dark" world.

It didn't take long for Asuna to join Ryne with the Dragon Crescent.

As for Nameless, he has been by Ryne's side all the time.

"Everyone is together, let's go. "

Dawn looked around,

After confirming that no one has been left behind.

Walked into the teleporter.

The next moment, a dry, hot smell hits the face.

Compared to Camp Rog, which is located on the plains.

The desert environment of Lugoin is not inhabitable.

It's like being in an oven,

There was a constant wave of heat in the air.

What's even more surprising, though......

In this oasis city,

There are a lot of residents!

Although they're just NPCs,

But it still gives people a very prosperous and lively feeling.

"There are so many people ......"

Asuna said with emotion.

"It reminds me of the streets in the real world. "

"I don't know when I'll be able to go back......

Rien opened the map and glanced at it,

"I'm going to go around next. "

"What about you?"

Asuna and Dragon Crescent glanced at each other.

replied without hesitation.

"Of course, I'm looking for a place where I can take a shower!"

"Okay, then let's use the private chat in the game. "

Rien nodded, 373, "Nameless, you should come with Asuna and the others." "

There is no name to follow, if there is any accident.

Lane was also the first to receive the information.

After parting, he quickly found a no-man's corner.

"Next, let's see if it works. "

I saw that the top of Ryne's head suddenly condensed the "Crown of Evil".

At the same time, it quickly formed in front of him

A "clone" exactly like him!

- Void Armament: Royal Double!

"Identity authentication, giving secondary permissions...... It's done!"

Rien looked at the doppelganger in front of him and nodded in satisfaction.

The original "royal double" was just a "projection" that resembled a physical entity.

Without the injection of his will, it would be an empty shell.

But now, Lane has used his authority to make a makeover.

At this time, the "royal stand-in" is the identity in the virtual world.

Equivalent to Lane as a "player"!

In other words...... If the "stand-in" kills the monster somewhere else.

Then Rien can also gain experience!

And you can replace it with your own will at any time!

However, because it is only a "stand-in".

So it still doesn't have any sense of self.

You need to have an "operator".

Originally, only Lane himself could control the "stand-in".

But now...... He has a new option.

"Yui, go help Daddy level up!".

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