Four levels of catacombs.

Between the thrones of Andariel.

Dawn's figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield in disarray.

Startled a few teammates who were waiting.

"Lane, you're finally back. "

After perceiving the familiar aura,

Nameless was the first to pounce,

The petite body burrowed into Rien's arms.

The latter gently caught the girl and soothed.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. "

"But I'm sorry to worry you-. "

Dragon Crescent and Asuna walked over,

The brunette girl hands Ryan a loot box.

This loot box is noticeably different from the previous ones.

It's a little more gorgeous.

"It's your share. "

Not long after the battle ended.

Lane disappeared directly into the battlefield.

I didn't even have time to pick up Andariel's drops.

"It's fine if you're okay. "

Asuna grabbed Rien's arm,

Looking up and down,

After confirming that there are no missing parts,

Asked curiously.

"Where did you just go?"

"Disappeared and reappeared. "

"Did you teleport to some hidden level?"

It is estimated that there are only aborigines like Asuna,

can ask this question without any scruples.

Although Long Xinyue also had doubts in his heart.

But out of the unspoken rules of reincarnation between players.

I didn't ask any questions just now.

"Hidden levels? You're getting more and more of a game lover. "

Rien smiled.

However, there was no direct answer.

"Pretty much, I'm probably the only one who can get to that place at the moment. "

"But in the later stages, everybody can go there. "

It fits the definition of "hidden level" perfectly.

It's just that Lane is talking about the "real world".

Even if Long Crescent and Asuna are teammates who have accompanied him in the battle until now.

Lane didn't tell the truth either.

Because...... He was able to return to the "real world" of the impact of the matter.

It's amazing!

Reincarnation players who can come to this dungeon world,

It's not a simple role.

Long Crescent only needs to think about it for a moment.

can know that her current body is absolutely in an unguarded state.

It was deduced that Dawn only needed to find her true body.

You can directly control her life and death!

Although Lane had no reason to do so......

But it is an important matter related to the safety of one's own life.

Lane didn't think she would care as much as she had before.

Once leaked out, he will definitely become the target of all reincarnation players!

After all, even if Lane puts himself in his shoes.

He would not allow his life to be in the hands of outsiders.

Hear that someone can leave the virtual world and return to reality.

The first thought is definitely to kill this person directly, so as to prevent future troubles!

Everything else is easy to say.

It doesn't hurt to be cautious about this kind of thing.

Riene opens the game menu,

Discover a bunch of "congratulations" in your friends list.

Saul, Xuanyuan Ji, Deng Fa and others who have been added before

They sent congratulatory messages to Li En for successfully winning the first kill of "Andariel".

By the way, if there is equipment that is not useful, you can trade it to them.

"Let's go back to camp first. "

Li En remembered that in the original work of "Dark", (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

After killing Andariel, you need to talk to an NPC,

to get to the second act scene "Rugoin".

Before leaving, though.

There is still a lot to deal with.

One of the most critical ...... []

Naturally, let's sort out the harvest of killing "Andariel"!

Rien flipped through the previous prompt.

In front of a long list of server-wide announcements.

Finally turned to the relevant bonus hint.


["Andariel" is dead!Your team has successfully killed the scene boss "Andariel"!]

[You have achieved the achievement "First Kill!Andariel"!]

[You have achieved the achievement "Deathwalker"!]

[You have gained 500,000 experience (10x gain)

[You have gained 50 skill points and attribute points (10 times the gain)]

[Your bloodline power is gradually awakening......]

【Your Bloodline Ability has been added to the list of unlockable skills】

[When the level reaches level 15, 25, and 35, the E, D, and C bloodline bonuses are unlocked respectively]

[You get 2 chances to unlock skills or items of your choice]


A long list of reminders,

Li En was a little dazzled when he saw it.

He swept it all over at a rapid pace,

One of the most important rewards,

It is none other than that his bloodline power has been unrestricted!

Although at his current level,

Only E-rank bloodline bonuses can be obtained.

But the bonus of the "Void Emperor" is extremely terrifying!

Even if you only unlock 1 bonus,

It's terrifying for Lane's ascension!


"500,000 experience, enough for me to rise to ...... Around 24. "

Rien glanced at the experience bar.

He had also accumulated a lot of experience before.

The experience required to level up in the mid-to-late stages of the "Dark" class is terrifying.

From level 19 onwards, it already requires 6 figures of experience to level up.

Even with a 10x experience bonus.

Lane can't just play and reach the full level.

Fortunately, the monsters in the second act will also give more experience.

"Let's open the loot box later. "

"...... Now"

Rien beckoned to Yui behind her.

The girl in white who has always been like a ghost and has no sense of existence,

Obediently floated in front of him.

"Dad, please give orders. "

It's still an emotionless pleasant voice,

But this situation ...... That will change soon.

Because Li En plans to be able to completely repair Yui this time!

After all, he now has "foreign aid".

"Yui, open port 65535, and there will be external access later. "

Lane tapped a little on the girl's head,

A control panel opened.

"Rinko, I'm ready here. "

"Let's get started. "。

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