It didn't take long for a familiar voice to reach Lane's ears.

"I'm connected...... Predecessors, the various subsystems of this AI are already in an abnormal state. "

"I'm not sure if it will work after the fix. "

"Or else...... We're going to use its core algorithm to remake a new AI?"

Hearing Rinko Kamiyo's suggestion,

Rien glanced at Yui, who was silently staring at him.

The girl's gaze was still cold and emotionless.

I can't see any thoughts in it.

Even Lane wasn't sure,

Whether she has really awakened to "self-awareness".

"There's no need, try to fix it first. "

Rien patted Yui's head lightly,

Then close your eyes.

With a new "vision" to observe the virtual world of "420"!


【Information Coding Theory (Lv10)】

Level +: B

+ Setting: Computer Science Lv5

+ Description: This knowledge provides a way to find the fundamental limits of signal processing operations, as well as various applications of encoded signals, such as data compression, cryptography, decoding, etc., and you can now process all kinds of information and encoded data more efficiently

+ Positive: Each point (intelligence) attribute increases the information processing speed by 1%, and each level of skill increases the self's computing power by 10%.

+ Note: "All intangible information can be described in a tangible way"


This is Lane after defeating "The Blacksmith",

A B-level virtual class skill obtained from him.

It's a high-level basic knowledge.

It has a wide range of applications,

It can greatly improve Lien's own computing power!

It also gives him a way to deal with unknown codes—

In plain language,

It is equivalent to giving Li En a master key to the "virtual world".

Although now he has not many keys.

But with the continuous accumulation,

One day, the entire virtual world will have no secrets in front of him!

At this moment, he directly deciphered Yui's application layer interface.

Go straight to her core logical algorithm system.

to use his computing power with the help of Rinko,

Work together to repair broken emotion and personality simulation features.

"A lot of negative emotions, which is also normal. "

"The information entropy of human emotions is already very large, and it is still the thinking ...... of more than 10,000 people."

Rien complained as he carried out the restoration.

"Even I can't afford such a huge amount of data, let alone an emotion monitoring AI. "

With the talent of "unrestrained eyes", Li En still has a say in this matter.

"Restoration is underway...... Thankfully, at least this part of the tool still works. "

Rinko's voice sounded relieved.

"If you don't see it with your own eyes. "

"It's hard for me to imagine that the world could be out of the control of my predecessors. "

In this regard, Li En shrugged helplessly.

"Ayn Grant," which merges two worlds,

It's no longer something that can be controlled by a single virtual game.

Before returning to "Ayn Grant",

He checked the status of the monitoring terminal.

Discovery, even if you intervene from the outside,

He also has very few permission features.

It's only about 20%.

The remaining permissions are locked by unknown "bad data".

In other words, if you can't resolve these erroneous data.

Lane still can't completely control this virtual world!

"These erroneous data should be the demon gods and demon kings that have been fused in. "

Li En thought thoughtfully.

The stronger the individual, the more information they have.

The more "computing power" it occupies in the virtual world. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This results in the locking of permissions.

It's like a boulder blocking a river.

Only by crushing it can the river return to normal flow.

...... who qualify as a "boulder"

There are only 5 final bosses in the scene![]


There are 4 final bosses left waiting for him.

But...... This process shouldn't take too long.

Because even if you only have 20% permissions.

What Lane can do now,

It has also exceeded the imagination of ordinary players!

"In order not to be too shocking, let's turn off the announcement of the whole server first......"

Just as Li En was thinking about how to use the authority in his hand.......

Yui's eyes suddenly widened in front of her,

A green stream of data flowed through his eyes.


Lane also received a corresponding mission hint!


[Yui's repair progress has reached 100%!]

[You have completed the "Hot Start" quest and received the following rewards:

[You have recovered 1 World Fragment]

[You have acquired C-level knowledge and skills: Managerial Artificial Intelligence (Lv1)]

[You have obtained the special follower "Yui"]

[With the help of Yui's special identity, you have recovered some of your permissions]

[Current Permission Completeness: 35%]


A barrage of information passed before Ryne's eyes.

Before he could take a closer look,

I heard a girl's cheer full of information.


Yui happily threw herself into Ryen's arms,

Said coquettishly.

"I knew my dad was the best for me!"

Although she previously turned off the emotion and personality simulation function.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have memories of the past.

All the efforts that Li En has made to her are in his eyes.

"Hmm...... It's good that you're recovered. "2.9

Rien laughed and pressed Yui's shoulder,

This kind of scene of being a father...... It's not like he's not without it.

Counting the growing number of "Children of the Void".

He's a top dad now.

However, the existence of Yui is still quite special.

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps outside Riene's tent.

"Riene, I hear you and other people here......"

Asuna lifted the curtain,

Then he looked at the girl in white in Li En's arms in astonishment.

The sound stopped abruptly.

Yui blinked,

Eyes scanned back and forth over Rien and Asuna's faces.

Finally, she stretched out her arms toward Asuna.

shouted in a naïve tone.


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