"It's worthy of a doctor, even the skills are so maverick......"

The Crimson Chest in Ryne's hand disappeared and turned into a skill book in his hand.

However, what made him strange was that this skill book was drawn in the form of "props".

This means that the other party did not learn this skill book until he died.

"Could it be that the learning conditions are more demanding?"

Lane clicked on the skill book's information.


【Skill Book: Genetic Modification Surgery Lv1】

Level +: D

+ Seek: Intelligence 70

+: Basic Genetics, Human Structure, Basic Medicine

+ Result: Perform a genetic modification operation on a humanoid target unit no larger than a D-Class, causing it to lose or add certain abilities

+Positive: The base success rate is (the total level of the pre-skill + the level of the skill)%, and a failure to perform the operation will trigger a "genetic collapse"


"Hey, this skill is kind of interesting......"

It's the first time that Lane has seen the skill books of other tech-side career systems.

It is different from the "mechanic" genre, which likes to dance with spears, cannons, and various machines.

"Biotechnology" technology players represented by Dr. Mishima,

My favorite thing to tinker with is to modify all kinds of creatures.

Human beings, nature is also a kind of living thing.

Many of the rules that are called "taboo" on the mystical side.

In the eyes of this group of people who have no universal ethics and morality.

It's even more sparse and ordinary than drinking water.

For example, Li En's own "forbidden technique-self-healing".

It may be a relatively successful genetic modification capability for them at best.

Even the word taboo seems a bit redundant.

As for why Dr. Mishima didn't learn this skill......

Li En guessed that either the attributes were not enough.

Either one or more of the three pre-skills are missing.

Li 590 En can't learn now, because although his attributes meet the needs.

But there are no pre-3 knowledge skills.

However, it did not prevent him from evaluating this skill.

"There are 3 kinds of knowledge pre-skills to learn. "

"And it takes a lot of skill points to ensure a certain basic success rate......"

"This should be the core skill of players on the biochemical technology side. "

Similar to the mechanics made by the player.

The main combat power of biochemical players is all kinds of "modified beasts" and "modified people".

And [genetic modification surgery] is obviously an important means to create these new forces.

Even if you put in 40 skill points, you will upgrade the pre-skill and this skill to full.

It's not just about raising the base success rate to 40%.

The "genetic collapse" caused by the failure will directly destroy the full use value of the "test subject".

Therefore, such players often need to find a large number of "materials", that is, biological test subjects.

As a result, their reputation is basically not very good.

Even among the reincarnation players, they are not very well received.

But once this kind of player is formed, the combat power is extremely terrifying!

The Mechanic player has a Mechanic Legion,

Biochemical players also have legions of "Modified Beasts" and "Modified Humans"!

And once there is a source of biological subjects, the manufacturing cost is much cheaper than that of machinery!

It can be said that as long as there is a suitable copy world, it can take off directly!

What's more, even the most basic transformation beast has a certain amount of intelligence.

Not to mention the advanced transformation of people, learning, thinking ability and even tactical literacy,

Better than some reincarnation players (BGEC)!

You can even master powerful abilities, special genetic modification abilities, and more!

In contrast, the Mechanic player can only learn the knowledge skills related to "artificial intelligence".

In order to let the machine out of its own control and carry out a certain degree of autonomous action.

But rudimentary artificial intelligence is certainly not comparable to real intelligence.

Therefore, in the period of around C-level, the overall combat power of biochemical players,

Significantly more powerful than mechanic players.

However, the only problem with this type of player is ...... The survivability in the early stage is too weak.

Dr. Mishima, for example, died on the way from D-class to C-class.

"Maybe I can work on both the mechanical and biochemical side of the power system......"

A thought crossed Lane's mind.

The biggest advantage he has is that he does not lack skill points and attribute points.

This allows him to be unscrupulous

To master far more skills than the average player has.

But he's only thinking about it for the time being.

He's not the type to just get started on impulse.

It is his habit to plan well in advance and develop the route.

"When this copy is over, you can think about it. "

Rien thought silently.


The departure day of the Nine School War has finally arrived.

When it is said to be an "expedition", it is actually just a two-hour bus ride.

