Chapter 358 Night Attack Gene Weapon!!

Clusters of fireballs kept falling from the sky.

These fireballs are actually a protozoa that only makes a painful cry.

Bird protozoal feathers usually secrete large amounts of oil,

These oils prevent their wings from being soaked and aggravated.

However, at this time, it has become their accelerant, constantly accelerating their death, “Is it you?!” ”

After seeing the face of the person who made the shot, Celia let out an exclamation.

“Didn’t you come later than me?”

In her impression, Lane should have just arrived at the battlefield at this time.

“I have special skills for rushing.”

Lane shrugged and then looked at the weapon in the elven maiden’s hand.

“It seems that magic and bows and arrows have no effect on them.”

The whole battle process just now, he watched the whole time in his eyes.

Celia didn’t think so, however.

“Only, it’s just that I’m not good at learning!”

“It has nothing to do with magic!”

Celia said with a gamble.

Then she turned her gaze,

Look at the enemies who show an eerie burning posture under the sun.

“What did you do to them?”

She was able to observe the flames on these protozoans.

It wasn’t the explosion that Lane had just set off.

It’s more like a flame rising spontaneously from the bodies of these protozoans! And with the strong regenerative ability of protozoans,

If it was ordinary flames, it wouldn’t make them so painful at all! So…… There must be something weird about that!

“Hmm… The principle is complex. ”

Li En thought for a moment, and then patted Xia Shi’s little head.

“Xia Shi, follow the hall to test.”

“Tell this aunt what just happened.”


Celia immediately looked at Lane with fierce eyes.

Fortunately, Xia Shi’s voice interrupted the imminent dispute.

“Teacher, what he just detonated was a bionic weapon, Stinger, using the technology of chain explosion mines.”

“With continuous detonation, it can increase the power and range of subsequent explosions.”

“This is the first part.”

The girl cast a calm glance at Celia.

As if to say that if I don’t understand it, I can explain it in detail.

“Uh… You go on. ”

The elf maiden laughed,

I don’t know if I should accept such kindness.

“The second part is the origin of the flames on their bodies.”

Xia Shi thought about it and organized the language.

“The detonated stinger evaporates a substance that can temporarily attach a genetic defect to the target.”

“So, after the explosion, this substance spreads along the hot air stream to all flying enemies.”

“Eventually, they were given the defective gene [if you were exposed to sunlight] and you would die.”

“The result is as you can see.”

Finally, Hashi looked at Lane.

“In fact, there is a third part, how to extract genetic defects and make precipitating substances…”

“But the teacher didn’t teach me that.”

Hearing this, Lane laughed bitterly.

Caressing Xia Shi’s hair.

“That’s enough.”

“You don’t have access to that kind of knowledge right now.”

Extraction method of gene defects,

From [Forbidden Knowledge – Paint Bucket of the Creator]

Before figuring out the dangers of forbidden knowledge and distortion, Lane didn’t intend to expose Xia Shi to this kind of thing.

I don’t know if I understand it,

Celia looked at the two teachers and students who were interacting and let out an exclamation.

“Oh… It seems that you are also quite hard. ”

“It’s good to know.”

Lane thought for a moment and held out her hand to Celia.

The latter, seeing his move, immediately took a half-step back.

Covering his chest with both hands, he said with a look of horror on his face.

“You, what do you want to do?!”

“Do you want me to show some help just now?!”

“Then all kinds of perfunctory reasons to say that I was not satisfied, and finally let me use my body to pay back…”

“…… You think too much. ”

Lane felt his blood pressure rising. Ansenas is such a serious elf girl.

How could her sister be this virtuous?

Every day the brain makes up something strange…

“I mean, give me an arrow for you.”

“Well, that’s all there is to it, I’ve said it earlier.”

Celia was relieved, though a little confused. But an arrow was drawn from the quiver behind him. Lane took the arrow in his hand and reversed the weight.

In the other hand is a piece of holmium alloy.

– The living furnace under his will,

Metal blocks deform quickly like plasticine.

It is as if there are invisible hands shaping the form.

Within a few moments, a sharp arrow was pinched……. Arrows made of all-holmium alloy!

“Build 1:1 according to the arrow you gave, and the tail feather part will be taken care of by yourself.”

Lane threw two arrows at the elven maiden one by one.

“How about trying to power it?”

“Can this still be so?”

Celia’s eyes widened,

Seems to be surprised by the scene where Lane rubs his arrows…

It didn’t take long for her to gleefully run back from the battlefield not far away.

“My skills can finally be used to full effect!”

“There are more arrows like that… Let’s have a 10 group first! ”

Lane glanced at Celia’s quiver,

A barrel of arrows is about 50 or so.

10 groups is nearly 500…

“Not available.”

Li En didn’t even think about it and directly refused.

Subsequently, he added.

“But you can go to the nearby supply camp tomorrow.”

“I heard that the camp shops of the Special Mobile Forces will be thrown into the camp.”

Xia Shi was a teacher’s expression that you were deceiving people again.

Obviously, this is not a hearsay thing.

It’s a decision that Lane made on the spot.

After meeting Celia.

Lane found out something.

That’s the supplies in the Merit Shop, and it’s not suitable for all reincarnated players.

A magic shooter like Celia couldn’t even guarantee combat effectiveness.

Because the mainstream weapon in this world is still a gun.

Or a cold weapon made of super-holmium alloy.

As for the arrows… Maybe there will be civilian police.

But also privately customized.

“It looks like some are busy tomorrow.”

After separating from Celia,

Lane looked at the [Tactical Objective] in front of him to complete the prompt.

Thoughtfully. The first day of the Third Battle of Guandong.

The calm is somewhat suspicious.

“If [Ultimate Five] really mutated…”

“Well, it shouldn’t just stop there.”

It is.

After the sky darkens.

The civilian police returned to the supply camps.

The day ended with a fight.

Both the facilitator and the initiator are quite tired.

In this case… They also subconsciously ignore one thing.

Protozoan attacks, day and night.

“Finding the target… Is it the regular army? ”

The vigil guards raised their weapons and looked near the camp.

About 100 figures dressed in camouflage uniforms,

Lines up towards camp.

The nervous police officers breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the other party is his own person, no need to fight… Do you? Lane didn’t speak.

Because in front of his eyes the copy map, these hundred or so “army.” ”

Impressively marked as a red dot symbolizing the enemy!

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