As the last dark gold boss in front of Andariel's goal.

"Ashes" is extremely powerful and has a full 4 special modifiers!


[Ashes: Level 20, HP 25500/25500, Extra Strong, Cold Enhanced, Magic Resistance, Toxin Enhanced]

+Don't be strong: HP x200%, Final Damage x250%

+Cold Boost: +75% to Cold Resistance, +100% to Cold Damage, casts Level 20 Cold Nova upon death

+Magic Resistance: +40% All Elemental Resistance, 40% Elemental Damage Taken

+ Elemental Enhancement: +75% Poison Resistance, +100% Poison Damage, and Upon Death, cast a level 20 Poison Nova


Even if it is Ley's team,

In the face of such a terrifying 4-modifier dark gold boss.

You must also concentrate and not make the slightest mistake!

The only good news,

It may be that there is no invasion of sinful spirits in the "cathedral" area,

The "ashes" were also not strengthened by the fragments of the world.

It's a decent in-game monster......

As long as it is still bound by the rules of the "virtual game".

Riene will be able to completely predict the logic of its actions!

"Asuna, turn on the ice resistance aura, don't block those spell skills. "

"Crescent Moon uses fire and lightning spells, and ice spells don't work against bosses!16"

Lane methodically issued one instruction after another.

Command a skeleton warrior at the same time,

Crashed directly into a magic missile sent out by "Ashes"!

Although the attack was defused,

But the skeleton warrior was immediately frozen by the frost damage contained in the missile!

At the same time, the bones of the whole body became green.

Health drops at a rate that is visible to the naked eye!

In less than two seconds,

It was directly corroded into a piece of bone meal!

Thousands of energy shields are useless!

"Toxin damage can't be offset by energy shields, health points are directly deducted?!"

Li En was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect the damage of the "ashes" to be so high!

Because his summons have almost no resistances!

Necromancer only after 24,

to unlock the [Summoning Resistance] skill that increases the resistance of summons!

Ryne's brow furrowed,

Summoned a skeleton warrior again,

Fill in the vacancies.

But under the continuous casting of "ashes",

His summons die very quickly!

"There aren't enough corpses needed to summon skeletons...... First use the stone demon on top. "

Lane threw out a handful of metal parts.

I saw these metals disintegrate and recombine in the blink of an eye.

Finally, it is assembled into "mosquitoes" that fly in the air.

- Bionic Weapon - Stinger!

Unfortunately, because of the limited materials,

Dawn was unable to assemble more lethal parts for the Stinger,

Only the self-detonation of the mech can trigger the [Magnetic Storm Crown]!

However, "ashes" have the "Magical Resistance" modifier.

Also has 40% Lightning Resistance.

Plus 40% Elemental Damage Reduction!

This means that the original trigger damage was more than 1300.

In the end, it can only deal less than 500 electromagnetic damage!

What's more...... the ice resistance of the "ashes" has exceeded 100%

It is completely unaffected by the effects of the Frost Spell!

It also turns the fight into a tug-of-war with the tip of a knife dancing!

"Asuna, you're poisoned, drink the antidote!"

"Got it!"

Asuna was accidentally rubbed by a green missile,

The body is also infected with a sickly grayish-green color.

A feeling of nausea came over me.

She hurriedly wiped it on her belt,

Remove a pill bottle containing a black liquid from the portable space.

I can't take care of the girl's reserve,

Directly suffocated in one go!

Suddenly, the slowly passing health stopped decreasing.

Another bottle of life potion was poured,

Look at the blood line that is gradually elevated.

Asuna breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the whole team is now equipped with poison resistance equipment.

In addition, Li En prepared many antidotes in advance.

Nothing unexpected happened.

The girl who has recovered from danger,

and did not retreat from this,

Instead, in the direction where the "ashes" are,

Went straight to the attack!

- Charge!

[Paladin] level 12 combat skills,

Able to quickly approach the enemy,

And launch a fierce attack!

The girl's long hair fluttered in the air as she galloped,

The shield in his hand is familiar with the road after the "charge",

Slapped directly on the skull of the "ashes"!


This Dark Gold boss has extremely high elemental resistances.

But there is no physical resistance!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

So it was easy to be knocked out by Asuna's shield!

"It's not time yet...... Forget it, it's good for her to be happy. "

Li En smiled helplessly,

Then he directly put a "damage deepening curse" on the "ashes".

Because then, it's Asuna's time![]

Facing the "ashes" in a state of vertigo,

Asuna naturally won't let go of such a good offensive opportunity,

A saber glowing with a dark golden light in his hand,

In an instant, 5 swords of light were slashed on the "ashes"!

- White hot!

This is Asuna's only skill that reaches a high level!

After reaching 4.

"White Heat" can make [Paladin] perform multiple attacks in an instant!

can be used against group enemies,

Can also be used to hit and attack 1 unit!

Under the influence of the "Damage Amplification" curse.

Asuna's burst of damage,

Quite a considerable number has been reached -

This is also thanks to the dark gold weapon in her hand.


【Saber "Glintys's Meat Fork"】

+ Seek: Level 10, Strength 25, Agility 25

+Damage: 15~30 (Physical)

+Effect: Ignores the target's physical resistance

+Effect: 7% of the damage dealt by the hit is converted to mental power

+Effect: +10 Agility, +10 Strength

+ Effect: 50% chance to inflict "Piercing" on hit


This is after the defeat of the "blacksmith",

Dark gold weapons from loot boxes.

Although there are two melee members in the team,

But Nameless doesn't need such a weapon that is too long.

For her, weapons such as daggers and daggers are better.

So this dark gold saber became Asuna's weapon.

In the time of "ashes" vertigo.

Asuna directly hit two "white hot",

That's 10 instant attacks!

Combined with the "Damage Amplification" curse,

It's almost equivalent to 2 [Magnetic Storm Crown] trigger damage!

"It's okay, come back. "

Dawn sensed that the "ashes" were about to get out of control,

Alert immediately,

Asuna didn't have a love war either,

Very obedient and quickly evacuated to a safe area.

The next moment, a familiar blue aura erupted from the "ashes"!

- Frost New 477 Stars!

In the cast range, only Rien's "Clay Stone"

Because it was too late to evacuate, it was directly frozen in place!

The high amount of toxin damage will be the huge body of the stone demon,

Dyed flowers are green,

In the end, it directly corrupted into a black soil.

However, compared to skeletons that require corpses to summon.

Units like Clay Stone Demons that can be summoned at any time are much more convenient.

Rien summoned a new stone demon on the spot.

Re-blocked the casting track of "ashes"!

"Nameless, be careful when you're going to be executed. "

Seeing that the HP of "Ashes" is approaching the kill threshold.

Rien whispered a reminder to Nameless.

After the ashes die, they will instantly burst out with a level 20 Frost Nova and Toxin Nova.

Even Lane didn't dare to resist these two terrifying spells!

Fortunately, the nameless "Shadow Breath" is best at "one-hit detachment".

As long as she can successfully complete the "execution", she will be out of the fight.

So that you can escape into the shadows and avoid all damage!

On the premise of knowing in advance the ambush after the death of the "ashes".

It's not hard to dodge the next two Nova spells.

A dark gold boss bound by the rules of the game,

When HP drops to 30% or more...... Fate is already sealed.

- Execution!

A hideous skull instantly condensed out on the top of the head of the "ashes"!

The next moment, its body exploded into countless bone fragments!

With the impact of two "new stars", one blue and one green,

Sweep away!


[Server-wide announcement: The team led by the player "Lien" has won the first kill of the 16th layer of dark gold boss "Ashes"!]


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