
A half-blooded dark gold boss,

At least six or seven hundred health......

Just give the second?!

The shadow had its mouth half-open, not yet reacting to what had just happened.

In fact, what he saw was very simple.

It was Dawn who raised his hand and gave [Cold Crow] a shot.

Then it directly empties its remaining 50% health.

But the shadow instinctively doesn't want to admit it.

Even if he is the most powerful "Thor" in his team,

It can cause up to two or three hundred damage at a time!

And even when all the unblocking skills are used!

However...... The announcement that pops up in front of you.

But the shadow had to recognize the status quo.


[Serverwide Announcement: Player "Lien"...... The team has achieved the first kill of the 3rd layer of dark gold boss "Icy Crow"!]



Level 3, Icy Plains.

In an open field.

Thor looked at the tribe of hundreds of Fallen Demons.

I can't help but feel numb in my scalp.

They were half an hour ago,

It's already under the guidance of a team member with a talent for exploration.

Found the location of the dark gold boss "Hirosu Bisu".

However, what was found together,

And this monster camp in front of you where hundreds of No. 16 enemies gathered!

It's not like they haven't tried to clear out these miscellaneous soldiers,

Then focus on the bosses......

But what happened later,

They felt what it means to be disgusted.

In this camp of the Fallen Demons,

There are 5 Fallen Demon Wizards,

As long as the Demon of Destruction is killed,

will directly swing the staff,

Resurrect the Fallen Demon of Death!

If you don't get rid of them,

Then no matter how many Fallen Demons you kill.

It's going to be useless work—

But Sol has paid a certain price,

Almost surrounded by dozens of Sinking Demons,

After killing all 5 Fallen Demon Wizards.

Another desperate fact happened......

Bisu Hirosu will actually resurrect the Fallen Demon Wizard!

"Fake! Which Bichiyang's planner designed this boss?!"

After tossing for a long time, the number of enemies did not decrease.

Thor almost didn't get angry with himself.

At this moment, he saw the full server announcement that [Icy Crow] had been killed.

"Shadow, what the hell is going on?!"

"Didn't I tell you to stare at Lane's team?!"

Not long after, the shadow replied with a slight grievance.

"They beat the boss too fast to send you a message to the boss. "

It's just that I didn't have time to send a message.

The shadow is only now reacting from the flash kill.

"Boss, how's your progress over there?"

"If we can also get a first kill, at least we won't lose too much in momentum......"

"I'm here...... There's still a lot of progress left. "

Thor heard the shadow's words, and his heart was quite weak.

He glanced at the dark camp of the Fallen Demons.

In fact, the progress of the dark gold boss strategy on his side.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it with 0%.

Finally, he sighed.

"Forget it, you can go back to the waypoint with us. "

"This bet is about...... We are willing to gamble and lose. "


【You have killed the Dark Gold Boss "Icy Crow"]

【You have gained 7000 XP (10x earnings)】

[You have gained 6140 gold (10x earnings)]

[You have obtained the "Icy Crow" loot chest]

[You have completed the achievement - "No Fire"]

[You have 1 chance to unlock the designated item]


"It seems that the little mouse behind him has snuck away. "

Rien glanced at the dungeon map.

Spotting the shadow that was still peeping in the corner.

At this point, it has disappeared without a trace.

Judging by the fact that there are no players in the surrounding area.

It should have been directly using the Returning City Scroll and returning to the teleportation array.

It's good that you can waste less energy on him.

"What's coming out?"

Lane walked over to his teammate. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Get your own loot box in hand.

I opened it easily.


[You have obtained 1 "Class Transfer Card: Barbarian]

You have gained 1 "Split Skeleton"]

[You have obtained 1 piece of unidentified dark gold equipment]


The moment the restrained, luxurious dark gold hue caught Lane's sight.

He thought he was wrong!

But then, a hint popped up in front of me.

Let him confirm one fact-

"Icy Crow" dropped a dark gold equipment for him!

The so-called [Dark Gold Equipment] is in the "dark" equipment system.

Best-in-class equipment with powerful attributes!

Ryne put away the other two drops and look at them later.

The rest of the dark gold equipment is a ...... Shield.

"Shield, too. "

Rien thought silently.

Then take out an identification scroll from your inventory,

Slap on the shield.

Suddenly, the dark golden brilliance that bloomed,

Ansenas and others, who were inspecting the loot, were also attracted to it.


【Crescent Moon Shield】

Level +: E+

+ Seek: Strength 12

+Royal: 39 Physical Resistance

+ Sex: +10 Will, +10 Constitution, +2 Strength

+Effect: +20% Block Chance

+ Effect: +40% block stun recovery


This series of unpretentious stat bonuses.

It has a lot of characteristics of the "Dark" series of equipment.

There are no bells and whistles for triggered, active special effects.

Some are just statistic or other data increments.

Attributes alone, the "Crescent Moon Shield" has increased by 22 points!

Equivalent to an attribute bonus of more than 4 liters!

"Dark gold equipment? It's the first time I've seen it. "

Ansenas looked curiously at the shield in Riene's hand.

"It's a pity it's not a sword or something. "

"yes, but it works. 327"

Ryne handed the shield to Asuna.

"You should have enough strength, right?"

“...... Ahh "

The girl was a little flattered

Took over the first piece of dark gold equipment in the team.

"Do you really want me to use such good equipment?"

Mixed with the team for a while.

She's not ignorant of the game now.

"It's a good performance, keep up the good work. "

Rien said with a smile.

He is not exaggerating the facts.

Asuna blocks the "Frozen Arrow" for the Dragon Crescent.

Even he couldn't find anything wrong with him.

Pretty crisp and neat.

It proves that Asuna's strength has progressed, and she has courage.

"Hmm...... Thank you. "

Feel Riene's gaze of encouragement and approval.

The girl nodded slightly shyly,

blushing and lowering his eyes,

Constantly stroking the edge of the shield.

[Asuna's opinion of you +30% (10x gain)]

[Asuna's relationship with you has reached "intimacy"]

It seems that it will soon be able to get out of the hands of the original male protagonist.

Completely conquered Asuna-

I just don't know where the original male protagonist "Kirito" is at this time.

Otherwise, wait until Asuna is accepted as a follower.

Looking for Kirito to make friends?

Lane thought with a wicked taste.

He then tore open a teleportation scroll.

Said to his teammates.

"Let's go back and see if some people are willing to fulfill their bets. "。

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