"Sinful Souls?"

A group of people looked at each other.

I didn't expect to be in the 4th,

Ran into another modifier effect for this quest.

Guilty Soul Invasion!

"We're fast enough, just be careful. "

Lane intends to slow down the advance.

After all, what effect does the "guilty soul" have.

How effective are they.

It's still unknown.

After figuring it out,

It's never too late to improve the efficiency of the strategy.

Now, the rest of the reincarnation players.

The part that goes the fastest,

It is estimated that they are all fighting for Bi Subo.

"Let's go. "

Step through the doors of the "Buried Bones".

The crowd was immediately teleported to a dimly lit but vast cemetery.

The fourth whole floor is full of such eerie graveyards!

The sky seemed to be shrouded in a curtain of night that would never be revealed.

The surrounding light sources, there are lanterns scattered everywhere.

From time to time, a strange "whine" sound passed by my ears.

It's like the sound of the wind, and it's like the scream of a ghost.

960 "The atmosphere is quite sufficient. "

Lane has been cultivated after arriving in the new area.

The habit of scanning the dungeon map first.

Although the atmosphere of the burial place is quite underworldly.

However, the terrain is relatively open.

Unlike caves, the terrain is narrow and the view is urgent.

"There are no enemies around for the time being, so you can rest assured...... Asuna?"

Dawn noticed.

The only aboriginal among the four.

At this time, the face was a little delicate.

The girl's lips are closed,

His shoulders were shaking slightly, too.

It seems to be afraid of something.

"Are you supposed to be...... Afraid of ghosts, right?"

Rien asked tentatively.

"Ahaha...... I—I'm fine. "

Asuna laughed dryly,

But the trills in this sentence.

But it was not convincing at all.

"It's just a ghost. "

Rien couldn't help but walk up and soothe.

"I've fought uglier carrions before. "

"The carrion is disgusting at best......"

Asuna retorted reasonably.

"But ghosts or something, it sounds very infiltrating. "

"And it's all around. "


If the scary level of simple "undead" and "ghosts" is 10.

Then the atmosphere bonus of "Buried Bones" is at least 20.

Experienced Lane and others,

Nature is not afraid of this environment.

But no matter what Asuna says,

It's just an ordinary 15-year-old female high school student.

"Rest assured, it's just a game. "

Rien stroked the girl's head.

"Even ghosts are monsters made of data. "

"If they dare to show their health bar, they can wipe them all out. "

"It's what I said, it's what I said!"

Asuna slapped Rian's hand away in a bit of a panic.

said with a crimson cheek.

"Besides, I'm a Paladin...... How can you be afraid of ghosts? "

"Well, it's enough to have such an awareness. "

Rien nodded in satisfaction. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's been a long time, so let's go. "

Look at Rian's back.

Asuna couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in her heart.

If all this were just virtual data......

At this time, what does the throbbing in her heart represent?

If this so-called "game of death" is cleared.

Will it never be the same again......

"Watch the soles of your feet!"

Suddenly, a hurried reminder came from the side.

Asuna was stunned when she heard this.

Just when she was stunned.

A bony arm burst out of the ground from the bottom of her feet!

And then grabbed her ankles hard!


This kind of weird scene made the girl scream.

The next moment, a flash of lightning flashed.

The sharp sword momentum directly cut off the hand of the white bone.

Ansenas's face was as calm as water.

Smash the skull head that is trying to crawl out of the grave!

After the skeleton died, it did not disappear as a data stream.

but from its broken bones.

Condense a humanoid soul body that is one person tall!


[Torment Soul - Arrogance: Level 5, Health 1000, Non-Entity]

[Ability: 50% chance to be immune to physical damage]

[Ability: Monsters that are passed by Tormented Spirits will fall into "Arrogance", gain 25% power, and reduce all resistances by 25%]

[Ability: Tormented Soul will possess monsters that are at least "Elite" level, giving them 50% power and reducing all resistances by 50%]


"That's what it is...... Sin Soul?!"

Rien looked at the humanoid soul body that glowed green all over its body.

Raising a steam gun is a bullet.

However, the bullet went straight through the torment's body.

Didn't cause the slightest damage!

50% Immune to Physical Damage!

Even the [Magnetic Storm Crown] that will trigger later is also dodged!

What's more, the guilty spirits seemed to be frightened,

After letting out a seeping scream of horror.

Begin to accelerate wildly,

Drift in one direction!

Where it passes,

Start crawling out from under the tombstones all the time!

Skeletons, carrion......

They also have a green ghost mist on them!

It is surprisingly affected by the sin soul of "arrogance"!

Eventually, the guilty spirit burrowed into the body of an elite skeleton.

In the eye sockets of this elite skeleton,

Suddenly two soul fires rose,

Fiercely cast a gaze at the location of Li En and the others!

"Prepare for battle!"

Lane snorted,

At the same time, shoot a carrion affected by the torn soul.

However, the prompt that appeared in front of him was beyond his expectations.

You killed a unit affected by Tormented Spirits.

[Based on the level of the unit killed, you have earned 400 reincarnation points!]

Kill monsters affected by Tormented Spirits......

Reincarnation points will be awarded?!。

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