"Blocking the additional damage of a magnetic storm crown, I actually lost less than 50 HP. "

After leaving the conference room, Li En recalled a series of protective skills blessed by Deng Fa.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"It's worthy of a tank-type player, this anti-beating ability is fierce one by one. "

How did he know that Deng Fa sensed that the attack that Li En threw out casually was wrong.

Directly move out all the skills at the bottom of the box when the cooldown time is up to 24!

If this is not the case, the bullet may be thrown off the spot, along with the human shield.

Although he will not be killed on the spot, he will never be able to get over his face.

Lane didn't actually intend to kill in plain sight.

At most, I want to teach the male duck a lesson.

He is most annoyed by this kind of moral kidnapping guy guy.

Lai has his own code of conduct, as well as a flexible moral bottom line.

To put it simply, it's about doing whatever you want and doing whatever you want.

If someone wants to morally kidnap him with certain values......

I'm sorry, I don't have morality, you can't kidnap me.

Early the next morning after the end of the Dragon Kingdom Conference.

After finishing the [morning exercise], Li En took a step forward in the deep snow and came to the station.

The reason why I left my sister to come alone,

It's because if she finds out that she's meeting other girls,

I'm afraid I'm going to ask for more "rewards" again.

Although the wayward deep snow is also cute

But these days are in a critical period,

003 is better off doing less distractions.

When this thing passes,

Lai has plenty of time to nurture the bond between siblings.

"Good morning, President. "

In the crowd, Rien quickly found Mayumi's figure.

Although she is petite,

But because of his outstanding appearance and temperament,

On the contrary, it is not the type that tends to drown in the crowd.

"Senior Brother Lien, this is really rare, you are not with Shenxue. "

Mayumi had a surprised look on her face,

But I'm still glad that Rien is waiting for him.

"Deep snow has also reached a more troublesome age lately. "

Lane shrugged.

"Lately, whenever a girl approaches me, she's got a terrible look on her face. "

"Huh, am I on her guard?"

Mayumi asked curiously.

"Maybe it's because I'm the president that I'm more vigilant. "

Dawn said meaningfully.

"Even if I'm used to the beauty of deep snow. "

"When you face the president, you can't help but be intrigued. "

Hearing Li En's words, Mayumi was stunned for a moment,

Then he reacted, and his pretty face suddenly flushed a little.

"Li En, how can you praise the brother of other girls with your sister's appearance......"

"Also, it's okay to call me (BGAF) Mayumi at this time, didn't you promise me before?"

"Obey, Sister Mayumei. "

Lane didn't make too much of a joke either, but got straight to the point.

"Have the negotiations come to fruition?"

Mayumi also collected the relief on her face and whispered.

"They demanded equal treatment for first-degree students and second-degree students, but there was no specific implementation plan at all. "

"It's like a mentally retarded party who only wants results, but doesn't even give a need. "

"Sister Mayumi, is your analogy really good?"

That's what it means. "

Mayumi sighed lightly.

"It was useless to continue the argument, so it was decided to hold a public discussion in the lecture hall after school tomorrow afternoon. "

Tomorrow afternoon...... So fast?

Despite the preparation, Rien still felt a little abrupt.

Because if it is according to the plot of the original work.

The outcome of the seminar will be one-sided in Mayumi.

And at this time, the attack from the [Yagi Society] will also come directly!

In other words.

The day the discussion begins, it is the final moment of the faction confrontation!

"The candidate sent by the student union to participate in the discussion meeting, it should be a senior sister unexpectedly, right?"

Hearing Rien's inquiry, Mayumi showed a sweet smile of "You guessed right".

"Although Morley, who is the head of the Discipline Committee, will be on the stage with me, I am the only speaker. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"When it comes to logical debates and rational discussions, I don't think anyone can beat me in the case of reason. "

Lai didn't doubt it.

After all, he is the person who has been the student president for two years, and he is the successor of the head of the family of the Ten Divisions.

When it comes to eloquence and persuasiveness, Mayumi is unsurpassed.

"And ......"

Mayumi lowered her eyes, and there seemed to be some kind of anticipation in her tone.

"Abolishing the barrier between first-class and second-degree students is what I have always wanted to do. "

"If they can really convince me with some kind of argument, why not go along with their wishes?"


A discussion on the treatment of students in the first and second subjects,

The news of the upcoming meeting the next day quickly spread throughout the campus.

Whether it's the heat of the topic or the heat that comes with it.

Or those with ulterior motives are fueling the trouble.

In less than half a day, the atmosphere of the entire magic science college

For the first time, I became active because of something other than magic.

And the members of the [Aspirant Alliance] who occupied the radio room before,

Before the start of the seminar, it was like a speech before the election of the prime minister.

Everywhere there were people handing out leaflets, calling on students, trying to win as many supporters as possible.

There are also many students who don't want to get involved.

The embarrassing scene of being entangled and unable to get out.

"That...... I don't want to be part of the organization you're talking about. "

Shibata Mitsuki made a weak voice of resistance.

"I already spent a lot of time just in class and club activities, so I ......"

"Don't you really think about it?"

The person who pestered the glasses girl was a thin but sturdy third-grade boy.

He also wears glasses, which should be the same as Mitsuki,

They are all people who suffer from [Reiko radiation allergy].

"Our group is made up of classmates who have experienced the same allergies. "

"If you can join, I believe it will improve your life a lot. "

Even though he had been rejected several times, the third-grade boy had no intention of giving up.

"Mitsuki, who is he?"

I heard a voice that came out of nowhere.

The glasses lady had a relieved expression on her face.

Judging from her appearance, she should no longer be able to stand the other party's stalking.

Rien walked over and looked at the boy.

Not surprisingly, the other party has a familiar face.

"He's the head of the Kendo Society, the one Sayaka mentioned who instigated her to recruit herself......"

Li En thought silently, and then took out the armband of the Discipline Commissioner.

"If you pestered for too long, I will report you to the Discipline Committee for harassment, please respect yourself. "

The kendo master nodded slightly to Rien, and then looked at Mitsuki.

"Shibata-sensan, if you are interested, you can come to me at any time. "

It seems that he is a little jealous of Lane's status as a member of the Discipline Commission.

He did not continue to preach the previous small group organization.

Instead, he immediately left the sight of the two.

"That senior is the head of the kendo club, and his name is Si Jia. "

Mitsuki sighed and explained.

"The senior, like me, suffers from [Reiko Radiation Allergy]. "

"He invited me to join a group of allergy sufferers, saying it would improve the symptoms dramatically. "

"Credibility sounds like a little street advertisement. "

Lane gave a fairly pertinent assessment.

"yes. "

The glasses lady sighed in frustration.

"This kind of symptom, how can it be cured so easily......

"Yes. "

Mitsuki turned her head in surprise and looked beyond her glasses, revealing an incredulous gaze.

I saw that Lane didn't know where to go,

A ring with eyeball-like spars was removed.


(The day before yesterday, I said that I would add more ~ thank you for your flowers and the support of various tickets ~).

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