Chapter 366 Meshing the Wounds of War!!

Genetic resonance.

Or that genomic resonance transmission technology is not a new concept.

Lane in the Crown of Sin copy,

The Ultimate Roar used this technique.

It’s just how to strip this technology,

Then put it into other areas of application.

It’s always been a problem.

Because the most important thing about genetic resonance is that the sample is stable.

If the genetic composition of the two experimental individuals is not the same at all.

There is no such thing as resonance.

Proenteros, on the other hand, is a typical stable sample.

Although they carry various animal factors.

But in essence, they all share a common origin – prolovirus! The rest is pretty straightforward.

Sakura is the former deputy director of the Essentia Gene Research Institute.

Add to that the real name of Sakura-man, who is the Queen of the Apocalypse Virus, and Lane’s joint research.

A technology called Man-Made Natural Disasters – Protozoan Special Edition was born.

The principle is as mentioned above, and the ultimate version is the Dance of Annihilation that Sakura-man’s real name once performed.

Through special genetic resonance frequencies,

Trigger an accelerated outbreak of the Apocalypse virus around the world! Achieve the effect of emptying the planet’s population with one click.

However, because the protovirus can also fight against the Apocalypse virus to some extent.

Therefore, it is not yet possible to do a “dance of annihilation.” ”

The effect of directly turning all the protozoa of the entire planet into a void crystal.

Len brings back a sample of the Pleiades gene to his real name.

It gives her control over all protozoa below stage III!

In other words, if conditions permit.

Ryan can directly ask Sakura-man’s real name to dismantle all the original animals in this war except Bisuke!

Of course, the premise is… Conditions permitting.

“It takes time for the Apocalypse virus to spread.”

“So it’s not time for a final shot.”

In a makeshift camp built out of a building box.

Lane’s gaze scanned the week.

“Who’s going to explain to me the current situation on the battlefield?”

He was only away for 3 days.

Unexpectedly, the second war zone was lost.

“Teacher, let me explain.”

Xia Shi organized the language.

It started the day after Lane left.

“A large number of protozoa with the ability to drill the ground tore the ground.”

“Let the whole camp collapse into the ground.”

Hearing this, even Lane couldn’t help but be moved.

“The whole camp is stuck underground… What factors are protozoa?! ”


Xia Shi pointed to his little head.

“Teacher, it may be faster for you to read my thoughts directly.”

After being able to suppress the negative effects of the unrestrained eye.

Lane rarely reads minds to his own people. Of course, the enemy is still read correctly. Hearing Xia Shi say this, Li En was not ambiguous.

Directly let go of the limitations of mind reading.

A flood of memories floods into the mind.

It’s like watching a movie,

Lane saw what was happening.

When everyone in the makeshift camp is on alert to the sky and the ground.

The land began to crack and collapse.

Within a diameter of about 100 meters, it suddenly collapsed into a bottomless crater.

The son of my cousin, the man who promoted Lane to captain

Disappearing into the dark cave with his facilitator, and with no bones left, Tina unleashed her guardian star, the Night Owl.

With the survivors, they escaped from the hole dug by the mole-type protozoa.

In the instant of escape, Lane saw the face of this protozoa that was good at drilling holes.

Their claws are unusually sharp and huge, a weapon that moles use to dig up dirt.

The eyes are as narrow as black beans,

In fact, their eyes have long been degraded because they have been living underground for many years, and their vision is quite low.

But in exchange for a developed sense of hearing and smell.

As blind people, they would never be so precise without clear guidance

Dig such a large pit under the supply camp.

“It’s Eve again…”

Every time I think of this powerful enemy hidden deep in the forbidden area.

The more Lane felt that it was unfathomable.

This all-encompassing,

The attitude of trying to win by all means…

It’s like a human being.

“What happened to the others?”

Lane remembered my cousin Hidehiko who died in the memory.

I can’t help but feel desolate.

A few days ago, he also praised himself for saving the entire camp.

He was also given the position of squad leader.

I didn’t expect it to be long.

He died with his own initiator.

“Of the 3 civilian police squadrons on the left side of the second theater, only survivors survived.”

Xia Shi gently said an extremely tragic statistic.

“In addition to our team, the other people who fled should have been hunted down and killed in a similar way.”

The so-called pursuit and killing is actually the swarm of bees that Lane encountered before.

“In other words, of the more than 1,000 police partners, less than 100 survived?”

The cruelty of the battlefield could not help but silence Lane.

Then he suddenly thought of several names.

“What happened to the Kataki brothers and sisters, as well as Sima Weiwean?”

“Sima unwoven, you don’t have to worry.”

Mu Geng interjected, and she looked a little unhappy.

“After you go back, she also takes a helicopter to the safer rear.”

“As for the Kataki brothers and sisters…”

Speaking of which, Wood was even more hesitant.

“In order to protect Bow Moon, Yushu himself fell into a hole in the ground.”

“In the end, only Bow Moon managed to escape.”

“That kid is still depressed… Obviously, I am usually so lively. ”

“Yes, that’s the case.”

Lane was slightly stunned.

In the original work, the Kataki brothers and sisters all survived the Third Battle of Guandong without expecting that the brother of the two brothers and sisters actually died here!

“This should also be the butterfly effect of the mutated affixes.”

These days, he has been working day and night, almost 24 hours a day and constantly conducting research.

So I didn’t read the war report very much—of course, even if I read all the good news and didn’t report the worries, there was no useful information.

The only good news is that the situation on the frontal battlefield is actually quite good.

Because Bi Suwu focused his energy on the flank war zone.

Therefore, the pressure on the first war zone, which should be the most tragic, has been even lower in recent days.

So Lane made an immediate decision.

“Gather the formations and converge on the first theater where the regular army is located.”

“Next… It’s time for us to fight back. ”

After arriving at the frontal battlefield, however.

The survivors of the Civil Police Corps were shut down.

“A bunch of crap, can’t even hold such an easy place on the side battlefield!”

The soldier guarding the door showed a disdainful expression.

“Even the regimental commander is dead, and you are just a ragtag bunch…”

“With our army here, we don’t need your help at all, and we can still withstand the attack of the protozoa!”

Lane did not take care of the arrogant soldiers in front of him.

He was just surprised by what he had just heard.

“My cousin is dead?!”

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