"Brother, it's great that you can accept the invitation of Sister Mayumi. "

On the moving bus, Shenxue said in surprise to Li En, who was sitting next to him.

She had thought that the contestants would have to sit separately from the technicians.

I couldn't make contact with my brother along the way.

In response, Rien glanced at Mayumi, who was sitting on the other side of him.

and the murderous gaze that the boys around him can barely hide.

I could only sigh helplessly.

"It's so nice, it's so comfortable to be around Li En. "

Mayumi narrowed her eyes and sighed with satisfaction~.

Although this kind of rhetoric is generally floating-imaginative.

But the student council members sitting near Dawn nodded their heads in agreement.

"Was this technique prepared in advance by Li En?"

The body is even smaller than Mayumi.、Azusa like a junior high school student.。

"Well, because I expected this relatively hot weather. "

Lane opened his eyes and said nonsense without changing his face.

"That's nice...... The week of the race will be sunny but it must have been hot. "

Watanabe Morry, who has completely "melted", said lazily.

"I also want to ask Li En to help me install this technique in CAD. "

Her words were immediately refuted by Zi.

"Even if it is Li En, it is impossible to adjust the magic machine at will without relevant equipment. "

As a student who aspires to become an expert in magic engineering, he has a fanatical interest in magic engineering.

Azusa always shows extraordinary enthusiasm and rigor when it comes to related topics.

Merely...... Lane cannot be considered by the standard of "ordinary".

Relying on the two abilities of [Surgical Reconstruction] and [Artificial Magic Calculation Field].

He can do it without the help of an external device.

Burn the procedure directly into the machine.

But he didn't show it in front of others.

Because this has exceeded the level of being able to explain in words, it is classified as "thriller".

In words that ordinary people can understand, it is.

Lane can develop an application without the help of electronic devices.

Then install it directly onto any phone.

Although each step is very scientific.

But when it comes together, it's a horrific paranormal event.

"Yes, it seems that I can only borrow Li En for a while. "

With that, Morley cast his gaze at the deep snow and teased with a smile.

"As long as Shenxue Senior Sister, don't blame the Senior Sisters for snatching her [Elder Brother]. "

It seems that Shenxue's brother-controlled attribute is already known from far and near.

Even the student union sisters who are more familiar with each other began to ridicule.

"How so, Sister Morley. "

Shen Xue did not feel the slightest embarrassment, but responded seriously.

"My brother can get more people's admiration and favor, which is what he deserves. "

"As long as my brother has me in his heart, Shenxue is already very content. "

Hiss –

Rien could even hear the "hiss" of Watanabe Morry's gasp.

He understands the other party's mood very well.

"Mayumi, did you hear what you just said, Sister Shenxue seems to be serious...... Mayumi?"

Morley whispered to his good sister with a stiff face.

Later, I found out that Mayumi seemed to be in a trance after hearing the words just now.

After being poked by her a few times, he suddenly came back to his senses.

"Ahh......h It's deep snow. "

Mayumi's eyes gradually came alive, as if she was thinking about something.

Seeing her like this, Morley suddenly had some kind of bad premonition in his heart.

"Hey, Mayumi, you shouldn't ......"


"I haven't said anything yet......"

The laughter and slapstick between the girls was obviously something that Li En, as a boy, couldn't get involved in. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So he chose to close his eyes and recuperate, and browsed the content of the event that had just been triggered.

After the bus starts.

He was given a chain of quests – or rather, his last part of the promotion quest.


【Chain Event: Final Assessment】[]

+ degrees: D

+ Standard: As a technician, make each project you are responsible for achieve the "first place" result

+ Section: During the Nine School Battle, the points will be rewarded once a day, and 5,000 points will be awarded for each champion project

+ Reward: After the event ends, you will be rewarded with a D-level perfect career transfer card x1, and the reincarnation rank will be upgraded to D-rank

+ Note: "The strong are not only good at walking alone, but also good at shaping greatness"


The goal of this event coincides with the exclusive Personal Mission of [Champion's Journey].

It's just that the purpose is stronger and the conditions are more demanding.

Not only do you have to participate in the Nine School Battle, but you have to win first place in every project that Li En is responsible for!

He doesn't have to play, though.

But he was in charge of tuning the machines for the participants.

In a sense, half of the credit and obligation for the first place should be attributed to him.

"It's finally the end, and it's ...... It is worthy of the [Hell] level promotion mission. "

Lane breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

When he saw the final reward of the "D-Rank Perfect Career Transfer Card".

I suddenly felt that the hard work and hard work along the way for this copy had finally been reported.

But now is not the time to relax.

Because he is the highest difficulty level of the promotion mission.

There is a failure of any one of the events.

will lead to the loss of previous efforts!

Therefore, he must do his best in the battle of the Nine Schools.

Anything that threatens his quest to complete the promotion,

He will stop at nothing to strangle it in the cradle!

"Therefore...... At this time, the trouble that comes to the door is really blind. "

Rien looked up at the window.

When the girls are laughing and playing,

No one noticed that a truck coming in the opposite lane suddenly overturned on its side.

Maybe it's because the weather is too hot and the tire is bursting.

Or maybe something else is wrong.

Because the opposite lane of the highway is a completely separate road.

And it is isolated by a sturdy guardrail.

So even if it's this kind of accident,

Theoretically, it is unlikely that it will affect the buses that students are riding.

But Ryne, who has been expanding the [Elven Vision] from time to time just now.

keenly aware that there are traces of "magic" in this truck.


[Emergency: Flying Disaster]

+degree: E+

+ MARK: A multi-ton truck is flying towards the vehicle you're in, solve it!

+ Reward: 3000 reincarnation points, 3 skill points, 3 attribute points, prestige, accessibility expansion plug-in x1

... Beg....

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