Although Li En didn't know, why did he still use a vehicle of this level in 2195......

But let's take it as a set.

The sun is scorching.

Lane stood in the blazing sunlight and looked out over the empty campus.

Behind him was the bus.

Be the only first-year student outside of the official participant.

And he is also the only second-degree student.

He was naturally sent out as a receptionist, (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You can't get on the bus until all the participants have boarded the bus.

Although Suzuki disputed this.

But Lane didn't have much of an idea.

Instead of leaving him waiting in a car crowded with strangers.

It's better to come out like this to breathe. []

"I'm sorry~"

In the distance, a beautiful figure in a sunhat waved at Rien.

Accompanied by the sound of light and loud sandals.

With a slight apology on her face, Mayumi trotted all the way to Rien.

"I'm sorry, Senior Brother Lien, for waiting so long. "

"Sister Mayumi doesn't need to apologize again and again, after all, it happened suddenly, isn't it. "

Mayumi's tardiness is not due to "oversleeping" or "mistiming".

With the good habits of the student council, I will definitely not make such a mistake.

The actual reason is that 3 hours ago,

She suddenly received a call from her family and went out for something, so she delayed the time.

As a direct member of the Ten Divisions, Mayumi also has a lot of things that she has to deal with.

Therefore, Li En will not let herself because of her

After standing in the sun for an hour or two, he went to rebuke her.

"But it should be hot today, right?"

Mayumi took out her handkerchief and just wanted to wipe her sweat for Rien.

"Hey, Li En, aren't you sweating?"

"Some basic magic applications can be done to this extent very easily. "

Lane shrugged.

It actually took him a few minutes.

On the spot, [surgical reconstruction] was used to compile a simple operation with the function of "air conditioning".

It's like some simple but very useful applets.

"Really...... As long as you are close to Li En, you have a very cool feeling. "

Mayumi couldn't help but put her hand on Riene's chest.

There is a feeling of coldness as if you are touching the wall of a cold store.

In the heat of summer, such an experience can be said to be very rare.

"It's decided!"

Suddenly, Mayumi clapped her hands and said suddenly.

"On the bus this time, you can sit with everyone in the student union!"

"President, this is not in accordance with the rules. "

The corners of Lien's mouth twitched slightly, she definitely wanted to make herself a humanoid air conditioner to do this.

"Deepyuki will definitely agree to this decision. "

That's right.

She would definitely raise her hands in welcome.

Lane complained in his heart.

Suddenly, his eyes were one.

It turned out that Mayumi shook it in front of his eyes with her white palm.

"Then again, Senior Brother Lien, how about this?"

Mayumi spun around in front of Rien.

The same move was also done when Deep Snow showed him the [Elven Dance].

This is a gesture made by the girl in order to show the clothes on her body.

Because they had to leave the school, all the participants changed into civilian clothes.

Mayumi is no exception.

It is different from the dignified and rigorous uniform style on weekdays.

At this time, Mayumi changed into a very bright summer dress.

Although it is only a printed dress with a relatively simple style.

But whether it is the dazzling white arms and fragrant shoulders reflected in the sun,

Or the rounded calves exposed under the skirt,

All of them make Mayumi seem to shine brightly, which is very eye-catching.

"This dress is very suitable for the president. "

Naturally, Lane would not say the wrong thing at such a time.

But Mayumi didn't seem satisfied with his answer.

She held out her finger and tapped Ryne's lips lightly.

Then he stood on tiptoe and brought his upper body over.

The shadow of the visor covers the faces of both men.

"How many times do you have to repeat it before you remember, if you want to call me Mayumi. "

I don't know if it's because of the temperature.

The girl's face was flushed with a shy crimson.

But it still exudes a playful temperament like a little devil.

"And ...... When no one is around, it's okay to use honorifics. "

Do you want me to be called by my first name?

While Lai was thinking, Mayumi had already left like a butterfly.

"Hey, Li En, you can get on the bus~"

The head of the chairman of the Discipline Inspection Commission poked out of the car,

With a teasing smile on his face.

It seems that I must have seen the scene just now.

"I've got you covered in a very good location. "


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