Killing the Bone Crusher does not have a normal achievement similar to First Blood.

But there's a hidden achievement!


[Hidden Achievement: Crush the Mania!]

+ Condition: Let the "Bone Crusher" die in a shattered manner

+ Reward: Career Transfer Card of your choice x1 (including sub-class)

+ Note: "Shatter its skull!"


The conditions for this hidden achievement are rather bizarre.

Let the "Bone Crusher" die in a "shattered" way.

Ordinary players must think of using blunt weapons or strike skills.

Kill this dark gold boss.

But Dawn knows that in the "darkness",

There is only one way to "shatter" a monster corpse.

That's "freezing" and then killing!

It must be ensured that when the monster is in the "frozen" state,

Subsequent attacks will clear the remaining HP.

In this way, the "frozen crushing" effect can be achieved.

I don't know what Rien is going to do for myself, though.

The black-haired girl still nodded "183" in response.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. "

She found it easy to move with Rien.

Throw all the things that move his head to him,

It is enough to follow orders yourself.

And the benefits along the way are also quite substantial.

Definitely beat 99% of the players in this dungeon!

"The Bone Crusher's attack is primarily physical. "

"So, Asuna just turned on [Resistance]. "

Resistance Aura, a defensive aura unlocked by Paladin Level 6.

Level 1 increases the physical defense of allies within a certain radius by 70%.

This kicker effect is not a direct 70% physical damage reduction.

Instead, it increases the physical resistance and armor of teammates by 70%

In this way, the bonus is actually not as strong as the elemental resistance aura.

But it's better than nothing.

The battle was fought when Ansenas stepped into the room where the "Bone Crusher" was,

It exploded in an instant.

Elite skeletons around dark gold bosses,

Possess the same modifiers as their boss.

It is "particularly strong",

But that doesn't give them any more speed.

So, in front of the elven swordsman who is proficient in swordsmanship.

They only have to be played.

[Bone Crusher] just wanted to take a step,

to intercept Ansenas's attack,

And yet a flying bullet,

Blow up its shoulder blades directly!

The game system gave immediate feedback.

Above the head of the Dark Gold Boss, two damage numbers appeared.

One is -27 physical damage.

One is -900 lightning damage.

This blow directly killed more than 20% of its life!

The Bone Crusher roars angrily, directly shifting the target.

Towards Dawn with stiff steps.

But it's much faster than a carrion.

After all, it doesn't have a trace of "fat" all over its body,

Lightweight bones can increase speed.

A round shield that shimmers with dark golden light,

It smashed straight into its skull.

- Shield Strike!

Asuna is now adept at using her combat skills.

You can do a paste boss with a shield that doesn't change color.

But she also knew that she didn't have much time to intervene.

A "shield strike" that can stun ordinary monsters for two or three seconds.

"Bone Crusher" only shook for 1 second,

I regained my body's balance!


The second bullet hit it accurately...... Ribs.

Without the aid of "firearms mastery",

It's hard for Lane to do such a thing as a gun headshot.

Still, so close to the distance.

It would be too insulting to say that he couldn't hit.

As long as it can hit and deal damage.

to trigger the "Magnetic Storm Crown"!

A second "crackling" explosion sounded,

The "Bone Crusher's" HP has dropped by 20% again!

The dark gold boss was furious,

Smash the mace in your hand directly at Asuna!

The latter hurriedly raised his shield to block.

The defense of the dark gold round shield is combined with the [Resistance] aura.

The attack didn't pose much of a threat.

However, the additional impact force,

But he directly knocked the girl back several steps!

Asuna only felt a tightness in her chest,

The arm holding the shield was numb,

While feeling that the feeling made by this game is so real.

She shouted in Rien's direction.

"Captain, be careful!"

After she was repulsed.

Between Lane and the "Bone Crusher",

No more obstacles!

"Bang-" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Li En's expression did not change,

Shooting is still carried out in an orderly manner.

Slash the Bone Crusher by 20% of his health again.

40% left!

At this moment, a cloud of extremely cold frozen magic,[]

Swept in with a howling cold wind!

Hit the "Bone Crusher" straight away!

Although it failed to freeze it,

But it also slowed its pace.

Fourth shot!

"It still has 20% of its HP left, and it keeps casting ice spells to freeze it!"

Lane immediately shouted loudly.

Long Crescent directly poured a bottle of mana elixir,

Begin to act like a spell machine gun,

Keep throwing ice spells at the "Bone Crusher"!

Ice Arrows!

Frost Nova!

And the one that has just been released,

Ice Storm unlocked at level 6 of [Witch]!

The "Bone Crusher" has high magic resistance,

All Elementals have 50% Resistance Reduction.......

On the other hand,

The chance of falling into an elemental ailment has also been greatly reduced!

Several ice spells in a row,

None of them made it "frozen"!

- Shield Strike!

Asuna gritted her teeth and continued to push up,

She also wants to be as good as possible in battle,

Make your part.


Carrying a meteor hammer of great power,

Just smash her out!

However, before the flying,

She saw clearly,

The whole body of the "Bone Crusher",

Gradually cover with a thick layer of ice!

"It's done...... Ahem!"

Asuna just wanted to cheer,

But his back slammed into the wall of the mausoleum,

I couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

Thankfully, her defense is currently the highest in the team.

This blow just took her life,

It hit about 40%.

And it didn't go into a dangerous state.

"Well done!"

Dawn came with a hint of excited approval,

Then, in a trance, the girl heard a gunshot.

As if announcing the cracking sound of judgment,

The crisp sound of ice shattering to the ground.

It was the last voice she heard before she fell unconscious.

I don't know how long it took for Asuna to wake up.

When you open your eyes,

only to find herself lying on Ansenas's legs.

"Are you awake?"

The male voice that made the girl's heartbeat beat accelerate came from the side.

Rien added a few sticks of wood to the campfire and said with a smile.

"It just so happens that we've just finished packing up the loot. "

"This time, you have the most credit for stopping the boss by yourself. "

Hearing Rian's praise, Asuna said with some embarrassment.

"What's the ...... In the end, it was the captain who killed it by 4.5. “

"No, your role is also crucial. "

At this time, it was Ansenas who spoke.

The elf girl said with a serious expression.

"There is no doubt that the performance you have just performed is enough to be called a qualified fighter. "

To be able to receive such praise,

It is enough to show that Ansenas has a high opinion of Asuna -

You know, she looks at Asuna from the perspective of a "reincarnation player".

After the battle just now,

It can be regarded as the official recognition of "Asuna"

Qualifications as her teammates.

"Everyone has won the award, and I still have a lot to learn......

Asuna felt a little hot in her cheeks.

It seems that after waking up, she is more integrated into the team.

Suddenly, she saw the team panel.

There is a noticeable difference from the previous one.

Originally, the only people who had [Career] were her and Long Xinyue.

But now, all 4 of them have [Careers]!.

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