"Hey, hey, hey......"

"Don't giggle at every turn. "

looked at the cute expression,

Staring at the night when you fall into an obsessed ~ state,

Lane sighed with a headache.

"Who made Rien so handsome yesterday. "

Ye Ye said with a straight cross-waist.

"In order to wake people up, they do not hesitate to endure such pain......"

"I've been watching it all night and night, oh, hey, hey, hey......"

"Here we go again. "

Looking at the girl who showed a smirk again,

Li En rubbed his temples helplessly.

Although what is said night and night is true......

But it's still a little awkward to say it so bluntly.

Or rather, it's a little shy.

However, Nian has just passed a crisis every night,

and ushered in his new life as a "human being",

He decided to put those things aside for now.

"Lord Rien, after you rested yesterday, you watched over you all night. "

Iruri added with a chuckle.

"Doesn't divine ingenuity need sleep?"

Rien looked at Ye Ye curiously.

Theoretically, a divine ingenuity that is both "human" and "mechanical".

It will be more inclined to human habits...... Probably so.

"Lord Rien, you may have misunderstood divine ingenuity. "

Iruri shook her head slightly.

"Although Yeye's [divinity] has been suppressed by you, she is not an ordinary human now. "

"That's ......"

Li En thoughtfully opened the status panel of the night.

View the attribute information after completing the "Divine Awakening".



Level +: C+ (Unique)

+ Sexuality:

Health: 5600/5600

Mental power 5600/5600

Strength 140 (280), Constitution 140 (280)

Dexterity 140 (280), Intelligence 120

Mystic 120, Will 140 (280)

+Fu: Divine Karakuri (S Rank)

+ Long: Pole - Vajra Force, Destruction Kill (Temporary)

+Pulse: None

+ Note: The supreme masterpiece of Hanaliuzhai Glass, the perfect posture of the girl of the "Moon" in "Snow Moon Flower" after completing the awakening of divinity


After completing the "Divine Awakening",

Night Night's information panel has a new look.

The most obvious is ...... She is no longer a puppet of "Moon".

Instead, it is marked by a name in the reincarnation space, just like a nameless.

This means that she is no longer a mere "tool"

In addition, the basic attributes are also after the Divine Awakening progress is 100%.

Achieved a grade of C.

The most important thing is...... She no longer has a magic circuit at this point.

The original "Eve's Heart" and "Vajra Force"

With the advent of the "Divine Awakening",

When reshaping the body, it has dissolved into the body

It has become a "specialty skill" that has been mastered by night and night.

In other words, she is now equated with a human who was born with the "King Kong Force".

And it's also a strengthened version of "King Kong Force"!


【Special Skill: Pole-Vajra Force】

+ Fruit: The potential of divine dexterity will not be bound by the body, and the vajra power will be constantly activated, but it will consume its own mental power when fighting

+ Positive: Doubles Night's strength, Constitution, agility, and willpower

+Positive: Nights and nights gain 50% damage reduction and 100% global defense increases

+ Positive: Increases movement speed and nerve reflexes by 100% at night

+Positive: Increases melee damage dealt by Night by 100%

+Positive: In combat mode, Night consumes 1% of maximum mental power per second



After browsing all the effects of "Extreme-Vajra Force",

Lane gasped and forgot to close his mouth.

Originally, because of the limitations of the puppet's body,

As a result, "King Kong Force" cannot be used in both battle modes at the same time.

But after awakening to "divine ingenuity",

The magic circuit of the night dissolves,

So that she is no longer affected by the problem of magic circuits interfering with each other.

The original "King Kong Force" can exert real power! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The 4 battle modes of "Wind Forest and Mountain Fire" can be opened at the same time and maintained forever!

"But the mental power consumption is a bit high...... 1% per second, no matter how much you stack the upper limit, it's useless. "

Rien touched his chin, thoughtful.

"If you don't have a means of recovery, you can maintain a fighting stance for up to 100 seconds. "

"It seems to be another big consumer of supplies. "[]

After all, such a price ...... Totally acceptable!

With the blessing of [Extreme-Vajra Force].

Night Night's attributes in battle are already comparable to those of B+'s boss units!

Although the means of attack are relatively simple, Li En has already been prepared!

In the list of nights' special skills,

There is a "sabotage kill" with a (temporary) suffix!

This is what he is capable of fighting for night and night.

"Night, the hair ornament on your head...... Is there anything special about it? "

Rien looked at the happy night with a look on his face,

Knocked her on the head, bringing her back from her giggle.

"Hair accessories?"

Ye Ye reached out and touched the snowflake hair ornament pinned to his hair,

showed a sudden look.

"I see. "

"Dawn...... Is this a gift from you?"

"Well, that's right. "

Rien nodded, a little strange night reaction.

She breathed a sigh of relief as if she had solved some kind of mystery.

"I mean, Lane, this hair accessory can be said to have saved my life. "

"If it weren't for it, I'm afraid I wouldn't have survived the time you woke me up. "

"Oh, what's going on?"

Li En raised his eyebrows, could it be that night after night was in the process of divine awakening.

Something else happened that you didn't know about?

"At a time when my consciousness is about to be erased by divinity......"

Ye Ye stroked the lines of the hair ornament back and forth with his fingers.

"A girl who calls herself [Love Snow] protected me. "

"She told me to ...... To be precise, the last remaining consciousness of mine, I hid in a corner. "

"That's why I escaped. "

Love snow ......?!

Lane's heart moved.

It can't be such a coincidence, right......

"So, how is she now?"

Rien asked.

"Sorry to help me ......"

Ye Ye's expression was a little gloomy.

But soon, she suddenly remembered something,

Raising his head and saying to Rien.

"But before she finally disappears, she asked me to thank you. "

"Thank you?"

"[In this way, Koji and I will be able to meet again]"

That's what she said. "

"...... like this"

Dawn was silent.

Koji is the name of the upper string of the "Yakuza Seat" in the human period.

The name of his fiancée, who was poisoned by an adulterer, is "Love Snow".

Although the memories of being human have been distorted and forgotten.

But he still cherishes the hair ornament of the snow.

Perhaps, Koyuki has also been watching Koji who fell into madness and turned into a ghost because of his own death.

After Dawn kills "Nest Seat",

She can finally let go of her obsession and reunite with her lover after death.

Before leaving...... I also helped Ye Ye Ye with ease.

"What kind of development is this...... Ghostly in love?"

Li En sighed in his heart,

But I'm still quite relieved,

If you don't get the special kill item of "Zo Nest" at that time.

Perhaps the night will be even more troublesome.

Suddenly, a quest announcement popped up.

Interrupted Ryne's thoughts.

[Quest Notice: More than half of the Twelve Ghost Months have been lost, and more than 50% of the Ghost Slayer stronghold has fallen!]

[Special Campaign Event Activation Conditions Completed!]

[The special campaign event "Hyakki Night Walk" will start tonight!]


(It's getting late!4).

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