The Terran player's campaign objective is to kill the "Twelve Ghost Moons".

The goal of the ghost clan players is naturally to kill the "pillar" level swordsman of the ghost killing team.

Although in terms of number and strength,

The winding ghost moon has an overwhelming advantage.

But in terms of plot,

Players in the Oni faction are very passive.

Because they hardly have any intelligence superiority,

Ghost moon including no miserable,

All of them are eccentric and disobedient freaks.

causing them to be unable to be like Rian,

You can do it by brushing prestige,

Quickly get intel on opposing factions.

Therefore, important plot battles that must break out in several dungeons,

It has become the first choice for players in the ghost camp who want to make trouble.

In the plot of "Infinite Train",

Players in the human camp want to kill the "lower string one" or even the "upper string".

But the players in the ghost camp also want to take this opportunity to kill the "Flame Pillar"!

"Grenor, you resist here first, I'll go see the situation over there!"

The situation suddenly fell into a state of emergency,

Naturally, Lane will not sit idly by,

"Night and night, protection. "

"I've been there!

The puppet girl took the lead and broke through the door of the carriage directly and burst into the next compartment.

The carriage number of the Lane and Grace defense is 8

Next door...... It happens to be the gap that is broken through by the players of the opposing faction!

Bang, bell!

The howling wind was blowing in his face, filling his face with a strong smell of blood.

However, in addition to the two human players who have died,

There are no more moving objects,

This made the two who were already ready for battle pounce.

But it also means......

"The enemy is heading towards the carriage where Yanzhu and Tanjiro are located!"

"Car No. 5...... Just a stone's throw from car 7!"

Suddenly, a huge explosion came from car No. 6,

At the same time, it was accompanied by unwilling roars and heart-rending screams.

The huge flow of information is like a flood that bursts the embankment,

Rushed straight into Ryne's mind.

Fear, memory, despair and anger before death,

It was like a hodgepodge tumbling and intertwining in his head.

He reads the player's last memory before they die.


In a cold sweat, Li En finally extracted sporadic useful information,

Players from the opposing faction behind this door...... From the Demon Clan!

In the perspective space formed by the [Elven Vision],

A dark-skinned man with wings on his back,

A humanoid creature with goat's horn on its head,

seemed to sense Riene's gaze,

On the dark and hideous face,

A cruel smile appeared.

He suddenly stretched out his palm,

Squeeze your fingers full of sharp nails!

- Bloodline Skill - Killing Hearts!

In an instant, even if they are separated by an iron door,

Riene's senses were suddenly stabbed by a sharp cone,

There was a strong pain!

His face turned pale suddenly,

He swooped down and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with fragments of internal organs!

Rows of pitch-black prompts appear in front of you!

[You have suffered the effect of the Demon Clan's bloodline skill "Killing 'Heart'!]

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... The confrontation is successful!]

[You are immune to the instantaneous effect of this skill!]

[Physique confrontation is underway...... The confrontation is successful!]

[You are immune to the fainting effect of this skill!]

[A mysterious confrontation is underway...... The confrontation is successful!]

[This skill reduces the direct damage dealt to you by 50%!]

[You take 275 True Damage!]

[The spatial information on your body has been disordered, and you will be immune to the attack of "Killing Hearts" within 24 hours]

Bloodline skill of three judgments!

Even if you pass them all, you'll still need to take nearly 300 real damage!

Just looking at the effect, it is already more powerful than the [Dragon Power] that Li En felt on Deng Fa!

"It's actually a weird skill that ignores the shield and directly causes damage to the body......"

Ryne drives the self-healing technique to quickly replenish the loss of health.

While enduring the swelling pain in his head,

While making the same gesture as the Demon Clan player!

As if infected by the demonic aura attached to the skill,

An arrogant smirk was torn across his face!

- Simulated Technique - Killing the Heart!


The demon who was supposed to win,

Suddenly I felt a chill coming from my heart,

the spatial fluctuations of doping,

Although there are some traces of poor imitation,

But there is no doubt that this is the bloodline talent of the demon race that is enough to terrify other races......

Space control!

"Killing the heart" is the use of spatial ability,

A vicious skill that directly attacks the Achilles' heel of the target point!

