"This big guy was pretty fierce just now. "

Asuna saw that the "blacksmith" was gone,

Then he walked over and poked twice tentatively.

"Strange, why hasn't its body disappeared?"

"Probably there was a bug. "

Rien shifted the subject.

"Look around, maybe there's a quest item. "

He remembered that the blacksmith's kill reward was mediocre.

But in this blacksmith's shop,

But there is a hammer of "mission props"~.

Submit to an NPC to receive a special reward.

That's the rarity of the "Upgrade" 1 item!

In the original "Dark" work,

You can upgrade "Normal" gear to golden "Rare" gear!

I don't know if it's also a reward in the dungeon world.


One thought of the rewards of the previous missions.

More or less a bit of a magic change.

Lai En couldn't help but be full of anticipation.

"Isn't it this?"

Everyone cast their eyes in the direction where the sound came from.

Long Crescent stretched out her slender white arm,

Gripping a dark golden hammer on the shelf.

I tried to lift it, but the dark gold hammer didn't move.

"Hmm...... I can't hold it. "

The black-haired girl glanced at the attribute requirements.

"It takes at least 50 strength to pick it up. "

"So tall?"

Asuna just wanted to try,

But I was frightened by the number "50".

She is a [Paladin] with increased strength and physique.

Now there are only more than 40 forces.

"I'll do it. "

Rien had already reached level 18 by this time.

The comprehensive attribute has been restored to the peak of the D-rank.

The average value of all attributes is 100 points,

The volitional and intellectual attributes are much more than that.

So it's easy to put this dark gold hammer in your inventory.


【Hradik Marles】

Type +: Quest item

+ Description: This is a forging hammer with magical powers that can infuse equipment with power and make it even more powerful.

+ Note: It originally belonged to the "Chasi" of Camp Rog, return this hammer to her and you will get the friendship of a blacksmith


At the same time, an in-game quest appears in front of Ryne's eyes.

It's like triggering the "Kane's Search" mission.

This quest is also a hidden quest!


[Hidden Mission: Tools for Trading (Submittable)]

+ Narrator: The camp's blacksmith Chasi lost her magic hammer when she escaped from the monastery, so she can only do simple forging and repair work, and if you can retrieve the tool for her, she will be happy to upgrade a piece of equipment

+ Mark: Find "Hradik Mahles" in the "Barracks" (completed)

+ Reward: 5000 gold coins, 1 skill point, 1 attribute point, specify the level of 1 item to be raised


"With ...... The reward was indeed changed by the devil!"

Lane pulls the mission information directly to the end.

When he sees the last reward.

I couldn't help but glance at the [Ring of Domination] on my hand.

This accessory is a B-rank item in its own right!

If you increase it by 1 level...... It's an A prop!

I just don't know if there is a limit to this kind of improvement.

"Let's go, let's find the teleportation station on the next floor. "

"Then go back and hand in the task. "

There is no teleportation station on the 14th floor of the Barracks.

If you leave this level directly through the teleportation scroll,

Then the road that I ran before was in vain.

I'll have to run it all over again next time.

To save time.

Li En led the team directly to the 15th floor - [Inner Corridor]

From here, you have already stepped into the heart of the monastery.

A few more floors, you will be able to meet the final boss of the first act that Li En has in mind.

Before he can do that, though, he has to go back and hand in a mission. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

NPCs in Camp Rogg,

Moved to the teleportation station on the 5th floor of the Stone Fields.

Even around the teleportation station, it has become a safe area.

So Rien can return through the teleportation station with confidence and boldness.

"Thank you for retrieving this hammer for me. "[]

The NPC has a procedurally set look of gratitude on his face.

"I can use the power of this magic hammer to help you level up 1 piece of equipment. "

"You can make a decision now, or you can come back to me later. "

[You have gained 1 equipment enhancement times, and the equipment will be upgraded to a maximum of A]

"Captain, what equipment should I upgrade?"

Because it's an in-game quest reward.

So including Nameless and Asuna.

All members have 1 chance to be promoted.

Dawn thought for a moment and suggested.

"You can keep this opportunity for now. "

"If you come across paladin-exclusive equipment in the future, such as scepters, shields, etc. "

"It's never too late to improve. "

"That's ......"

Asuna nodded obediently,

Rien is then seen walking towards the blacksmith NPC named Chassi.

"By the way, I found that the random unlocking of new floors didn't work. "

Ryne's skills are now almost unlocked.

The rest of the class skills and bloodline abilities cannot be unlocked.

So he directly chose to unlock a random item.

However, this time the unlocked props.

But it made him frown,

[You unlocked "Edgeworth Angel's Madness"]

His original plan was to raise the Ring of Dominion to A......

But this prop made him stop the movement in his hand.

"Edgeworth's Crazy ......"

Rien fell into deep thought.

Admittedly, the twists he had experienced before.

It is caused by the "forbidden knowledge" obtained through this item.

But as a rare item that can obtain "forbidden knowledge".

Lane wasn't going to bury it.

Possessing "forbidden knowledge" and using "forbidden knowledge" wantonly are two different things.

Lai can choose not to.

But it can't be without!

Soon, he made a decision.

[Domination Ring] is good, though.

But not for him.

At most, it's a little bit too much to use in this dungeon.

As a scientific reincarnation player.

Obviously, [Edgeworth's Madness] is more important!

"Upgrade the madness of the Edgeworth Angels. "

Rien put the ring he had just unlocked into the enhancement slot.

This ring is the equipment he acquired in the Karakuri quest.

Although the special effects are still outdated.

However, the basic stats are only at the level of D-rank.

After leveling up, you should be able to turn into C-tier equipment.

How much stronger than before.

Rien watched nervously as Chassi took his ring,

And then put it on the anvil,

Lightly tap with "Heradic-Marles".

Finally, there was a flash of gold.

A series of prompts suddenly appeared in front of Riene's eyes.

["Edgeworth's Madness" upgrade completed!]

[Item Level Upgraded to C Rank!]

[Item name changed to "Forbidden Embrace"!]

... Lose....

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