"Flame Pillar...... Woke up early?!"

Seeing this scene, Aran was relieved,

A powerful C-Rank unit of your own team joins the battlefield,

Undoubtedly, good news that can turn the tide of the war!

However, he also noticed one thing.

"Lord Dawn mentioned by Yanzhu is the mechanic player who temporarily joined the team?"

The thought flashed through my mind,

The bloody tentacles that poured in again didn't give Alain more time to think,

The paladin frowned,

Now that the important plot characters of your own faction have awakened,

Then he doesn't have to continue to defend the carriage,

You can try to attack the main body of "One of the Lower Strings" directly!

This may be the only way to break the game at the moment!

Before the Upper String of the Wo Seat joins the battlefield,

Kill Nightmare directly!

"The members of the attack team will assemble in the 5th carriage!"

The carriages of the infinite train are filled with a scorching breath,

Purgatory Kyojuro's eyes widened,

Gazing at everything that can be cut in front of you,


A crimson streamer crossed,

With the sudden burst of flames,

The body of a dark elf was directly cut off by the sword technique that stabbed in an instant!

- Breath of Flame - One no Type - Ignorant Fire!

"Retreat! 353 of the leader units of the opposite faction have joined the battlefield!"

The faces of several players from the hostile camp who invaded into the carriage changed suddenly,

The pillars of the Terran camp, although they are not as good as the winding ghost moon,

Has the ability to recover and HP that can be called a scoundrel.

But the explosiveness and mobility are amazing!

When the breathing method is urged to the extreme,

It's not something that D-rank players can handle at all!

This is also a ghost camp player,

The reason why you should do it while the pillar is asleep.

Because they know that once the flame pillar wakes up......

In addition to the upcoming winding moves,

There is no longer any possibility of suppressing him!

Several dark elves quickly turned into shadows,

It flew out of the car window like a loach.

Their goal of this invasion is half accomplished,

Succeeded in delaying the Terran faction's attempt to kill the next one.

But the most important half of the other half was not completed......

The mission to kill the pillar has failed!

"How could it fail?!, Lord Baroque?"

Several surviving ghost camp players got together,

"Look at the team information!"

A dark elf screamed.

"Your Excellency Baroque is dead!"

"What (BGAE)?!Lord Baroque is a high demon race!"

"How could anyone kill Baroque in this dungeon where there were only D-class players at most?!"

Several reincarnation players from the ghost camp looked at each other.

"The battle after that...... Are we still involved?"

Originally, they planned to join the battlefield after the winding of the wind,

Then do a wave of raids on teams of players from the Terran faction.

But now in this situation,

They lost the strongest teammate on the team -

A high-level demon player with D+ strength!

"You can wait and see. "

"But don't do it rashly. "


"Well, you can go with confidence, and the passengers in the train will be protected by us!"

Purgatory Kyojurou made a guarantee to the spirit of the Li En faction.

Tanjiro, Inosuke and others also took over the carriage that Greine was in charge of before.

"Okay, I'll leave it to Your Excellency Yanzhu here. "

Li En turned around, and more than a dozen eyes fell on him in an instant.

"Mr. Lien, have you brushed Yanzhu's friendship above 50?"

Fran asked in surprise, (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The favorability of the characters in the plot is bounded by 50,

More than 50 will have a very noticeable change in attitude,

They will even follow some suggestions or requests from the players, as they did just now.

"Well, it's just a coincidence. "

Rien nodded, []

In fact, he has a favorability rating of more than 70 points with all the bars.

But he wouldn't be stupid enough to say such a thing.

"Coincidental ......"

Aram laughed dryly,

But I didn't ask much,

"In this way, we can safely attack the main body of the lower string one. "

"Aim to end the fight in 10 minutes!"

"Mr. Lane, we have also recorded your contributions, and we will not treat you badly. "

Then Pharam lifted up his weapon,

The knight's sword with its ornate ornamentation shines brightly.

"Time is running out, let's go straight on!"

"Now there are no worries, prepare for protection, and go all out!"

A warm force poured into the whole body,

Rien was amazed to find that even the chaotic voice in his head was suppressed,

The state of the whole body has been greatly improved!

[You have obtained the status of "Holy Blessing", and all attributes are increased by 10%]

[You have obtained the status of "Night Stalker Aura", which increases the energy regeneration effect by 100%!]

[You have gained the status of "Protective Chaos", which reduces damage from the chaos faction by 10%!]

[You have gained the status of "Protecting against Evil", and the damage from the evil faction is reduced by 10%!]

[You have obtained the status of "Righteous Blade", and your attacks and skills are added by an additional 10% positive energy damage!]

In an instant, there were 5 more buffs on Riene's body!

And he's not alone.

All the surviving players descended on several pillars of light.

A series of buff effects directly raised the team's strength!

If there are only a few players,

Such a buff effect may not be very obvious,

But if you zoom in on a dozen people,

The increase is huge!

"The weak point of the lower chord is at the junction between the front of the car and the first carriage. "

Syria was at the forefront.

While adding, the main points of the boss battle are added.

"After taking damage, the boss will fight back. "

"There are two ways to fight back. "

"One is the same as in the carriage, condensing tentacles and flesh monsters. "

"Just clean it up in time when the time comes. "

"The players I named remember to leave their skills and clean up these things when the time comes......"

"The second is to condense giant eyeballs on the walls of flesh and blood. "

"Each eyeball will pick a player 10 seconds after it appears, and force hypnotization. "

"There are two ways to solve the problem, one is to rely on the volitional attribute to directly pass the confrontation judgment. "

"The second is ...... Knock out all the eyeballs in 10 seconds!"

"Deal with these two problems, and the next string will be left to us to slaughter. "

Hearing Arran's explanation, Lane couldn't help but nod.

The other party is clearly a leader-type player.

Not only do their own skill configurations exist for the team,

He is also quite proficient in team command and management skills.

"I'll solve the problem with the eyeballs. "

After thinking about it, Li En raised his voice and said.

He unleashed 10 floating cannons around him,

"I'm in charge of blowing all those eyeballs out. "。

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