"Cut off those tentacles!"

A few more carriages,

The members of the Silver Knight are scattered and armed,

The battle is fierce,

The original appearance of the carriage is completely unrecognizable,

It's like a horrific scene like hell of flesh and blood.

Thankfully, these passengers are in a dream.

If you see such a horrible scene.

I'm afraid it's possible to be scared to death directly.

"Don't let them drag passengers into the wall!"

Aran commanded loudly.

There is a special communication channel similar to a friend channel between the members of the warband.

Despite being distributed in different compartments.

But his order was conveyed as soon as possible.

Protecting passengers is the number one priority at the moment.

It's not that the reincarnation player suddenly has a good heart,

But once the passenger is eaten by the nightmare,

will increase your maximum health and restore a large amount of health!

It doesn't matter how much more than a dozen HP you can get.

However, for every 1 passenger eaten, 10% of the maximum HP can be restored.

That's where the biggest headache for players comes in!

Aram swung a sword,

A blade with a holy light directly cuts off a tentacle,

The incision immediately burst out with a "zizi" sound,

As if burned by high temperature, it quickly curled and shriveled.

Under the reflection of the holy light, even the bloody atmosphere in the carriage faded a lot.

[You have severed the "Nightmare Tentacles" x1]

["One of the Lower Strings - Nightmare" loses 100 HP]

Seeing the hint in front of Eye 16, Aran turned his head to his teammates beside him and asked.

"Date, report on the monitoring data. "

The player called Date is none other than the young mechanic of the virtual faction.

"All carriages are in good condition, and there have been no casualties. "

"No opposing players were found within range. "

"The One of the Lower Strings is in a stable state for the time being, and it is still half of its HP from the estimated amount of rage. "

Dater's combat effectiveness is very low,

But as the brains of the team,

The data he collects is crucial!

Therefore, he was personally protected by Aram, who was the head of the regiment.

Hearing Date's report, Aran nodded slightly.

"The situation is much better than expected. "

"I thought there was going to be something going on with those players who were recruited on the fly. "

The discipline and teamwork of casual players,

It's definitely not as experienced as a warband member in team combat.

Under these conditions, there were no casualties.

It's already a good result.


The misshapen flesh monster struggled to crawl out of the wall of flesh,

The alloy sword is accompanied by a silver-white mechanical flame,

Directly cut the ugly monster in two.

The rest of the body was also burned to ashes by the silver-white flames!

"Greine, can you hold it?"

Ryne was surrounded by ten floating cannons,

Once a monster with tentacles or flesh and blood appears,

will be covered by relentless fire.

Because the frequency of the enemy does not appear quickly,

So almost every enemy can enjoy the baptism of [Magnetic Storm Crown].

Of all the carriages, the two of them were the most comfortable.

"It's okay, it's not as difficult as I thought. "

Two white mists erupted from the mecha warrior's nostrils.

After clearing the last monster in the carriage,

A few lines of prompts appeared in front of the two of them.

[The current defensive wave has ended]

[The next wave of enemies will arrive in 1 minute]

[Current Defensive Wave: 15/20]

[When defending to 20 waves, the Flame Pillar will awaken from the dream and join the battlefield!]

"It's really restored...... You'll have to defend for a while before you can wait for the pillar to wake up. "

Rien couldn't help but muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he looked in a certain direction alertly,

At the same time, Grace and his headphones,

And there came a warning from Aram.

"Discover traces of invasion by players from opposing factions!"

"All carriages on guard!"

Before the reminder is issued,

Ryne had already captured the enemy's information with the help of the Elven Vision......


It's not the Dark Elves you've been exposed to before.

This time, Li En ran into two Blood Clan players!

"An orc, a human, a strange combination. "

The feminine voice came from nowhere,

A cloud of scarlet blood suddenly rose from behind Riene,

In an instant, a hideous claw stretched out from the blood mist!


The weapon in Gray's hand quickly switched forms,

Transform into an alloy shield and block the attack from behind for Riene!

I don't have time to praise my teammates for their reliability,

The 10 floating cannons on Lien's side fired in unison!(If you read a cool novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the blood mist seemed to be immune to ranged attacks,

The bullet falls on it and passes straight through, and the effect of the special bullet cannot be triggered at all!

"Heh, in vain. "

Another Bloodline player appears in the distance,

In his hand he clutched a small, delicate bone scepter.

Accompanied by a small mantra,

A curse quickly took shape......

- Disintegration of the technique!

Li En snorted coldly and directly interrupted the other party's spell casting,

Then he raised his hand and condensed a white ice flower.

- Simulated Technique - Scattered Lotus Blossom!

A blood demon spell burned from the Second of the Upper Strings, Tong Mo.

At this time, it exerted amazing power!

Scattered lotus blossom itself is a combination of attack and defense.

In a cramped compartment, the shelter space is greatly reduced,

It also directly covers all the dodge directions!

The sharp petals of the snow are like the blades of a knife,

Swing towards the Blood Warlocks!


Feel the chilling killing intent contained in the snowflakes,

The Blood Warlock's face changed, and he hurriedly called out to his teammates.

"Troublesome guy ......"

The vampire who had attacked Rien before retreated,

The figure is extremely swift in front of his companions,

With a wave of his arm, it seemed to raise a pitch-black night, covering the bodies of the two of them!

- Cloak of the Night!

Crackling, crackling......

After the wind and snow like a harvester,

In the wretched carriages,

The night that shrouded the two of them was unscathed!

As if out of this world, unaffected at all,

But Lee, who has already parsed this skill,

The biggest weakness of this skill can be seen at a glance.

"Grayne, now—"

While shouting,

Dawn summoned night after night,

The floating cannons beside him also opened fire in unison at the moment when the curtain of night was opened!


These two Blood Clan players didn't expect each other's timing to be so accurate!

With a gap of 0.5 seconds, you can actually react!

The Blood Assassin didn't care about protecting his teammates,

Directly activate the acceleration skill and instantly get out of the area where the fire is gathered,

The rest of the Blood Warlocks weren't so lucky,

In an instant, it was directly bombarded into slag by dense artillery fire!

"What a horrible injury!"

Seeing this scene, the Blood 637 Clan assassin was simply numb!

To know every mysterious side caster above D,

Basically, there is a life-saving skill of [Mana Shield].

Can use mental power or other special energy to block damage.

After moving up to Advanced,

1 special energy can negate several damage!

Don't look at the teacher's body is brittle,

But in terms of the ability to bear injuries,

Maybe it's even higher than some leather armor classes!

A D-class spellcaster, satisfied with the will and intelligence attributes,

With the equipment and skills you have,

The special energy is generally around two or three thousand.

It can withstand up to several times the amount of damage!

And just now, that Blood Warlock was directly killed by a round of concentrated fire from the floating cannon!

This means...... The human mechanic,

In just a few seconds, nearly 5,000 HP of damage was dealt!

"What the are the Terran players, I won't play with you anymore!"

The body of the Blood Assassin exploded into a cloud of blood mist,

Hundreds of miniature bats flew out of the blood mist,

Flee in all directions along the gap in the carriage.

"The bloodline ability of the Bloodline...... How is it a life-saving skill?"

Li En frowned, and did not chase deeply,

Because according to the information he obtained, even if he let a bat go,

The other party can recover slowly.

Just don't waste that effort.

Because the enemies of the 16th wave of defensive battles have been refreshed.


Suddenly, Arran's hurried voice came from the headphones.

"The 7th carriage has been broken by players from the opposing faction!"

"Stop them!"

"Their target is the Pillar of Flame that has fallen into a dream!"


(I almost forgot to restore 4 shifts from today).

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