Chapter 368 Decay Void Technology!!

When Celia arrived at the garrison of the Legion of Police.

It’s already overcrowded.

Reincarnation players don’t miss a chance to earn points.

Especially this kind of business that is close to no cost of trading

A stage I protozoan carcass, 500 reincarnation points! Stage II Corpse 1000 points!

The corpse of “Stage III” is up to 3000 points! Originally, the reincarnated player was after killing the enemy

The body was abandoned on the battlefield.

Except for individual players who need to use materials such as blood, they will get some materials by themselves.

The Japanese body is completely wasted

And just yesterday, the special aircraft force issued a camp notice.

It is said that it is time to exchange a protozoan carcass for points.

Even reincarnated players who are not in the faction are crazy about it!

Came to the quest world for more than a month

The protoins they killed were not dozens but dozens.

This translates to a gain of close to 5 figures!

Not everyone is like Lane

In the D grade, he has a wealth of dry points.

The balance of points in the pocket is not more than 10,000, and hundreds of points must also be saved by thinking about the law.

This is the norm for most low-level reincarnated players.

“If it’s really fake, it won’t be a lie, or is there a limit on redemption.” The elven maiden walked into the camp. ”

Suddenly, I felt a pleasant sense of comfort.

It’s like a warm wind blowing through your body

The attrition of the battle just now is also constantly recovering.

[You receive the effect of the Swan Star, regaining 1% health per second, mental strength]

“This camp actually has its own recovery effect?!”

Celia was shocked by such a big gesture.

The Elves have a similar aura device.

Restore class spells by statically restoring them on magic items

to play a role in speeding up mental recovery, improving the speed of injury healing.

But like this direct percentage restores mental liacity function.

Can’t say no, but generally only high-level aura can do it! What is the concept of 1% double recovery per second?

As long as there is no negative state such as reducing the therapeutic effect on the body.

Even if you only have one breath left, just come to this camp.

In less than two minutes, you can regain your combat effectiveness alive!

“No wonder there are so many players gathered here.”

Celia then understood

Why did you see so many wounded people rushing here along the way?

Even if you don’t use a corpse to redeem points.

A free recovery effect here can also save a lot of consumables!

When she saw the person in charge of the acquisition of the body, she showed a look of surprise.

“Sister Celia, you’re all right. Natsushi nodded to the elven maiden. At the same time, he pointed to the list next to it. ”

“You can redeem points with the carcasses of a protozoa.”

At the same time, he had a lot more goods in the Fenguo store. Celia blinked, then reacted. ”

“Wait, since Xiao Xia Shi you are here.”

“That bastard, no, isn’t your teacher around too?”

Since the last time he was touched by Lane because of his ear, he escaped.

Celia never saw him again.

Then, Sima Chonggong’s temporary camp was destroyed by rats.

She glanced at it from a distance, only to find a ruin.


Natsushi glanced at Celia

The expression on the little face did not fluctuate at all.

“If you want to find him, you can go to the bar in the camp.”

“You guys really do business at the bar.” Somehow, after hearing that Lane was safe and sound. ”

Celia suddenly felt a sense of relief in her heart.

“Hey, whether you can buy it or not, we’re still waiting for it!”

Behind him came the impatient urging of other players.

Celia looked back and quickly glanced at the camp store.

Then I was stunned by the new products!

“Spiritual energy crystal? Capable of sustainably restoring mental strength? ”

“And the healing crystals are so cheap?”

“No, it’s cheaper to use faction contributions!”

【Secondary Spiritual Energy Crystal】

+ Level: E

+ Effect: After use, restore (user will x2) mental strength within 5 seconds, minimum/maximum recovery of 50 to 100 mental power

+ Note: This crystal can restore spiritual power, not much, but enough

+ Price 1:300 Reincarnation Points + 50 Faction Contributions

+ Price 2:500 Reincarnation Points.

【Secondary Life Healing Crystal】

+ Level: E

+ Effect: After use, restore health (user constitution x5) within 5 seconds, minimum/maximum recovery of 100 to 250 health

+ Note: “This crystal is filled with life energy, and when it recovers, it will heal the corresponding injury.” ”

+Price (1): 300 Reincarnation Points + 50 Faction Contributions

+ Price (2): 500 round points

On top of secondary crystals

There are also better effects of “low-level crystals.” ”

Of course, the price required for exchange is also higher.

However, even if you don’t use the camp to sacrifice the clan to dispel.

Even if it is exchanged for the original price, the effect is equivalent to the same level of consumables! The most important thing is that there are no purchase restrictions and thresholds!

“Xiao Xia Shi, these two low-level crystals, each come with 20!”

It didn’t take long for Celia to happily squeeze out the crowd.

Obviously, I feel like I’ve taken advantage of something.

“By the way, go see the guy.”

“It is also my responsibility not to say goodbye last time.”

In a happy mood, the elf girl hummed a little song and walked into the bar that Natsu said.

When she entered the door, she saw Lane lying on the counter touching the fish.

Seeing the other person’s appearance,

Celia burst out laughing.

“You, the man, leave everything to your own students.”

“Isn’t there a time to do something serious?”

“I’m doing what you said right now0.”

Lane glanced at Celia.

He held out his arm and made a toasting motion. However, the hand went straight through the cup.

It was as if his body were a virtual projection.

“It’s just a projection of me.”

“My ontology is doing very serious scientific work. In fact, there are two extra crystal items in the camp store. It is the product of Lane’s research. ”

This is a technology developed based on the knowledge of the Void Furnace. Specifically, the decay of void energy.

The object that turned into a void crystal was like extracted crude oil.

The energy fluctuations are very mixed.

It needs to be separated and refined by special technology.

The pure void energy is then deposited into the void energy crystal.

“Void energy” is a higher form of energy than spiritual power.

But advanced does not mean practical

Just like solar energy can’t be used directly to generate electricity.

Energy-based conversion is required

can be used by reincarnation players such as Lane.

So, Lane turned the Void Energy into two lower levels of energy

In other words, spiritual energy and health are stored in the small void energy crystal.

It becomes the so-called spiritual energy crystal and the life healing crystal.

“You invented those crystals?”

Celia heard Lane’s answer and said in surprise.

“I just bought a lot, won’t you lose money if you buy so cheap?”


Lane suppressed the smile on his face.

Decided not to say the true cost of these two crystals.

The carcass of a stage I protozoa.

A void crystal formed after extracting evolutionary energy.

It can extract about 1 unit of void energy.

This in turn decays into 10 units of life or spiritual energy.

Considering that the Void Energy Crystal also needs to consume about half of the Void Energy

Have a stage 1 procastrial carcass with a purchase price of 500 points

Capable of spawning 5 secondary life/spirit energy crystals! Compared with the price, it is simply a huge profit of several times the profit! Celia was still worried about whether he would lose money and could only say that he had mastered the core technology

Sure enough, it is the best way to make money.

“Speaking of which, the institute I work with has a task, do you want to do it?”

Lane hadn’t forgotten who he had spoken before Celia.

“Task? Okay, I just don’t have a camp contribution. ”

Celia answered casually.

Then in front of her eyes, a camp mission that had just been made up appeared.

【You have received the faction mission: Placing the Resonance Crystal】

(100 months pass addition!) This month’s monthly pass is a little less and less readership)

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