A young woman who appears in front of Rien.

Wearing a white coat peculiar to a technician,

He has a little freckles on his face and short black hair.

It looks very capable.

She looked like she had just come back from shopping,

She looked at the young man standing in front of her with a shocked expression.

"Lai ......"

"You came out of that game?!"

Dawn pondered for a moment,

Words are rapidly organized in the mind.

Then he nodded solemnly.

"yes, I've worked hard for you all this time, Rinko. "

Rinko Kamiyo.

This was the name of the woman in front of Lane's eyes.

Although there are almost no scenes in the original work.

But for the "Akihiko Kayaba" played by Lane.

But it's a very important role.

In terms of identity,

Rinko is not only the younger sister and admirer of "Akihiko Kayaba".

Or was he in the "Ayn Grant" period,

A caretaker who helps take care of his real body.

If it weren't for Rinko's careful care.

I'm afraid that the fate of "Akihiko Kayaba" will either fall into the hands of the police,

Either you can't wait until the game is cleared. 030

He died of physical weakness in the real world.

At the same time, Rinko is also a very talented computer scientist.

What I do best is research in the field of AI.

Seeing that Lai En was safe and sound,

Rinko first showed irrepressible joy.

Then he straightened his face and reprimanded sternly.

"Lane, you know because of the death game you created. "

"More than a thousand people have died today?!"

"What the hell do you want to do!"

Lane glanced at the screen next to him,

The data shown above, the currently surviving players,

From the very beginning of 10,000 people.

It has now been reduced to more than 8 thousand.

This means that it takes one week to start the service.

More than 1,000 players have their health cleared in Game of Death.

As a result, the brain is directly burned by the device and dies.

Although the death toll has nothing to do with Lane.

But since he chose to play the role of "Akihiko Kayaba" (BGCH).

These pots have to be buckled to his head.

"Sorry, I don't have time to explain. "

Dawn sighed softly,

Then he chose the safest method.

Kamiyo Rinko's identity is no matter how important it is.

She's just an ordinary person.

Facing Ryne, who is in his prime.

Almost incapable of resisting.

"You ......"

Rinko Kamiyo suddenly found that the "senior" in front of her suddenly became unfamiliar.

An extremely powerful momentum erupted from Li En's body in an instant!

The next moment, he instantly burst in front of Rinko,

Pinch her mouth open and flick a drop of her own blood in.

- The power of the true king, the transformation of the void!

The power of the mighty Void Bloodline,

How can an ordinary person like Rinko withstand it!

Her body burst into a ball of bright starlight on the spot,

Then it was reshaped at breakneck speed!

Her body was now extraordinary. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Rather, it is the sublimated body of the "Void Race"!

Under the influence of the racial ability "Sublimation Body",

All of her basic stats have been corrected!

Because the original body of the "Sublimated Body" is the panel of "Ryne".

So Rinko Kamiyo at this time,[]

All stats are over 50 points!

Not to mention that there are also racial talents such as "Void Power".

Rinko Kamiyo opened her eyes slightly.

Although only a few seconds have passed.

But she already had a lot of information in her head.

"Your Majesty......"

"Don't call it that, it's too feudal. "

Lane shook his head,

"What I used to call it, I still call it now. "

"That'...... Predecessor. "

Rinko's expression straightened and returned to her usual state.

"How are you going to handle the situation?"

She has become a "Void Race" affiliated with Rien.

With the help of "unswerving till death",

Loyalty and friendship are locked at 200%

So Rien can now communicate with her with confidence.

This is also his original intention to transform Rinko into a "Void Race".

Real-world things though mean a lot.

But the real benefits of the world of dungeons,

It still depends on the virtual world where the "Game of Death" is located.

So, he will definitely return to "Ayn Grant".

So in the real world, you have to have an assistant.

Rinko Kamiyo is the most suitable character.

Not only loyal, but also has sufficient knowledge and technical reserves.

You can perform some more professional operations on behalf of Lane.

"This game is out of my control. "

"If you want to shut it down, even me has to clear it first. "

Rien touched his chin.

"I'll take care of the in-game stuff. "

"You're in charge of helping solve real-world things. "

Hearing this, Rinko asked a question rather puzzled.

"Senior...... Because of your design. "

"Even if you start with reality, you can't forcibly disarm all players. "

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. "

Lane shook his head,

"I mean, you go check on the players involved in this incident. "

"Which hospital will be sent to for care. "

Of all the players affected by Game of Death.

In addition to 9000 Indigenous players.

And 1000 reincarnation players!

Since Rian's own essence is in this world.

So...... The body of another reincarnated player.

It must be somewhere else in this world!

Dawn's goal,

It is the body of these reincarnated players

Find and control everything in the real world!

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