In the direction of all the first-quarter ghost moons observed by Dawn.

Only Fallen Hime is alone...... A ghost.

Because of the jade pot she is with the winding team,

And the half-tengu of the winding rag is different.

She has her own identity in human society.

And it's still very well-known -

One of the "Oiran" of Yoshiwara Flower Street, Warabi Hime.

According to Riene's inference, after she was hit hard.

Will definitely return to Flower Street,

Because that's where she has a sphere of influence among the human race.

Fresh human flesh is the easiest way to get to help her recover from her injuries.

In the bustling flower street, even if there are a few drunken guests,

No one should have noticed.

However, Lane did not go out immediately.

Because just as he made the decision to hunt the upper wind.

In his spatial ring,

Suddenly, there was a throbbing.

As...... Something wants to break out of its shell.

"It's ...... Night"

Lane was shocked.

Immediately release the "snow" and "flower" dolls.

"Lord Riene, how she looks every night...... It's weird!"

When Iruri saw Rien, she said in a panic.

"Miss Glass didn't say what to do in this situation, please 537 help you night night!"

"I'm not going to leave it alone. "

Lane reassured Iruri a few words,

Then he looked at the night night that fell into a coma—

It is said that he is unconscious, but in fact he is awake at this time.

But it's not at all as lively as usual,

Just calmly open your eyes,

It's like a lifeless machine.

Compared to the "forbidden dolls",

Her appearance at this time is more like a pure mechanical doll "Lucifer".

I don't know when the hair color of the night has turned into a silvery white color,

Compared to Iruri's hair, there is a hazy sacredness.

His skin glowed faintly, and even his eyes turned silvery white.

Despite being in a closed room.

But the night seems to be shrouded in the whole body

Holy and bright in the moonlight.

"It's not like you're usual. "

As if he felt something, Li En stretched out his palm,

Stroke to the cheeks of the night.

The magic and vitality of the "divine awakening" every night,

It's all provided for her by Lien,

So at this moment, there is a wonderful "synaesthesia" between the two.

"I see. "

Through [Surgical Deconstructor] and [Unrestrained Eyes]

Dawn read the "message" emanating from Yeye's body.

The process of divine awakening...... It's not actually the puppet itself that's reinforcing it.

but in the process of welcoming the advent of "divinity",

The vitality and magic brought by "mending the demon",

Crafted as a vessel suitable for "divinity"!

At the moment of becoming a "divine ingenuity",

Night and night will have both "divinity" and "humanity".

Only now her consciousness is covered with "divinity".

If you want to regain her "humanity",

It is necessary to suppress the "divinity" before the consciousness is dissolved!

This cannot be done by the night alone.

Because she has become a vessel for the advent of "divinity".

If you want to suppress the "divinity", you must have an external force to intervene -

Li En poured a bottle of [Intermediate Mental Protection Elixir]

This is the "reimbursement compensation" he received from Alan.

He didn't ask for points,

Rather, the [Silver Knight] warband was not used up

[Mental Protection Elixir] is all here.

Anyway, after killing Nightmare,

There are no enemies in this dungeon world who are proficient in illusion or psychic attacks.

For this reason, Li En also posted thousands of points upside down.

After all, these agents are very unusable.

But the cost is there, and it can't be cheap.

"Let's get started. "

Lane took a deep breath and lowered his head with a solemn expression.

Gently touch on the red lips of the doll girl.

The next moment, he directly used the [Unrestrained Eye],

Entered the night and night thoughts!

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... Defeat in the confrontation!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The spiritual impact brought by "divinity" directly submerged Li En.

But that doesn't mean defeat or end.

Because Li En has a specialty that can reverse fate!


[Perk Skill: Reversal of Fate - Power of Fortune (Lv10)]

+ Fruit: When you fail in any judgment or confrontation, you can consume your own attributes to reset the result, and provide an additional base success rate, which doubles the skill cost with each reset

+Positive: Consumes 10 (20) random attributes, providing 10 (20%) additional base success rate

+ Break - Strength of Luck: Attribute consumption is doubled, and the success rate provided is doubled


Reversal of fate!

This is after Li En completed the [Reversal of Fate] hidden achievement,

Acquired perk skills.

The effect is so amazing that you can directly reset the results of all the confrontation effects!

But the consumption is also very horrible.

It does not consume mental power or special energy.

Instead, attribute points are consumed directly!

It's like the "burning" in the running group.

It's just that Dawn is not burning the "luck" value,

It's his stat value!

[Do you pay 20 random attributes to reset the confrontation result of "Divinity"?]

[This reset will come with an additional 20% base success rate]


Lane gritted his teeth,

He is not afraid of the loss of stat value.

Because he has accumulated more than a thousand free attribute points.

But the process of consuming attributes is accompanied by unspeakable pain!

[You have reduced your Strength, Constitution, Will, and Intelligence by 5 by 5]

Strength and constitution are stripped alive,

The body is cramping and peeling,

There is a sharp pain like a heart-piercing bone!

Mental pain has the lowest impact,

Because Lane is used to being tormented by the chaotic flow of information all the time.

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... Defeat in the confrontation!]

"Reset again!"

[Do you pay 40 random attributes to reset the confrontation result of "Divinity"?]

[This reset will come with an additional 20% base success rate]


Rien couldn't help but let out a low roar.

With each reset, the cost of attribute points is doubled.

If you fail again this time, you will need to pay 80 random attributes next time!

But the success rate that comes with it has not changed.

He can only bet on this 20% base success rate.

[You have reduced Strength by 10, Mystic by 15, Agility by 7, and Constitution by 8]

Ryne's stats have been reduced by a cut.

But in an instant, he added it back.

But the feeling of weakness and the pain of being deprived of strength,

Makes him tremble.

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... Defeat in the confrontation!]


【...... Defeat in the confrontation!]


【...... The confrontation is successful!]

"Heavy ......"

Suddenly, Lee, whose consciousness was already a little blurred,

was embraced by a pair of arms.

"Dawn...... Enough is enough. "

There was a hint of crying in Yeye's voice.

Crystal tears couldn't stop dripping down Lane's body.

This time, her tears didn't turn into magic again.

Because she's not a puppet anymore.

Rather, it has the characteristics of both "human" and "machine......

Divinity ingenuity.

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