Since entering this dungeon world.

Li En didn't see much of a reward associated with reincarnation points.

I didn't expect ...... It's all hidden in the "Invasion" modifier reward mechanic?!

Although it is not counted as 10 times the income~,

Kill 1 monster that has been affected by the Shadow of the Sin Soul,

Only 40 points are awarded.

But there are enough monsters in front of me - there are dozens of them!

If you kill them all, you will also earn thousands of points!

Not to mention, it's just the effect of 1 guilty soul!

As the undead crawled out from under the grave, they were constantly killed by everyone.

Constantly sinful souls condense from the corpses of monsters,

Screaming and wandering in all directions!

While influencing more monsters,

It also awakens a large army of the undead!

Ansenas casually cut off the spine of several skeletons in front of her,

But then more undead monsters poured in.

She had to take a few steps back and shouted behind her.

"Rien, if we continue like this, we will be under too much pressure!"

Lai also realized that

My group seems to have stabbed a hornet's nest.

The level and strength of these monsters are low.

But more ants can bite an elephant to death!

What's more, in this case,

They don't have time to pick up drops or replenish potions.

He hurriedly flipped through the map.

Then his eyes lit up and he gave the order.

"Follow me, move in this direction!"

The awakened legion of the undead,

has not yet formed a trap trend,

Long Crescent suddenly erupted with a circle of azure frost magic.

Freeze all enemies within a radius of more than ten meters!

- Frost Nova!

[Witch] Frost skill unlocked at class level 6,

Although the damage is lower,

But the advantage is that the range is large and can cause crowd control effect!

While all the surrounding enemies are controlled,

The group quickly broke away from the main battlefield.

Shift in the direction that Lane said.

Soon, the entrance to a mausoleum standing among tombstones.

Appear in everyone's field of vision.


[You have discovered the "Great Mausoleum"]

This quest has the following effects:

【Monster Level +1 in the area】

[+100% number of elite monsters in the area]

[+50% number of rare monsters in the area]

[The area must contain the dark gold monster "Bone Crusher"]

(Refresh time: 24 hours)

[The area must contain a golden chest]

(Refresh time: 12 hours)


"Let's go, let's go in!"

Rien glanced at the copy map.

Spot the legion of the undead following behind you.

It's almost encircling the surrounding area!

Hurriedly took his teammates into the mausoleum dungeon.

Suddenly, a smell of rotten dust came from the surface.

It is mixed with the stale smell of fermented fabric.

"Whew...... We're safe. "

Rien breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at the swarthy dungeon entrance.

"Although only temporarily. "

Ansenas nodded.

The elf girl was also a little scared at this time.

Although she is very confident in the strength of the team.

But in the face of such a large number of undead.

Especially affected by the sin spirit of "arrogance".

All have 25% power.

The pressure on players has also increased.

You know, after the attribute is suppressed.

The elite attributes of all reincarnated players have been reset to zero!

Face enemies with elite attributes.

It is equivalent to not having any ability to compete!

25% more power means 25% more damage to yourself!

It adds up, even if it's Lane and others,

Don't dare to be exposed to such a large number of monsters!

"Sorry...... It's all because I ......."

Asuna whispered with some reproach.

"It's not your fault. "

Rien shook his head.

"Judging by the trigger ratio just now. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Almost every 3 monsters spawn 1 Tormented Soul. "

"Sooner or later, we have to face a situation like this. "

"What are we going to do now?"

Long Crescent took out a bottle of mana potion and drank it all.

Just now in the process of transfering,[]

Her mental energy consumption is very severe.

"Even if we get back to our best. "

"The number of monsters out there...... It's still not something we can handle. "

Rien shrugged his shoulders.

"If you come, you will be safe. "

"It's a big deal to use the teleportation scroll to go straight back to the Icy Plain. "

"But let's explore this mausoleum first. "

The mausoleum is not a new floor.

Rather, it is a separate copy attached to the "Buried Bones".

It is equivalent to those ordinary caverns in the Blood Wasteland except for the evil caverns.

It's just that the yield of this copy is very high!

Except for the presence of a dark gold boss [Bone Crusher].

There's also a golden chest!

As if to vent the resentment of being hunted down by the undead legion before.

In the following explorations,

Ansenas and Long Crescent are quite ruthless,

The monsters in the mausoleum are basically all skeleton-type enemies.

Under the joint attack of two tough beauties.

Often, there are not even bone residues left.

Even Lane couldn't find any chance to make a move.

"Tsk...... Woman. "

Look at the horrible skeletons being tortured.

Li En silently swallowed back the phrase "don't waste too much energy".

Because it's not a separate floor.

So the size of this copy is not huge.

Soon the group found the ultimate goal.

It's like a corpse on fire.

The "Bone Crusher" was also killed by a group of elite skeletons

Surrounded by dark gold skeletons.

It has a shield in one hand and a meteor hammer in the other.

It looks extremely fierce.

In the room behind it.

A treasure chest that glows with golden light.

It is quietly waiting for the players to patronize.


[Bone Crusher: Level 8, Health 4800/4800, Very Strong, Magic Resistance]

[Extra Strong: HP x200%, Attack DMG +66%~100%]

[Magic Resistance: Lightning, Fire, Cold Resistance +50%]


"Tsk, troublesome affixes. "

After seeing the [Bone Crusher] modifier,

Rien couldn't help but have a headache.

The life of the Dark Gold Monster,

It's more than ten times more than ordinary monsters.

This guy is "particularly strong" and "magically resistant" again,

Increases health by 1 times,

Plus a great 3-element resistance!

This means that one's [Magnetic Storm Crown]

Can only deal up to 900 damage......

It's pretty high, though.

But then there is no room for others to interfere.

Because the longer the time drags on,

The more likely it is to make mistakes in battle.

After all, what [extraordinarily strong] brings,

In addition to the high value of the attributes.

The physical attack of [Bone Crusher] has also been greatly increased!

"Leave the boss to me, and you will handle the rest of the elites. "

Dawn flipped through the copy book.

Suddenly a frown furrowed.

"Wait...... Crescent, you can cooperate with me later. "

"Let's see if we can get a hidden achievement!".

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