
【Shadow Breath Lv.1】

Level +: B

+ Chain: 0/10 layers

+Result: 40% of Damage Converted to Shadow Damage, Shadow Damage Ignores Physical and Elemental Resistances

+Positive: For every 1 level of skill increase, the Shadow Damage conversion rate is increased by 1%.

+ Positive: For every 1 stack of exercises, 20 points of base strength, agility, and will attributes are increased, and movement speed is increased by 10%.

+Positive: For each 1 stack of the exercise, it increases the Critical Strike Chance by 1%, the Critical Strike Damage by 10%, and the Execution Threshold by 1%.

+ Skill: Unlock "Hedao" on the 5th floor of the breathing method, unlock "Zebra" on the 7th floor, and unlock "Transparent World" on the 9th floor.

+ Note: Nameless's exclusive breathing method can bestow powerful and extreme shadow and killing powers


"There are actually 3 kinds of corrective effects. "

"Is this what is called a skill of the exercises......

Look at the dazzling array of skill information.

Rien couldn't help but be speechless.

It was the first time he had seen the details of the exercises.

The bonus value provided by the breathing method is extremely generous!

Lv10's full-layer breathing.

Provides a full 200 points of Strength, Agility, and Will!

However, these attributes count towards the Base Properties.

Instead of the "bonus stats" provided by similar equipment and items.

If the player is practicing the breathing method,

It is limited by its own reincarnation rank.

But...... Followers don't have this concern!

Because there is no hierarchy for followers!

This means that as long as Nameless continues to practice the breathing method,

Her attributes may even surpass that of Rien.

Directly reach B-rank attributes!

In addition, the level 10 "Shadow Breath",

It also converts 50% of damage to Shadow damage.

Shadow damage is an attribute damage that is independent of "physical" and "elemental".

Only Mystery Resistance and Shadow Resistance are reduced.

This means a nameless attack,

Can deal mixed damage that is difficult to guard against!

The 10th floor of "Shadow Breath",

It also provides 10% Critical Strike Chance, 100% Critical Strike Damage, and 100% Movement Speed

The most important thing is...... 10% Termination Threshold!

With Nameless's own "six pure" specialties.

Units with less than 30% health can be terminated directly!

If you change it to a boss unit like the Upper String and the Second Wind......

Wipe out around 100,000 HP with a single hit!

Lane had already tried it before.

The ghost of this world...... Immunity is death.

But not immune to executions!

"Interesting...... It seems that the nameless combat system has a rough framework'. "

Rien nodded in satisfaction.

In his mind, several different battle scenarios had been conceived.

But in the end, it is up to Nameless to try and familiarize himself with his own abilities.

In the skill description, there is no combat skill attached to "Shadow Breath".

For example, the combat skill of [Shadow Breath-One Type-XXX] is in this format.

Because of all the combat skills of the exclusive breathing method,

You need to develop it yourself.

Judging from the scene of the nameless incarnation of the shadow just now...... She has mastered at least one combat skill.

"Satisfied, my gift to you. "

Rien stroked the girl's hair,

He had promised Nameless,

If she works hard to cultivate,

will give her a special reward.

Now, he has fulfilled his promise.


Nameless narrowed his eyes lightly and curled up his petite body in Riene's arms,

Like a kitten, snuggled in the arms of its owner.

"Can I help you now?"

She asked tentatively.

"Of course. "

Lane said without thinking.

Nameless possesses a range of skills.

is destined to be an indispensable member of her team.

Especially when it comes to boss battles.

strong execution capacity,

It can be the heart of the tactics!

Even if the execution is aside,

Nameless's own high critical strike chance, high critical damage,

It can also make her a lot of hurtful exporters.

The only flaw is...... She's too brittle.

"Shadow Breath" does not provide any bonus to the Constitution stat.

This means that while she has high attack power,

There is no extra health modifier.

This is a very dangerous thing to do in high-level combat.

"Looks like we're going to have to find some life-saving equipment or props for Nameless. "

Li En thought of killing "The String of the Wind" by himself, (read the violent novel, and go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The string of Buddhist beads obtained from the spoils of the Wo Throne.

He directly dismantled the two Buddha beads and handed them to Nameless.

That way, she has two chances to fend off the fatal damage.

Although once triggered, it will permanently reduce the will attribute by 20%.

But at least it's much better than outright death. []

"Huh, asleep?"

Looking at the girl who was sleeping in her arms.

Lane couldn't help but wonder.

But there was a hint of worry in the smile.

This is not normal.

Even if there is no fierce battle,

The bloodline of "Cabanelli" in the nameless body

is also constantly consuming her physical strength.

The time she can move freely is getting shorter and shorter.

Eventually, when the Cabanelli bloodline crossed the line,

She'll become Kabane, a half-human, half-corpse monster.

However, with Rian present,

He would never let that happen.

Even before entering the world of the Demon Slayer dungeon,

He was ready.

Merely...... Some experiences in the dungeon.

Let him have some new ideas and ideas.

So for the time being, there is no action to solve the problem of the nameless bloodline.

After dealing with the nameless matter,

Rien opens the dungeon map and checks on the enemy.

What happened a few hours ago, for the Ghost Slayer Team,

Arguably the worst crisis experienced in hundreds of years.

The headquarters was directly approached by Wu Miao, and kicked the field directly with the 4 winding ghost moon.

Although in the midst of the crisis, there were no pillar-level swordsmen,

Or the death of the top of the Demon Slayer Squad.

However, the headquarters was directly terminated, and the intelligence network that had been operating for a long time was almost paralyzed.

For the Ghost Slayer strongholds scattered all over the place,

In the case of a group of dragons without a leader, the stronghold is a reward given to players in the ghost camp for nothing!

"If I'm not mistaken, I'll ...... in the future."

"Ghost players will be aggressive, attacking the stronghold of the Demon Slayer. "

Rien thought silently.

However, players from the opposing faction are not a threat to him.

Whether it is the technique of the decomposition system [Smoke Dissipation],

Or the [Heartkill] obtained from the Demon Clan player,

They are all killing weapons in the civil war of players of the same level.

If you can't make a judgment, you will die directly!

Compared to the reincarnation player.

He was more concerned about ......

The winding ghost moon involved in the explosion, and even the state of no misery!

Oni have immunity to death.

This means that as long as it is not through the sun wheel knife or sunlight

Inhibits their ability to regenerate.

Or kill the ghost by "execution" (李?好) and so on.

The ghost can be restored.

The vitality of the winding ghost moon is stronger,

There are hundreds of thousands of health points at every turn.

However, not every winding ghost month

It's all like a nest.

It has the ability to regenerate beyond the limit.

Once hit hard.

It would be necessary to eat a large amount of human flesh and blood.

in order to maintain the normal regeneration efficiency.

In other words...

During this period, it is the period of weakness of the first quarter ghost moons!

Lee's plan is to take advantage of the fact that they are going to prey on humans.

Break them one by one and hunt them down!

"Goal 1...... Who should I choose?"

In the dungeon map,

Rien found a couple of somewhat dim icons.

Judging by the brightness display of the icon.

These winding ghost moons do suffer from some degree of trauma.

And the state of no misery has only been affected slightly.

"It's worthy of being a ghost king, and this level of explosion didn't hit him hard. "

Lane sighed

One side decided the first hunting target......

The land of the winding, the fallen hime!.

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