The upgraded ring has a mysterious obsidian-like color.

If you gaze for a long time.

As if the will will fall into it.


【Forbidden Embrace】

Level +: C

+ Seek: Intelligence 50, Will 100

+Sex: +10 Warp Value (Current Total Warp Value is 80)

+ Effect: Increases HP and mental power by 800

+Effect: Increases power by 16%.

+Effect: Increases your chance of discovering "Forbidden Knowledge" by 0.8%

+ Note: "Embrace the Nightmare and Sleep Without Fear".


After the upgrade.

Attribute bonuses provided by Forbidden Possession.

Far beyond the madness of Edgeworth Angels!

And, the values it provides.

It's not set in stone.

Instead, it is increased based on Rian's "Distortion Value"!

"It also comes with a 10-point distortion value ......"

"There's a sense of danger that you're playing with fire. "

Dawn hesitated for a moment.

I still put the [Forbidden Embrace] on my hand.

In an instant, "two-two-seven", his health and mental power almost doubled!

"If nothing else, it's a lot of health. "

Although with the addition of the bloodline of the "Void Emperor".

Dawn's health can easily break through five or six thousand.

But now his bloodline bonus is sealed.

800 health bonus,

It's already a reborn effect.

After thinking about it, Rien handed the ring to Nameless again.

"Let's see if you can strengthen this ring. "

He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity that Nameless had to strengthen him.

Try to see if you can strengthen the [Forbidden Embrace] twice

After a moment, Nameless shook his head.

"No, the show has been empowered by Hradika Marles. "

Li En was not too surprised by this.

After all, this kind of card BUG-like thing,

Most of them will fail, and if they succeed, they will surprise him even more.

"Forget it, strengthen this. "

From his other hand, Li En took off the [Ring of Domination]

There is no name, Li En is one person who has two opportunities to strengthen.

Although it is not possible to increase the level of the item repeatedly.

It is still possible to increase the number of pieces of equipment.

A flash of golden light shone even brighter than before.

The birth of a device,

It immediately attracted the attention of many players.

Li En didn't even look at the upgraded ring attributes.

He left the camp with the team directly.

"Go to Akara and buy some antidote, we should go back. "

In addition to the transfer card, the shop in Akara is always swiped.

Some special potions are also sold.

For example, miniature and light health and mana flasks.

and a "stamina potion" to restore physical strength

A "melting potion" that can be used to remove the frozen state.

There is also an "antidote" that can eliminate the effects of toxins.

Although the latter few special agents are expensive.

But Rien's team had been fighting for so long.

With the blessing of 10 times the explosion rate.

A rather horrible sum of money has been amassed!

Even Asuna,

He only carried a small amount of life and mana potions on his body.

The rest of them are "Rejuvenation Potions" that instantly restore 35% of all status!

Even so, Rien still had a little bit of an inventory that wasn't enough.

There are only 60 slots, and sometimes you can't even put down the loot.

A rare gold outfit that other player teams treat as treasures.

If it does not meet the equipment conditions of Li En and others.

It will be disassembled directly into metal parts.

It can be said that it is quite extravagant.

Take a walk around the secure area with the teleporter at its core.

Lai En has a rough idea of the current player movements.

Despite the fact that the first echelon of the Raiders led by himself,

The map has been opened above the 13th floor.

However, there are still many players who stay on the 5th floor of [Stone Wilderness]

Even a large number of reincarnation players!

Because Stone Wilderness has a portal to the hidden level "Tristram"!

The rewards for the hidden floors are extremely rich,

The most important thing is the chance to unlock 1 skill and item of your choice!

For reincarnation players, that's the most important thing!

To open the portal, you need to use the "Enifus" scroll.

So, after each refresh of the Dark Forest's "Tree Head Wooden Fist". (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In less than half a minute,

will be beaten to death by a group of reincarnation players.

The refresh cycle is 24 o'clock, almost every time.

Even so, there are still a large number of reincarnation players who fail to get the rewards of the hidden floors.

After all, each "Ennifers Scroll" can teleport up to 50 players. []

In 5 days, a maximum of 250 reincarnation players will enter Tristram.

And the total number of reincarnation players who have entered this quest is 1,000!

"In another 48 hours, the fifth floor will collapse. "

"Good luck to you. "

Rien shrugged his shoulders and went straight back to the 15th floor through the teleportation station [Inner Corridor]

The interior cloister is built in an extremely luxurious style.

It is enough to get a glimpse of the former style of the monastery.

Even though it is covered with dust and rubble,

The wide marble-paved passage is still full of grandeur.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor of the aisle,

It is carved with artistic reliefs and ornaments.

In the deepest part of the intricate corridor.

It is the entrance to the 16th floor, the Cathedral.

"Ahead of us is the last dark gold boss we need to face. "

Dawn glanced at the map,

Then he turned to his teammates and said.

"After killing this boss. "

"There is only one of our ultimate goals left - Andariel, the Demon King of the 20th Layer!"

"She's in the deepest part of the crypt under the cathedral......."

"What we have to do is to break through the remaining five floors in one go. "

"Then face off against the most powerful boss in the area. "

"Do you have faith?"

Rien's gaze swept over the pretty faces of the girls one by one.

After more than a week of training.

Even in Asuna's look.

Didn't reveal the slightest timidity.

"If I was at the beginning, I might still be wandering at the bottom of the confusion. "

The Paladin Maiden whispered.

"But just talk to the captain...... Fight with you, Lane. "

"I feel like everything can be solved. "

"Demons, undead, and troublesome dark gold bosses. "

"This game...... I'm sure Lane will be able to conquer it. "

"I'll be with you until you defeat the final boss on floor 100. "

Rien coughed lightly.

Even he speaks in the face of this.

I can't help but blush.

"That's right, I'm impressed. "

"But next time, don't set a flag before the decisive battle begins...... What is said in the movie generally doesn't end well. "

Asuna's ears were a little hot,

She's so proactive,

Unexpectedly, Li En was still pulling lightly.

It just tickled the roots of her angry teeth.

Obviously even Nameless agreed, but he was still hesitating about something. "

There is always some intimate conversation between girls.

Won't let Lane hear.

God knows when Lane is out and about.

What kind of agreement these girls have reached?

Long Xinyue looked at the ambiguous aura emanating from this side with interest.

It's the first time she's seen an aboriginal chasing a reincarnation player. 5.6

After all, even if she has such beauty.

But because of his own talent,

Ordinary people will just avoid her when they see her.

Even since the awakening of this talent.

She's never been touched by anyone—

Just a simple approach, it will gradually "wither".

If you shake her hand,

I'm afraid it won't take half a second,

The whole person will be reduced to a pile of dry bones.


The decaying church door is gently pushed open.

An eerie cold wind blew from inside the door.

The Gothic church architecture gives a heavy and solemn atmosphere.

Broken colorful glass glass,

Creates a divine and grotesque aura.

And inside the vast, almost impossible to see the interior of the church hall.

A skeleton with a scepter in his hand and clergyman's robes,

In the face of these uninvited "invaders" of Dawn, they let out a scream!

It's the last line of defense to Al-Andariel's lair!

Dark Gold Boss, Ashes!.

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