Li En looked at it, it turned out that it was the first time he went to do the [Morning Exercise] task,

The player of the Dragon Kingdom who met was a young man named Li Chen.

"Thank you for what happened last time. "

Li Chen saw Li En coming over and whispered to him.

Because of the latter, Li Chen does not have to pass the master-level trial,

You can directly accept the cultivation of the [Ninefold Flow Fighting Technique].

Occasionally, you can get personal guidance from Kue Yakumo.

In the past few days, Li Chen has cultivated the [Ninefold Flow Fighting Technique] to Lv3,

It can be said that it rubbed two skill points and a special melee skill for nothing.

So I am very grateful to Lane.

"It's just going with the flow. "

Lane smiled, in fact he had almost forgotten about it.

"It's better than giving up a spot to a player from Stick or Sakurajima Country. "

"That's right. "

The two talked for a while, and then heard a deep male voice coming from the conference room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can call me Dunfa. "

The speaker was a burly man with a standard Chinese face.

From the point of view of temperament, the other party is obviously inseparable from the army.

Li En narrowed his eyes slightly, through [Information Decomposition] he could obtain some information about the other party.

The man, Dunfa, was a D-class player.

And the attributes are not low, and the three main attributes of strength, physique, and will are all around on average.

His first profession was "Bodyguard" and his second profession was "Royal Shield".

"A tank player?"

Li En was a little surprised, but this confirmed the identity of the other party.

Military background plus a rare tank profession,

He must be a player sent to the dungeon by the Dragon Kingdom official.

In order to play a leading role at such a time,

In case a talented person like Liu Xufa becomes a team leader.

"I'm sure you've guessed who I am. "

Deng Fa glanced around, and guessed what the other players were thinking from the looks on their faces.

"But rest assured, my interests are aligned with yours. "

"That is, in this dungeon world, get more credits and bring back more knowledge and skills. "

"So in the upcoming [Faction Confrontation Event], I have some information to share with you. "

Here it comes!

Dawn perked up and pricked up his ears.

As an official officer, the other party has all kinds of information and information,

It's definitely a lot richer than a player like himself who has only experienced a few dungeon worlds.

He came to this meeting, and he also had the idea of listening to the experience of his predecessors.

"In my experience... `~..."

Faction confrontation is not uncommon in dungeon worlds above D.

At this time, the attackers are the [Yakikai] and the reincarnation players who defect to this camp.

This part of the players is basically from Sakurajima country,

Because this copy was discovered by players in Sakurajima Country,

In the course of the first exploration, there must have been some information,

will choose such a tactic after entering the dungeon world this time.

The defender is "One High" and the rest of the reincarnation players.

"Faction confrontation is not simply attacking and killing each other. "

"Instead, each faction has its own goal points. "

Deng Fa casually drew a diagram of the two camps on the whiteboard in the conference room.

"The attacker's goal may be to kill a specific character, destroy a facility, and so on. "

"Correspondingly, the goal of our defenders is to protect and prevent the attackers from sabotage. "

Hearing this, Li En already had something in his heart.

Others don't know what this group of Sakurajima players are paying attention to......

But he knows it very well!

Including the [Yagi Society], the target of the opponent's entire camp,

It's all about stealing magical materials stored inside the school!

"It seems that the defense of the library will be the top priority. "

Rien thought silently.

"In addition, in Faction Versus mode, a contribution mechanic similar to boss battles will be activated. "

Deng Fa changed his words and talked about the reward that everyone was very concerned about.

"This reward model is [Prize Pool Mode]"

That is, all mission rewards are stored in a prize pool. "

Participants will be rewarded with prizes from the prize pool based on their contributions. "

"Although there is no ranking, the higher the contribution, the more rewards you will receive. "

"In a dungeon world with a large number of reincarnation players, there will also be special prize pool tasks to do. "

In addition to Lane, the other players also had expressions of "I can still do this" and "I have learned" on their faces. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, the value of this kind of intelligence is enough to sell a few hundred points in the [Silver Plated Lily].

After rambling on some other content, Deng Fa returned to the topic.

"As the defender, the whole No. 1 can be divided into the following areas. "

"School gates, teaching buildings, libraries, laboratory buildings, playgrounds. "

"Because we have limited manpower, we can give up the school gates and playgrounds that are bound to fall. "[]

"The remaining three areas need to be divided into three teams to defend. "

"Among the players who came to the dungeon this time, there are a total of 9 D-rank players in our Dragon Kingdom. "

"Each team is assigned 3 D-rank players to serve as the main defensive force. "

"For the rest of the E-tier players, you can form your own teams and make sure that each defensive area is fully staffed. "

Hearing this, Lane knew it was time to leave.

Because it is impossible for him to follow a large army of players.

On the day of the incident, it was not only the task of the Discipline Commissioner.

He had some other things to do.

"Hey, what's going on with that guy over there?!"

Just as Lane was about to leave, a sharp duck voice suddenly came from behind him.

There was also a sound of breaking the air.

Lane frowned, and turned sideways to dodge the unknown attack.

Then it turned out to be a grappling hook.

If he hadn't dodged, I'm afraid he would have been caught directly.

"In front of the public, someone actually sneaked attacked?"

Lane turned around in confusion and found a man with an unkind face looking at him.

What he was holding in his hand was the hook weapon that had just sneaked up on him.

Before Rien could speak, the man took the lead and shouted.

Who are you, why did you leave without saying a word?"

"I have other things that make it inconvenient for us to act together. "

Rien sighed and explained.

The other party is one of the 9 D-class players,

It should be that if you want to leave, you should step forward to stop it.

Who knows, this D-class player is unforgiving, and his voice is getting louder and louder.

"It's inconvenient to act together, you're still not from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Is there a sense of teamwork, and you can't do this well?"

The surrounding players cast their stunned glances at the place.

As if enjoying the feeling of being in the limelight,

The male duck pinched his waist and looked at Rien with a swagger.

"What's going on?"

Deng Fa heard the movement here and walked over with a frown.

But before he could see the scene, his face suddenly changed!

"Be careful!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was an extra big shield in his hand,

With lightning speed, he directly charged in front of the male duck's voice.


A clear (good Zhao) brittle metal collision sounded,

Immediately, there was a sound of bullet casings landing on the ground.

Li En glanced at Deng Fa, who was standing in front of the male duck player,

With a wave of his hand, the floating cannon was directly disassembled and reassembled into metal pieces.

With the technology of [Zero Generation], he hid it again.

Then he left the conference room without looking back.

"He—How dare he attack me?!"

The D-class duck player looked incredulously at the bullet casings on the ground.

Immediately irritable, he wanted to rush out to settle accounts with Ryne.

was directly grabbed by the collar by Deng Fa and fell to the ground.

"Don't take us with you if you want to die!"

Deng Fa was angry when he saw this male duck.

Just now he blocked Rien's casual blow.

The shield is durable, but it costs a full 300 points!

Even with nearly 80% damage reduction.

But there were still nearly two hundred points of electromagnetic damage directly penetrating his defense!

If it weren't for a bunch of protective skills,

I'm afraid he's going to vomit blood on the spot!

This means that the young man just now, with a casual blow to Ping A, has a terrifying destructive power of nearly 1,000 points of damage!.

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