Under the leadership of the nameless.

Lai En finally meets the mechanism puppet called "Yuan Yi Zero Style".

Just like the look in memory.

It's a very strange doll.

There are six arms alone!

Each arm holds a Nichiwa knife.

When not activated, it stands silently in place.

It's like a killing machine waiting to be activated.


[Broken "edge one zero type"]

Level +: C

+Long: 7123/15000

+ Note: "A combat trap figure with 108 sword skills, based on a gifted genius swordsman"


"That's all you can see. "

Rien looked at the doll.

The appearance of the puppet is very vicissitudes,

There are many signs of breakage on the body.

The most obvious is that a large area of the face is shattered,

The mechanics inside are revealed.

"Isn't there anyone to fix it?"

Li En asked Wu Ming on the side.

Judging from the durability of the trap puppet,

It's been a long time since it's been repaired like 16.

It's even worse than when Lane first met Gray.

After all, this is a product of hundreds of years ago.

It's almost the same as being a relic in the real world.

Not to mention being used as a teaching aid.

"It was made by craftsmen hundreds of years ago. "

Nameless shook his head.

"Both the production technology and the maintenance method have been lost. "

"Hmm...... Then I'll try. "

Rien glanced at the copy map.

Because of the visit of the high-level of the ghost killing team.

So the people of the Knife Craftsman Village went to the village chief's house to gather.

There should be no one to disturb you for the time being.

"Let's try the easy repair first. "

Dawn threw a [Simple Repair] up.

This is the first skill he acquires in the Iron City dungeon.

It was also the first skill he mastered.

It's already perfect and very proficient in using it.

But alas...... The gap in rank cannot be bridged by proficiency.

["Yuan One Zero Style" is a C-level prop, which is beyond the scope of the skill!]

["Easy Maintenance" only exerts 10% of the effect]

["Yuan One Zero" has restored 20 durability points]

Sure enough, it was the same as Greine said. "

"When the skill is exceeded, the repair effect is pitiful. "

Reluctantly, Lane gave up the idea of using low-level maintenance skills to repair the puppet.

Restore 20 durability each time.

If you want to fix more than 7000 durability values, I don't know how long it will take.

"Try [Mechanical Enhancement] again. "

It is different from [Easy Maintenance].

[Mechanical Enhancement] is a temporary increase in durability and reduces durability consumption.

Therefore, there is no item level limit.

After Li En attaches the [Mechanical Enhancement] status to "Yuan One Zero".

It was discovered that the damaged parts of the puppet were covered by its own mechanical power.

It's like a temporary fix.

"In this state, maybe I can try to research. "

Li En's [Perfect-Intermediate Mechanical Research] skill,

This allows him to study C-rank and B-rank mechanical props!

It's just that without the corresponding knowledge.

The progress of the research will be extremely slow.

Lane wasn't sure if he had the knowledge and skills to create the figure.

You can only try it first.

"Nameless, let me know if there's a situation. "

After leaving a sentence,

Rien closed his eyes.

It's not about falling asleep, it's about observing through another sense.

There are [Elven Vision] and [Technique Deconstructor]

and in the case of "no informality".

He doesn't need to look at a particular thing more closely. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Analyzing the "edge one zero style"]

[10% ...... of parsing progress]

"There's a play!"

The feedback from the senses lifted Lee's spirits.

Then immerse yourself in the decomposition and reconstruction of information. []

The internal structure, materials, and operation logic of the puppet,

It was restored one by one in his perception.

The mechanical force flows in the line and structure of the "edge one zero",

And in the form of a network is mapped in Rien's perception.

It allows him to better simulate the composition and behavior of the puppet.

[100% analysis progress!]

With a bonus of 10x returns.

It only took Dawn half an hour,

The analysis of the production process of "Yuan One Zero" has been completed!

[Parsing complete!]

[You have obtained the "Trap Puppet - Unnamed" crafting blueprint]


[Trap Puppet "Unnamed"]

Level +: C

+ Find: Lv5 for mechanical dynamics, Lv10 for basic materials, and Lv10 for doll structure

+ Materials: Metal/Wood Components, Power Core (at least Grade D)

+Long: 10,000~30,000 (depending on the material)

+ Sex: Strength 120~150, Agility 120~150 (depending on the material)

+Bit: Can be equipped with sword-like melee weapons, and the base damage is added


"It's worthy of being a C-level trap puppet, and at least it has attributes comparable to the ghost moon of the lower quarter!"

Dawn's eyes lit up,

This is the first complete battle weapon production blueprint he has mastered.

Although I learned how to make automata from Glass.

But the two serve different purposes.

The latter is more inclined to the transformation and application of the "heart of Eve".

And the most precious thing is.

This trap puppet is an archetype.

In other words, it is a body that has not undergone any modifications.

Lane can be modified according to his needs and wishes!

Unnamed...... Is it the meaning of letting me name myself550? "

Dawn thought about it for a moment and finally decided on the name of the drawing.

【Trap Puppet "Sword Dancer"】!

"I seem to have all the materials for making sword dancers. "

"The only thing to think about is...... It's the power core. "

Just as Lane was thinking, he suddenly realized something.


Rien looked around,

only to find the girl who was supposed to be waiting by his side,

At this time, he was gone.

However, judging by the dungeon map......

The nameless dot is still near him!

Lane seemed to realize something.

"You chose to generate your own breathing method?"

He seemed to be asking the air.

But a moment later, the girl's answer was heard in the void.

"Hmm. "

A nameless figure emerges and condenses from the shadows of the ground.

"Miss Miri once said that what suits you is the best. "

She was right. "

Rien watched in amazement.

The scene of the nameless appearance reminded him of the "Shadow Incarnation" he had burned.

Although the way of casting is different.

But they all turn themselves into shadows and trigger follow-up actions.

Dawn opens the Nameless Follower status panel.

Sure enough, I found that there was no "Breath of the Sun" skill on it.

Instead, there is a new skill called "Shadow Breath Lv1"!

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