Chapter 367 Chain Camp Notice!!

The former camp headquarters of the Civilian Police Corps.

The remnants of the civilian police are assembled here.

Because the regular army refused their application to join the battlefield. There is no other place to go and only come back here.

Lane and Iruri walk through the dilapidated camp.

Originally a bustling and bustling downtown campsite,

At this time, only a few police officers sat in front of the tent in a daze.

In total, there are more than 2,000 combatants, more than 1,000 groups of partners.

Less than one in five can come back at this time.

And the vast majority have lost their partner, their partner.

There were haggard promoters, looking at the empty side into memory.

There are also wandering initiators, who have lost the guidance of the facilitators and are overwhelmed.

Strips of white cloth hung in front of the camp’s large tent.

This was originally the foothold of my head of the regiment.

“Well, father and son can also be considered to have a companion.”

Lane walked into the tent,

Next to a corpse covered in a white cloth.

A petite figure with a cape was sobbing quietly.

Hearing the movement behind you,

The initiator of my congregation,

The girl named Asaka wiped the corners of her eyes.

Look at Lane with glowing red eyes.

“In this hot weather, the body will quickly decay.”

Lane said softly.

Asaka’s eyes had turned into beastly pupils.

It should carry a factor similar to a feline.

“If I could, I would offer help to preserve the body.”

Hearing Li En’s words, Nongsheng Asaka hesitated for a moment.

Finally nodding his head, he gave way to the lost soul.

Lane and Iluri glanced at each other and walked over to the white cloth at the same time.

Lift the cloth that covers the corpse,

The two were greeted by cloudy eyes and extremely mutilated bodies.

Even the most advanced exoskeleton combat suit can’t stop death.

The body of my cousin was shattered at the time of his death.

Losing both legs, arms, and should have been torn apart by a protozoa.

According to the information obtained by Lane,

“Bi Su Wu” took advantage of his overconfident psychology, after leading the civilian police corps into a trap,

Endless protozoa are like a crushing plate,

Smash my captain and his squadron to pieces.

Even the strongest of the 275th IP rankings,

In the face of such a large number of protozoa, there is always a time to die of exhaustion.

The last thing he could do.

Maybe it is to carve out a way for his own starters… Otherwise, relying solely on the power of the Asaka,

There is certainly no way to escape from the trap of Ultimate Destiny.

“Iluri, let him go decently.”

Lane said softly.

Iluri nodded slightly,

Then he stretched out his hands and the Ice Mirror magic circuit activated. Asaka was awakened by the chill in the air,

She looked at the corpse in front of Iro,

My cousin’s mutilated limbs were filled by ice-carved limbs.

Finally, the diffuse cold fog condensed into a crystal clear ice coffin.

The regimental commander’s body was sealed in it.

Compared to the look of death just now.

Now he is more like he has fallen into an eternal sleep.

Seeing this scene, Nongsheng Chaoxia finally couldn’t help it, and threw herself on the ice coffin and cried.

After all, she was still just a child.

“I’ll take over from him next.”

“Are you going to carry on his will and continue to fight in this war?”

Li En said to Asaka.

According to the regulations of the Civil Police Corps, once the regimental commander dies.

Command of the Corps will be transferred to the police with the second highest IP ranking.

Lane up to 300 ranking,

Among the remaining civilian police, he is definitely the first choice for the successor.

Hear Lane’s proposal.

The slightly reddened eyes of the Asaka rekindled their fighting spirit.


【Achieve the following conditions, you will get the current quest of World Chess!】 】

【Condition (1): Accumulated 100 trophies (completed)】

【Condition (2): Cumulative killing of 100,000 primary intestines】 (895/100,000)

【Condition (3): Developed a gastrovirus inhibitor drug with stronger effect than V-type inhibitors】 (completed)

【Condition (4): IP ranking within 100】(Unfinished)

[Condition (5): Pay 2 million reincarnation points] (can be submitted) Watch the quest in front of you to conquer the quest.

Lane fell into thought.

2 million reincarnation points is the condition for the earliest completion.

For the wealthy Lane, it is also a matter of course.

The second is the cumulative number of 100 trophies.

Daily and weekly missions with the help of special mobile force camps. It was completed at the beginning of the Third Battle of the Winter.

And the condition (3) is when studying man-made natural disaster technology,

A potion developed by Zhu Shi and Shinobi.

After several iterations,

The “protovirus immune agent” has been released in version 10.0. Without regard to the influence of other factors.

Continuous administration maintains the immunodeficiency of the gastrovirus for up to 23 hours.

Almost always immune to protoenterovirus!

It is considered to have exceeded the requirements of condition (3).

All that remained were two conditions for conquest

Condition (2): Cumulative killing of 100,000 protozoans.

Condition (4): IP ranking reaches within 100

The latter Lane was not worried.

His own exploits in the war,

The Holy Son of Heaven will never hide anything,

It will certainly be reported to the IISO for judging…….。

After the end of the Third Winter War.

Ranking within 3 digits is not a problem.

Finally, the conditions for killing 100,000 protozoa… In the course of the Third Winter War,

The technology of man-made natural disasters can be easily achieved.

is the largest number of stage I and stage II proenterates that are the largest and most susceptible to apocalyptic virus infection,

There are already hundreds of thousands of terrifying numbers!

In other words, the hands that determine victory have been gathered.

The rest… It depends on when he gives the order for a general attack.

“Since the army says it can handle it itself, let them hold out for a while.”

Lane’s mind flashed with the arrogant expression of the barracks guards.

A little coldness gradually appeared on his face.

“You can take advantage of this time to develop the camp power of the special mobile force.”

“If the player’s power is not harnessed… It’s too wasteful. ”

“And he’s just getting ready to kill Scorpio!” ”

The next day, a huge prism of void crystals was erected in the middle of the camp of the Civil Police.

This is the basic storage unit of Void Energy – Void Energy Water is made by refining and processing Void crystals.

It can absorb the energy from other void crystals and store it.

It can also be used as an energy supply device to charge the equipment of other void systems.

Like what…… Void Arms.

Subsequently, all reincarnated players belonging to special mobile units.

Invariably, I received a camp notice to Chuan…

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