



A deafening sound that seemed to make even the heart flutter with it.

Coming from a blacksmith shop in the area of the 14th "Barracks".

It is not surprising that such a building as a barracks appeared in the monastery.

In the background of the "dark" worldview,

Angels and demons, and even gods are real concepts.

Therefore, in the midst of a country,

Excluding the official, the most influential and powerful organization.

It's all kinds of religious forces.

The convent originally belonged to the "Sisters of the Blind".

NPC Akara is a high-ranking priestess who belongs to this sect.

What they believe in is a being called the Great Eye.

However, when Hell invades,

Their gods didn't respond.

After the fall of the monastery,

Occupied by various demons and undead creatures.

The burly figure in front of Li En and the others,

It's a minotaur!


[Demon Blacksmith: Dark Gold Boss, Level 18, HP 11000/11000, Extra Strong]


The blacksmith's body is as unshakable as an iron tower.

Subjected to the flames of the furnace, 310 becomes a muscle as hard as metal.

All over his body.

Wielding a huge hammer in his hand,

With every stroke,

will gush out a scorching wave of air,

and suffocating fuel dust.

"The target has only one modifier, is very strong, and is not a threat. "

Ryne's gaze swept over the fragment of the world stuck in the blacksmith's skull.

"It's still the same, Asuna pays attention to the other party's movements. "

"Nameless and Crescent take the opportunity to output. "

After his observation of the teammates around him.

These world fragments...... It seems that only he can see it.

It is the same state as "Yui" at this time.

Demon Blacksmith has up to 11,000 HP.

But in front of the team that has grown up.

This amount of blood is simply not enough to see.

If he has an affix like "particularly fast".

Maybe it can cause some trouble for Li En and the others.

But...... After entering the battle.

The reaction of this dark gold boss was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Humans, how did you break into Lord Andariel's territory?!"

After spotting several humans in sight.

The dark gold blacksmith actually spat out (bgfe) words,

Although the voice was muddy, full of anger and surprise......

But with a lot of emotion!

It's not like the NPCs in the Safe Zone who can only repeat a few lines!

"How can he speak?!"

Asuna was also startled,

He looked at Rien with a look of surprise.

In her opinion, her "captain",

Seems to be omnipotent, can answer all her doubts.

"I don't know. "

Ryne, who had high hopes from Asuna, shrugged helplessly.

But in my heart, there is a faint certainty.

This "blacksmith" does not resemble a "monster" generated from data at all......

It's more like a demon born from "hell"!

It's like an Aboriginal player from "Ayn Grant".

All remain self-aware and do not become NPCs.

"Blacksmith" somehow became the aboriginal "monster" of "hell"!

No, not without reason......

Ryne glanced at the fragment of the world on the blacksmith's body.

It has been inferred.

"It seems that the fragments of the world will awaken the self-consciousness of these monsters......"

He raised his hand, and around the skeletons and stone demons,

They rushed towards the blacksmith.

"Anyway, let's kill him first!"

Anyway, in the end, the "world fragments" will be recovered.

No matter what identity the dark gold boss in front of you becomes.

He didn't let go of the other party's reasons.

Lien's actions seem to have angered the "blacksmith", (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

I saw this minotaur inhale fiercely,

Then the soles of your feet stomped hard!

Huge flames erupted from his mouth!

"I'll give you a taste of the flames of hell!"

The blazing breath instantly ignites the atmosphere of the battlefield!

Asuna reacted extremely quickly,

Directly replaced the aura on the soles of the feet,

Lots of fire resistance for everyone!

But Rien fell into a trance for a moment at this time......

Because even in the "dark" original game,

The blacksmith doesn't have this trick either!

While he was stunned, the blacksmith was already wielding a hammer,

Break out of the skull-forming encirclement!

"Necromancer, die with these broken bones of yours!"

The blacksmith actually ignored Ryne's summons,

Launched an attack directly on his main body!

This is a "hatred rule" that even the previous monsters couldn't break!

"It seems that it, like me, has also broken through its own limitations to some extent. "

A glimmer of realization welled up in Dawn's heart.

Then he didn't mess up and pointed a little.

Build 3 bone walls in front of you!


The heavy sledgehammer smashed the fragile bone wall to pieces!

But it also delayed the blacksmith's attack time!

A blue ring of ice burst out in an instant,

Directly dyed the blacksmith's muscles into frost blue!

- Frost Nova!

"Damn...... Where's the witch?!"

The blacksmith, who was frozen in place, finally showed a trace of fear.

"When did so many heroic classes appear in the human race?!"

In his memory, humanity should have been overcome by the forces of hell

It's on the verge of extinction.

"It's good to be a dark gold boss and be killed by us, you have to make a whole play. "

Rien shook his head and raised his hand to curse the blacksmith with a "damage deepening".

"Knowing too much is more painful. "

The battle was a thrilling one.

Even if the blacksmith breaks through the limits of the rules of the game,

You are free to fight according to the instincts of the "natives".

But the enemies he faced......

But an entire elite squad with an average level of more than 15!

"No...... It can't be!"

"Lord Andariel!"

In the moments before being executed by Nameless with a finishing move,

The blacksmith let out a roar as he looked up to the sky.

The next moment, a large skull condensed from him.

Subsequently...... Slash it with one sword!


Strangely, the body of the "blacksmith" did not disappear as a stream of data.

It's like the surrounding buildings and furnishings.

became gradually cold, stiff,

The corpse was still gurgling and bleeding.


[Serverwide Announcement: The team led by the player "Lane" has won the first kill of the 14th layer dark gold boss "Blacksmith"!]


Lai was accustomed to the announcements he had provoked.

didn't even look at it,

Walked over and picked up the dropped loot......

and incidentally picked up the pieces of the world from the corpse.

[You have recovered the World Fragment x1, and you are randomly drawing "virtual" knowledge and skills]

[You have acquired the B-level knowledge and skill "Information Coding Theory (Lv1)"]

B-level knowledge and skills!

Lee's eyelids jumped wildly, and he felt even more nervous than he had just fought!

This is his [Cold Start] mission,

The first knowledge skill acquired beyond the B level!

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