This ring called [Imitation "Elven Vision"],

In fact, it was a by-product of the development of the prototype "Adam's Heart".

For the current Dawn, the technical content of doping is about the same as screwing.

It doesn't have any property bonuses, and the material price is low.

It is the same material as Mitsuki's "Excess Reiko Radiation Filter Chip".

The only effect is that the wearer does not need to resort to other external devices.

You can choose to turn the "Filter Horizon" on or off.

Turn on the "Filtered Horizon" and be able to live from an ordinary perspective like a normal person.

And if you turn it off, you can see the ubiquitous Reiko radiation again~.

"That way, you don't need to wear these glasses......"

Speaking of this, Lane suddenly paused and looked at Mitsuki again.

"No, you'd better wear it. "


Mitsuki hasn't recovered from the surprise in front of her,

She looked at Rien with some blankness.

"Are there any restrictions?"

"Not really. "

Rien shook his head and said with a smile.

"I just think Mitsuki looks cuter with glasses. "

Just kidding, if the glasses lady loses her glasses.

It's like a half-cooked egg tart, a sparkling water without bubbles, or a fried french fries.

Hearing Li En's ridicule, Mitsuki reacted for several seconds,

His face became rosy and he lowered his head shyly.

"Yuan, so that Li En-san thinks of me like this?"

"Sure enough...... It's better not to wear glasses, it's weird......"

"No, I can't. "

Rien decisively stopped the girl's abandonment of her body.

"This ring is not given to you for free, there are two strings attached. "

"One of them is that Mitsuki will wear glasses in the future. "


Mitsuki let out a small animal-like scream.

"Li En, you bully people......"

Suddenly, she reacted, with a big doubt in her eyes.

"Wait, two conditions? What is the other one?"

"This is actually very simple, I need you to do one thing for me at tomorrow's seminar......"


On the day of the open discussion between the Student Council and the "League of Aspirants".

Nearly half of the students gathered in the auditorium.

"The number of onlookers was a bit unexpected. "

Rien glanced at the almost packed scene and raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that the topic to be discussed today has indeed been a grievance in the school for a long time. "

"I'm more concerned about this kind of time, and there are so many idlers. "

The chairman of the Discipline Inspection Commission proposed jokingly.

"This is definitely a challenge for the work of the Discipline Inspector. "

"It's better to suggest that the school extend the end of school and schedule more courses. "

"Stop, Watanabe-senpai, you're definitely going to be angry like this. "

The atmosphere in the preparation room of the Student Council is very relaxed.

Even Mayumi, who is about to take the stage to debate,

There was no nervous look on his face either.

On the contrary, as security personnel, the members of the Discipline Committee,

Everyone kept scanning the venue as if they were facing a great enemy.

Li En also tensed his nerves, and used [Elven Vision] and the dungeon map to monitor the whole scene.

But as I said before, the discussion was unexpectedly hot.

caused him to be unable to be in the vast sea of people for a while,

Identify problematic targets.

Fortunately, he had already made arrangements.

"Mitsuki, it's your turn. "

Lane gently patted the shoulder of the glasses girl, who was a little stiff.


Mitsuki was startled, and subconsciously curled up,

After seeing Li En's figure, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, I've always avoided this kind of crowded situation, so I don't get used to it......"

"Understandable. "

Rien nodded.

Because Mitsuki has been suffering from "Reiko radiation allergy" all along.

In crowded situations, the chaotic spirit child radiation is as dazzling as excessive light pollution. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now, there is the [Replica "Elven Vision"] ring that Li En gave her.

She can already control this natural physique to a certain extent.

The only thing that needed to be overcome was her state of mind.

"I started. "

As if talking to herself, Mitsuki whispered to herself. []

"Even if it's for Lane-san, this level of thing...... We must not fail!"

The next moment, she turned off the "filter mode".

The colorful aura that made her painful and familiar instantly filled her field of vision.


Stimulated by the light, Mitsuki's eyes shed two lines of tears, stinging like pins and needles.

But the girl still insisted, staring at the venue in front of her.

“...... Find one!"

Suddenly, she exclaimed, and just wanted to turn back,

There was a very close voice in my ears.

"I saw it. "

Rien stood behind Mitsuki and locked onto a suspicious student from her perspective.

I don't know if it's because the two are too close.

He suddenly noticed that Mitsuki's body was trembling slightly.

"The breath of Li En, so close......"

"If he just hugged me like that......"

As a member of the art club, Mitsuki's imagination has always been abundant.

Just the daily interaction between Lane and Deep Snow,

can make up more than 100,000 words of emotional drama in the brain.

The same is true when it comes to herself.

If it weren't for Lien's voice that brought her back to her senses.

I guess she even had a name for the child.

"Go on, next. "

"Okay, okay!"

Mitsuki, who was a little weak-hearted, immediately replied,

Then they worked harder to find the attacker with suspicious appearances.

In her field of vision, all of these people who are behaving abnormally have one thing in common.

That is, with them as the center, there is "nothingness" or "black holes" within a certain range.

Even ordinary people who don't have magical qualifications will have a small number of spirit sons.

This phenomenon only indicates that these people have some means to evade the detection of magic.

Thus forming a "vacuum" of the Son of Thought and the Son of the Spirit.

But on such a noisy occasion, this "vacuum" has become an important clue for them to be exposed!

"That's all there should be. "

Li En marked the suspicious elements reported by Mitsuki on the map of the dungeon.

Then there was a sigh of relief.

"In this way, the first phase of events should be able to end perfectly. "


[Chain Event: Wild Grass Burning Plain]

+ degrees: D

+ Mark: This event is a multi-stage large-scale chain event, with independent scores for each stage and cumulative reward multipliers

+ paragraph: After the seminar, protect the students from the attackers

+ Paragraph: After the "Yagikai" attack begins, defeat the attackers and defend the campus

+ Section: Prevent the aborigines and players of the "Yagikai" faction from stealing confidential magical materials

+ Reward: 8000 reincarnation points, 500 credits, 500 prestige, random specialty skills x1, attribute cap unlocked


This event is a follow-up to the "shock therapy" event.

At the same time, it is also an important event that affects the plot direction of the dungeon world!

This can be seen in the extremely generous event rewards......

Random perk skills!

Attribute Cap Unlocked!

In other words, just complete the event.

Li En's promotion mission is already half successful!


(Photo: Shibata Mitsuki knife).

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