Level 3, Icy Plains, Teleporter.

"This time we are willing to gamble and lose, and we are willing to bow down. "

After handing the Runestone to Ryne.

Thor asked tentatively.

"Mr. Rien, are you interested in Hirosu Bisu?"

"It's better for us to work together......"

"No interest. "

Rien shook his head and said in dismay.

"Come on, try to make the last full server announcement. "

In the face of Riene's refusal, he did not drag his feet in the slightest.

Thor had no choice but to give up.

stared at the back of Li En and the others leaving.

Lost in thought.

"This dragon countryman...... He wants to go straight to the 4th floor!"

If Thor insists on competing with Ryne.

Maybe you can really compete for the highs.

But he was reluctant to bear the dark gold monster of "Bi Su Bo Xu".

Anyway, this is also a first kill!

The first player to discover a new floor,

There are no rewards other than announcements.

But get the first kill of the dark gold monster,

There will definitely be a lot of loot!

"Contact other coalition members. "

Thor gritted his teeth and finally made a decision.

"It seems that we will not be able to eat this meal ourselves this time. "


After leaving the teleporter.

There was silence on the way.

Ansenas suddenly approached Rien,

Asked softly.

"You really gave up on that dark gold boss?"

"yes. "

Rien glanced at her.

Immediately understood her inner thoughts.

"If you have to fight with Bi Xubo, it will be too much time. "

"With this kung fu, it's better to get into the 4th place early and unlock more skills and items. "

A camp of hundreds of Fallen Demons.

plus 5 elite-level Fallen Wizards,

and a dark gold boss that can resurrect the Wizard of Perdition.

If a group of monsters of this size can be "eaten".

It's going to be a lot of money – but that's about it.

Li En has no shortage of income, and he knows where the dark gold bosses in each region are.

It is also assisted by the god-level pathfinding function of "dungeon map".

There's no need to waste time with just one dark gold boss.

Moreover, Thor belongs to the White Eagle Empire's [Freedom Alliance]

They can't deal with this dark gold boss on their own.

I will definitely call my brother to come and help......

At that point, the scene may get out of hand.

"In that case... `..."

The elven girl hesitated for a moment.

Eventually, he said it.

"Can you sell the information of this dark gold boss to the elves?"

In fact, she realized that

Lane has some kind of means to get hold of the enemy's information.

It could be a natural ability,

It could also be other special methods.

Lane never hid it either.

Before each battle with a strong enemy,

They will tell all the team members about their abilities and characteristics.

Ansenas sees it as a wordless trust.

That's why.

When she said that.

Actually, I was a little apprehensive.

Because it means that she has already shown.

I want to get some information,

And join Lane's team.

- But what she didn't expect was.

Lane actually knew her "mission" when she joined the team.

"Sell to the elves? "

Lane wasn't too surprised,

Since he acquiesced to Ansenas joining the team.

Naturally, this day has long been considered.

It's just that I didn't expect to come into contact with the elves so early.

"What price can you offer?"

In the face of Lane's question,

Ansenas was silent for a moment.

It seems to be in a private chat with a player.

After more than ten seconds, she said.

"Your Highness wants to hear what you need. "

"Your Highness?"

Lai En had long wanted to ask for information about this "Eudora" Highness.

At this time, I took the opportunity to ask.

"Eudora Shifrit Solar, the youngest daughter of one of our elven dukes. "

"That's an honor. "

Lane shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Hiroshi's information isn't worth a fortune. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The first transaction, I can do it for free. "

A wry smile appeared on Ansenas's delicate face.

"Dawn...... The free ones are the most expensive, and that's what you often say to me. "

"That's right. "

Rien chuckled. []

"Please tell that Highness Yudora. "

"I hope to have a long-term relationship in this copy. "

"I can provide information on the Dark Gold Boss, or other merchandise. "

"But correspondingly, I need to use the hands of the elves to help me collect something. "

"For example...... Runestones like the one I just got. "

Ansenas nodded with a complicated expression.

"Well, I have forwarded your request to His Highness...... She agreed!"


Lane raised an eyebrow.

Secretly said that this "Yudola" His Royal Highness,

He is also a decisive man...... Genie.

That being the case, he didn't hesitate.

Directly transfer the information related to "Hiroshi Bisu".

Compiled a copy for Ansenas.

"Fire immunity, the boss will actually explode after death......"

Ansenas listened to Rian's description.

While secretly frightened.

If there is no information from Lane.

I'm afraid that there is a high chance that the players of the elven clan will be killed or injured!

After a few minutes, Ansenas breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness has asked me to convey her thanks to you. "

"Also...... If she can, she'd like to meet you. "

Faced with this proposal, Li En thought for a few seconds.

"We'll talk about that later. "

Because it's not halftime yet.

After killing the "Icy Crow".

Lynn accomplished an achievement: No Fire.


[Achievement: No Fire]

+ Condition: During the fight with the "Icy Raven", you have not been hit by her once

+ Reward: Choose 1 item to unlock it


This achievement allows Lane to choose 1 item to unlock.

Although not a "skill" that is urgently needed at the moment.

But if you can choose, you can accept it.

Rien didn't choose the various equipment on his body.

Instead, the "Rubik's Cube" in the Space Ring is specified!

Not a modified "mechanical magic box"

Rather, it is a "Rubik's Cube" that was originally used as a "portable workbench"!

"Nice, familiar feeling...... It's much more convenient to have tools. "

Look at the dazzling array of workbenches.

Rien nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, he can go beyond simple mechanical production.

Including various drawings and self-created machines that I have learned before.

It can also be made.

Dragon Crescent chose to unlock the bracelet that was used to suppress her talent.

It seems that she still minds the negative effects of "the death of all things".

After wearing it, her "domain" range was compressed to a radius of less than 10 centimeters.

Already able to carry out normal communication and activities.

Ansenas, on the other hand, chose a piece of jewelry.

Her choice is the most normal of the three.

After all, jewelry is less equipped than weapons and armor.

It can play a good effect in the early stage.

"Looks like we've arrived. "

Rien stopped.

In front of him, a huge rusty iron door,

Half-opened, half-hidden, it seems to welcome the arrival of the living.

From both sides of the iron gate, there is an endless fence.

Look through the fence and look inside.

It seems that you can see a continuous ghost fog,

and endless, dilapidated, or complete tombstones.

[You have discovered the "place where the nuns are buried"]

[WARNING!] There will be an invasion of "Guilty Spirits" in this area]

[After the guilty soul is discovered, it will flee in all directions]

[Kill them to get great rewards!]


(As always, a few days off at the end of the month, temporarily 3 shifts, and resumed at the beginning of the month...... It is said that next month will be the National Day).

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