Knife Smith Village, where the secret of the Ghost Slayer is located.

The forging of the Nichiren knife needs to be relied on

A special mineral called "Orangutan Scarlet Iron".

This mineral can only be mined in the vicinity of Knifesmith's Village.

It can be said that the Swordsmith Village is when the ghost killing team fights the ghosts,

The most important logistical support.

So, in order to prevent being found by ghosts.

The village of the swordsmith is very secluded.

Not even the Demon Slayer knows its exact location.

When entering the village, you need to be blindfolded and stuffed.

The route is led in sections by several dedicated guides.

This kind of secrecy practice,

So that in the space of nearly a thousand years,

The location of the Knife Smith Village has never been revealed.

But today...... The tradition of sneaking into the village seems to be about to be broken.

A convoy galloped through the wilderness,

Straight towards the location of the Bladesmith Village.

"What" five-zero-zero "people?!"

The ghost slayer squad in charge of guarding the swordsmith village immediately stood on guard,

"Hurry up and inform Lord Lianzhu and Lord Kasumizu!"

"No need. "

When the convoy stopped, a handsome man stepped out of it.

The man's appearance made the eyes of the tense ghost killers widen.

"Lord, lord?!"

"And Lord Worm Pillar and Flame Pillar!"

More familiar faces came out of the convoy,

This made the ghost slayer soldiers guarding the Bladesmith Village a little confused.

From the point of view of the atmosphere,

Whether it is the lord or the two pillar-level powerhouses.

The expressions are very serious.

"Thank you, sir, for letting me know. "

Yaoya sighed and bowed to Rie to thank him.

"Otherwise, the Demon Slayer will probably be destroyed in my hands. "

"It's also about my safety. "

Lane shrugged.

"It's a pity that I didn't get the oncoming upper string blown up, which is a pity. "

Hearing this, the delivery house showed a wry smile.

Because of the blood relationship with the no miserable family,

Generations are ready to be approached by the ghost king,

In the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Slayer, and under the secluded mansion,

Cover up a large number of bombs.

is just to one day, when he is raided by no tragedy,

Able to have the last chance to fight back.

Because the time to detonate the bomb is very short,

Yaoya was already ready to sacrifice herself.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious Lord Riene,

I don't know what method to use, just detonate all the bombs remotely!

"Your Excellency!"

"My lord. "

During the conversation, Lianzhu and Xiazhu, who stayed in the knife craftsman village, had already arrived.

To be precise, there is only the honey glass of the "Love Pillar" Ganlu Temple,

It is in charge of the garrison of the Swordsmith Village area.

"Kasumi Pillar" Shitou Muichiro just happens to need to maintain the Nichiren knife,

That's why I came to the Knife Smith Village.

"Let's go in and talk about it, just go to visit the village chief and explain the situation. "

Even the lord of the Ghost Slayer Team.

When facing the head of the Swordsmith Village,

Still very respectful.

The Ghost Slayer and the Swordsmith Village are not superiors and subordinates.

It's a peer-to-peer partnership.

So, even if it's Yaoyashiki,

A visit is also required.

Lane didn't join in the fun.

He retracted the convoy into the Spatial Ring,

Then I found a secluded spot and sorted out my thoughts.

"Today is really a ...... of chance"

Although it is a pity to say that it is a pity,

Failed to kill a few of the winding ghost moons with bombs.

But in reality, Lai was clear in his heart.

I can pick up a life from this attack,

It's already a great blessing in misfortune. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If there is no quest map,

I'm afraid he didn't even know about the attack of Onimai Tsuji and the other four Shangyu!

A trace of fear flashed in my heart,

Ryne began to think about his next move.

The attack...... Completely disrupted his previous plan of action. []

And there is also a direct disagreement with the original plot.

Suffice it to say, even Ryne didn't know what was going to happen next!

"It's a big head. "

Rubbing his head, Lane sighed and lay on the ground.

The village of swordsmiths is sparsely populated,

There's no pressure on him here.

The burden of being carefree is low.

It's even easier than when you're at the Ghost Slayer headquarters.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows.

Through the connection between the player and the follower.

He sensed a familiar aura.

"Well, it's around here......"

The corners of Dawn's mouth curled slightly.

The heavy mood also became lighter.......

He opened the map and quietly walked towards the other party's location.

"Don't know what she's doing. "

Pushing aside the bushes, the sound of running water first came to my ears.

Immediately after, the figure of a girl bathing in the stream,

Unabashedly caught Ryne's sight.

"The host, if you want to see, can be less sneaky. "

Nameless stretched out his little white hand and poured clear spring water on his body.

She seemed to have sensed Lane's whereabouts for a long time.

It's just that he didn't make a sound to stop it.

"Looks like you've had a good experience. "

Li En touched his nose a little embarrassed,

Trying to change the subject.

Nameless attributes in less than a month since he left.

On average, it has risen by about 10 points.

has reached the strength of E+,

Now it has D-class attributes.

Following the "pillar" for training, I really gained something.

This is when Lane based on the copy of "Demon Inferior",

The method that came up with the "cultivation quota" mentioned by Li Chen.

Since reincarnation players can follow the aboriginal body to cultivate skill levels.

Then followers can naturally get similar benefits.

It's just that very few people give up their precious cultivation places to their followers.

"Miss Miri is very enthusiastic and teaches me combat experience without reservation. "

Nameless said with a slight 4.1 expression while wiping his body.

"Although...... Her teachings were somewhat difficult to understand. "

"But as a friend, I still like her. "

"yes, that's good. "

Li En nodded with satisfaction,

Then take out the [Notes of Jiguo Yuanyi] that has been prepared for a long time

"I didn't ask you to practice breathing before. "

"It's because I'm looking for this. "

After Nameless took the note, a look on her pretty face moved.

"Jiguo...... Fate One. "

"Yuan Yi?"

Seeing Nameless's reaction, Lane was a little puzzled.

"Did you think of anything?"

"Hmm. "

The girl nodded slightly.

"Miss Miri often asks me to practice fighting with a mechanical puppet. "

"I remember...... It seems to be called by the people of this village. "

"Fate one zero. "。

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