Ignores most of the protection skills,

The basic attributes are a little off,

will directly face the effect of "instant death"!

This reincarnation player of the Demon Clan,

may never have thought of it, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!)

A trick that he usually uses to torture and kill the weak,

will be used on yourself!

In front of his eyes, a series of judgment prompts also appeared.

But what terrified the demon was ......

[Confrontation of wills is underway...... Defeat of the confrontation!]

[You gain the "instantaneous" effect]

"How is that possible?!Counting the equipment, I have 150 points of will!"

"Why are there reincarnation players with higher will attributes than me in this dungeon?!"

The night that broke into the door,

Directly smashed the convulsive demon into the wall of flesh and blood,

And Rien heard his last words,

The smile on his face was a little more hideous.

"Excuse me, in the clash of wills...... I have 160 points of will. "

"You didn't come at the right time. "

The potion on his body had less than 10 minutes of duration left.

If Lai En hadn't drunk the [Intermediate Mental Protection Elixir] beforehand.

I'm afraid it really has to be planted in the hands of this demon player.

But there is no "if" in the reincarnation space.

The one who survives is the one who wins.

"Demon Clan...... What a terrifyingly strong race. "

Ryan glanced at the corpse of the Demon Clan's player,

I was also afraid for a while.

The alien players he'd met before,

The bloodline skills are very average, and they are not aggressive.

But the Demon Clan is clearly different.

Among all the "aliens", it seems that it is also the existence of the top name!

Not only does it have more powerful attribute bonuses.

And the power of the bloodline is even more blessed with a unique space ability!

If it's not a surprise, use the opponent's bloodline skill to counterkill.

I'm afraid Rien will really have to work hard.

"However, the harvest is not bad. "

Dawn tosses the Crimson Chest condensed from the corpses of the Demon Clan players into the ring.

He wasn't referring to this, of course, but to ......

"Simulated Technique - Killing the Heart"!

This should be among all the skills he parses,

One of the most aggressive and domineering!

Directly raised his attack surface to a higher level!

And it also contains some use of space power,

Wait to leave this dungeon world,

After returning to his research lab in the world of "Demon Inferior".

You may be able to develop relevant knowledge or technology.

Demon players who want to invade the infinite train, this is the one. "

Lane hadn't forgotten the purpose of rushing to this carriage.

After a few seconds, his health was directly replenished by the self-healing technique.

After using the consumables that replenish mental power distributed by the bottle of [Silver Cross].

Lane pushed open the door of the 5th carriage,

Before that, he had already confirmed the situation inside through the [Unrestrained Eye].

A piece of tranquility.

Even the nightmare of the next string,

It seems that they all know not to disturb the sleeping "flame pillar".

Otherwise, there will be absolutely nothing good for him.

So the carriage was very clean, without the slightest mutation of flesh and blood.

"The flow of information has weakened, and it has flowed quite slowly...... Is this the change in thinking when people dream?"

Riene's brow furrowed, it was the first time he had felt so relaxed since he boarded the train.

But the situation in the other cars was not encouraging.

Syria didn't rush here,

It's because it's blocked by players from the opposing camp,

With the distraction of attention, the passengers in the car finally suffered casualties!

While the players of the [Silver Knight] Warband are not paying attention,

Directly roll the sleeping passenger into the wall with tentacles and devour it!

The "lower string one" that was originally cleaned up about 60% of the blood volume,

The amount of blood suddenly increased a lot!

It's almost full!

"Damn, these ghost clan players raised by Bichi!"

Deng Fa looked at the leader's blood bar, which had been replenished to 100% of his HP,

I was so angry that I was almost trembling!

There are less than 10 minutes to go,

The Winding One will join the Boss Battle!

Facing two Ghost Moon-level leader units at the same time, it is absolutely a dead end!

At this moment, a red color suddenly shone and exploded in everyone's sight.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen when I was sleeping. "

An extremely hearty young voice,

The spirit is in the ears of every player.

A swordsman with a flaming hair,

Instantly cleaned up all the flesh tentacles in the path,

"Thank you, Lord Lane, for bringing me back from my dream. "

"Next...... Let me wish you all the best!"

[The Terran camp "Flame Pillar - Purgatory Xingjuro" has awakened]

["Flame Pillar" will join the battlefield as an important plot character!].

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