
"Let's get here today, everyone has worked hard, let's camp on the spot. "

After dealing with the remaining monsters.

Lane turned and said to the other teammates.

"The terrain inside the monastery is complex though. "

"There's a good thing about it, though...... That is, there are more empty rooms. "

"A little cleaning can be used as a temporary stop. "

For his rhetoric, whether it's Asuna or Dragon Crescent.

are a little lacking in interest......

After all, it's the 8th day since Game of Death launched.

If at the beginning, they were still interested in this virtual world

Have a strong sense of curiosity and exploration.

But after more than a week.

A few girls can't stand it.

"Although the virtual body does not give off a strange smell, it ......"

Asuna brought her still white palm in front of her,

Wrinkled his small nose.

"I haven't taken a shower for so long, and I always feel a little uncomfortable. "

The black-haired girl who has never complained,

At the moment, I was also a little depressed.

“...... I've been to places before, no matter how difficult it is. "

"At least not as it is now, when the most basic living conditions cannot be met. "

Lai naturally knew what she meant by "somewhere else".

It's the dungeon world I've experienced before.

To this, he shrugged.

In fact, "Engrande" did a relatively good job in this regard.

There are towns that provide services on each floor.

But in the "dark" world,

The human world is about to be destroyed by hell.

How can there be such comfortable conditions.

"Bear with me, when you reach [Lu Gaoyin], the conditions will be better. "

Lane could only draw a pie first.

After defeating Andariel,

You can go from the scene of Act 1 to the desert area.

The oasis city "Lugoin", known as the "Pearl of the Desert".

It has not yet been conquered by the forces of hell.

It can be said that it is one of the few prosperous areas in this dungeon world.

When the time comes...... The conditions should be a little better than Camp Roge.


Lane isn't sure either.

Taking advantage of the break, he found a room alone.

With a wave of his hand, he beckoned the girl in white who had been floating in the air.

"It's time to see a doctor again"

Dawn muttered to himself.

Yui is currently in standby dormant mode.

Will only react to some simple commands.

Such as "follow", "move", and so on.

Without enabling the "Personality Simulation" and "Emotional Learning" functions,

She is no different from the fire control AI written by Lane.

If you want to reach the level of being the same as a real person in the original work.

Rien needs to continue to work hard......

Strive to "fix".

"The language layer completes the scan...... The damage to this sector is still within acceptable limits. "

Lane reached out and tapped it on the girl's smooth forehead.

A system explorer-like interface appears.

It's now day 8 after Game of Death starts.

As of the "place of bones", the top 4 have completely "collapsed".

Dawn from the scattered fragments of the world.

He also intercepted a lot of knowledge and skills of the virtual department.

Although the highest level is only a C-level skill.

But for the current situation,

There is also a lot of help.

In particular, the more "virtual knowledge" he has.

The faster Yui's repair progress increases.

At present, her restoration progress has reached 20%.

It was just a little short of being able to initially awaken her sense of self.

[The language layer has been repaired, and the repair progress of "Yui" has been increased to 30%]

Rien wiped the sweat from his forehead,

Looking at the green interface with a sense of accomplishment.

Suddenly, he heard a slight movement beside him.

A little girl dressed in white,

I don't know when I came to him.

Even though Yui's eyes were still lifeless.

But she took the initiative to look at Rien and tried to open her mouth.

“...... Ah......h

Li raised his eyebrows, but did not speak.

He had probably guessed what she was doing.

“...... The language module is loaded. "

Suddenly, Yui said smoothly with an expressionless face.

"We're picking out a library of alternative sounds to match your preferences. "

"Selected, style type code: ILO1046106. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Rien watched the voice of "Yui",

From the icy electronic synthesized sound,

It became a sweet voice like a little girl.

It's kind of weird......

It was as if she was babbling a second ago. []

In the blink of an eye, he is not only proficient in 8 foreign languages.

Even the false voice has been learned!


"Why is this the type of sound style that matches my preference?"

Li En complained silently in his heart.

This is quite in line with the appearance of the little girl of "Yui" now.

So he didn't revise either.

It's just that such a vivid voice.

It is said in a voice without emotion.

It's still a little weird.

"We had to fix the personality simulation and emotional learning module earlier. "

Rien stretched and waved at Yui.

She was given an "idle standby" command.

In the past, she floated back silently.

But today, for the first time, she responded to Lane's instructions.

"Carrying out orders, Daddy. "


Lane barely spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

But on second thought, Yui called it so,

I guess there's really no problem!

Aside from the restoration work of the past few days.

Even she herself is an AI created by "Akihiko Kayaba" played by herself!

Theoretically, Lane could indeed be counted as the creator of "Yui".

It's just that now the power is lost,

Need to recollect world fragments,

It's just a matter of recovering the knowledge that created "Ayn Grant".

"Doesn't Dad like that?"

Yui looked at Rien with a dark, abyss-like gaze.

"According to the relevant information I have gathered on the Internet. "

"I should be your daughter, and I have a father-daughter relationship. "

"If you want to change it, I can pick it at random from the thesaurus. "

"Like the master, the dear, the father, the elder brother, ......"

"No, that's all there is to it!"

Lai took a deep breath and felt his blood pressure rise a little.

Also, don't learn strange things online. "

"The directive has been corrected and the current designation remains unchanged. "

Yui said with a straight face.

"The second instruction is wrong, I'm offline and can't connect to the public network. "

“...... Forget it, execute the standby command. "

Lane rubbed his temples.

Suddenly, it felt like the language module had been fixed too soon.

"Forget it, it's still a little close...... You'll be able to get some of your permissions back. "

Open the dungeon map.

Riene's gaze swept over the (okay, okay) floor marker in the upper left corner.

[You are currently in the area: 13th Floor - Outer Corridor]

The "Catacombs" where the final boss of the scene Andariel is located.

There are only 7 floors left!

And these 7 floors, because they are all in the "monastery" area.

So in fact, it will be able to break through soon!

"In these 7 layers, apart from Andariel, there are only 3 dark gold monsters. "

Lai En reminisced as he planned his next trip.

"If you're lucky...... Within two days, you will be able to reach the [Catacombs 4th] where Andariel is located!"

However, things can always go beyond imagination.

After the break, Lane led the team out from the outer cloister.

Arrived at the 14th "Barracks".

This is the area where the Dark Gold boss "The Blacksmith" is located.

He is also associated with a mission from the original "Dark".

So Li En plans to stop by and kill Gong with this dark gold boss.

However, when he opened the dungeon map of this level.

But I was surprised to find out...... This dark gold boss.

There is a "fragment of the world"!

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