After the fourth class, Lane went backstage in the auditorium at the appointed time to report.

"Brother, you're here. "

Because of the work of the student council, the deep snow that arrived first seemed to have been prepared.

He was handed a dark green uniform jacket.

"What is this?"

Li En took the clothes and was surprised to find that this was actually an equipment prop with attributes!


["Nine School Battles" Special Magic Technician Uniform]

Level +: D

+ Seeking: Intelligence 45, First Magic High School Prestige Reverence

+Resistance: +15 Armor, +30 Mystic Resistance

+ Effect: Each time you complete development, research, and manufacturing, you will receive an additional 1 intelligence attribute bonus, up to a maximum of 20 bonus effects, and the bonus lasts for 24 hours

+ Note: After leaving a dungeon, the prestige limit on equipment requirements will be removed


"Not bad. "

Lane nodded slightly.

Because the style is a coat, in terms of the type of equipment,

It does not conflict with the [Ogre's Hooded Shawl].

But when you go on stage, you definitely can't wear both.

"This is the team uniform of the technical team, and this is needed to replace the school uniform jacket for the flag ceremony. "

The one who answered Lane's previous question,

It is Mayumi who is wearing a suit-style sports coat.

This should be the jersey of the contestants.

"Very good, this is the right uniform for my brother. "

Deep Snow pulled the coat over Rien's shoulders from behind,

Then go around to the front and gently arrange the collar and hem.

After helping Rien put on her uniform, she stepped back and looked at her masterpiece.

A satisfied smile appeared on the girl's face.

Dawn roughly understood why she was in such a good mood......

"The coat of arms of the [Corolla]. "

Lane reached out and touched the position of his left chest,

There is a school emblem of "One High School".

It is also the [flower crown] that can be hoped for by the second science student.

Although Lane didn't care much about this kind of thing.

However, for Deep Snow, this should have been the treatment that Li En enjoyed.

"Don't you have to change your uniform~.?"

Lane scanned the surroundings and found that only Deep Snow was still wearing the school uniform.

"I need to be a ceremonial assistant. "

Hearing her brother's inquiry, Shenxue withdrew her intoxicated gaze from Rien and replied with a smile.

The announcement ceremony of the members of the team called the flag presentation ceremony started on time.

And it went smoothly – thank goodness,

This time, no attackers broke into the campus and killed all sides.

The current student president, Mayumi, served as the master of ceremonies and presided over the ceremony.

Deep Snow is responsible for issuing and wearing collar badges for all members.

The collar badge has a built-in ID chip to enter the competition venue, which is a symbol of the participants.

However, although it is an exclusive item for the contestants, it is not an equipment.

This made Li En, who wanted to get the second piece of "Nine School Battles" series equipment for nothing, a little disappointed.

"Technical team...... Ryne!"

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Mayumi especially accentuated her tone when she introduced Dorien's name.

"I'm really not fit for this kind of situation. "

Looking at the countless gazes focused on him.

Lane sighed inwardly and took a step forward in greetings.

Shen Xue, who was in charge of wearing the collar badge for him, showed a gentle smile that almost melted.


At the moment when he reached out to put on the collar badge for Rien's uniform jacket.

Deep Snow said softly.

"I'm really looking forward to it...... Your rewards. "

At the same time,

There was incomparably warm applause from the podium,

Congratulations on the successful conclusion of the flag presentation ceremony.


After the flag ceremony, it seems to have entered acceleration mode.

Including the school side, all the contestants are preparing for the Ninth School War.

The entries and personnel have been confirmed.

As a contestant in the rookie track, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Fuyuki with her two best friends, Shizuku and Honoka.

Practice every day until the last minute before school closes.

Li En accompanied them in the development and debugging of CAD technology.

While dealing with the student council affairs that the deep snow could not complete.

Erica and Mitsuki are not participants, []

But there are also things about their own societies.

For a moment, it seemed as if everyone was starting to get busy.

Except for reincarnated players.

"In this way, there are only a few players who have mixed into the team of the Nine Schools War this time. "

Li En asked Deng Fa in the friend's chat channel.

"Although I am not in charge of the commissioning of the magic machine on your side. "

"But if you need it, you can come to me when the time comes. "

As a veteran D-class player, he is also a student of the [Corolla] identity.

Deng Fa was also selected for the rookie team of the Nine School Battle.

Although the results of the theory class are not very good,

But fortunately, his magic skills are outstanding.

It can be said that it is second only to Lane and several Aboriginal characters with names and surnames.

"Okay, I'll leave it to Brother Ryon then. "

Deng Fa quickly responded that he also wanted to get a good result in the Nine School Battle.

Because of this large-scale plot activity,

The reincarnation space certainly doesn't skimp on rewards.

Able to win the first place in the corresponding project,

There will definitely be more generous rewards than ordinary side quests!

Speaking of which, I thought you would be a contestant with me. "

"I didn't expect to be selected as a team technician in the end. "

"It's a shame. "

Deng Fa said with some puzzlement.

Although they are all participants,

But for reincarnation players.

It's definitely more rewarding to be a player.

"I prefer to be able to do logistics rather than be on stage. "

Seeing Li En's reply, Deng Fa twitched the corners of his mouth.

He remembered how Lane had behaved when he appeared in the attack.

Directly killed a D-level and many E-level Sakurajima country players without leaving a piece of armor.

Now you're telling me that you prefer to do logistics?

"That's right!"

Suddenly, Deng Fa seemed to remember something, and quickly (Zhao Nuozhao) sent a message.

"Brother Lane, what's coming out of that Dr. Mishima's scarlet box?"

"If you don't need it, I can recycle it, and you can set it for whatever price you want. "

Who knew that after a moment, Lane only replied with two words.

These two words made him cry and laugh.

"Forgot. "

Lane really forgot.

There were so many things going on these days that he forgot that he still had a bunch of scarlet chests in his ring that he hadn't opened.

The vast majority are trophies of E-tier players,

A chest with only 1 D-rank player,

It was Dr. Mishima who contributed it.

"I just opened it. "

From the chaotic space of the ring,

Dig out a Crimson Chest and open it directly.

[You opened the player "Miki's" Crimson Treasure Chest!

[The random draw type is: Item]

[You have obtained "Skill Book: Genetic Modification Surgery Lv. 1]


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