Chapter 357: The Burning Sun Aerial Ban!!

Bathing in evolutionary energy.

Xia Shi seemed to be enveloped by a cloud of light.

She couldn’t help but look at Len, wanting to ask for his help.

The strange sensation coming from the body,

Let her never go through this experience. After all…… Race evolution is such a thing.

Humans generally cannot experience it.

“Relax, don’t resist.”

Lane is also the first time to carry out [coevolution~]

While comforting the girl, he observed the other party’s reaction.

Fortunately, the whole process didn’t last long.

It may be that the first evolutionary improvement was not very large.

Lane clicked on the properties panel of the Summer World,

It was discovered that this evolution did not bring new abilities. Instead, her attributes were slightly increased.

The overall increase is about 30 points for the appearance of all attributes.

“The revenue is not bad.”

Lane was pleased with the result.

This is only the first evolution of the Xia Shi, and as the number of evolutions increases,

Her attributes will also become higher and higher.

The amount of evolutionary energy required will also gradually increase.

In subsequent evolution, it may be possible to obtain unique racial abilities.

“Now it seems that being able to choose the direction of evolution should be the privilege of the [Void Emperor] bloodline.”

Lane thought thoughtfully.

Because according to the inquiry of the evolutionary process,

Xia Shi’s reaction did not appear with a similar prompt.

Instead, we can only wait for the results of evolution.

It seems that this is the gap between the ordinary Void Clan and the Void Emperor.

Just then, the walkie-talkie on Lane’s body came to motion.

This is a communications tool issued by the Civil Police Corps to the auxiliary formations.

The voice that appeared on the intercom was the squadron leader to whom Lane belonged.

“Attention all members of the Third Squadron!”

“At the following coordinates, an air force of protozoa was found!”

“Please rush to the support of the formation with the ability to handle!”


After the same broadcast is repeated twice.

Dawn suddenly saw a hint message in front of his eyes.

【Tactical Objective: Air Ban】

+ Difficulty: C

+ Objective: Destroy a group of protozoa with flying abilities (0/50

+ Rewards: For every flying unit destroyed, 3000 reincarnation points and 3000 merits are awarded

+ Time limit: 59 minutes and 55 seconds, if not completed within the specified time, it will be considered lost)

+ Note: After the completion of this tactical objective, the progress of the 2nd Theater War Objective is +2%

“It turned out to be so… Tactical objectives can advance the degree of completion of war objectivesSeeing the notes of tactical objectives, Lane’s mind was suddenly clear. ”

Simply put, the achievement of the goals of war.

It is on the basis of the stability of the war situation… Constantly complete tactical objectives one by one, thus affecting the entire war zone!

If the air ban is not resolved, then the protozoa with the ability to fly will put great pressure on the frontal battlefield! The already stretched firepower,

It is also necessary to allocate some manpower to air defense.

Maybe the frontal battlefield will be broken through at such a time! Naturally, Lane wouldn’t watch this happen.

The time limit for the “air ban” is less than 1 hour. He immediately took a motorcycle out of his ring.

“Xia Shi, let’s go!”


Anyway, on the chaotic battlefield,

Nor will anyone find out that he pulled out a vehicle out of thin air.

“There are a group of about 50 protozoa… Pregnant! ”

Lane didn’t bother to compare the coordinates of the strategic map.

Directly scanned the copy map,

At a glance, I saw a group of very conspicuous red dots in the battlefield.

This group of flying enemies seemed to want to carry out a surprise attack, and did not follow the massive vanguard legion of protozoa into the frontal battlefield.

Instead, it is a detour from the flank war zone,

It also gives the Civilian Police Corps the opportunity to deal with them.

However, when Lane arrived,

Discover that an acquaintance has already launched an attack on them! – Split – Tracking Arrows!

The elf girl suddenly released her fingers,

The magic longbow engraved with a delicate pattern evokes a streamer of emerald light, and after hitting the first target,

It penetrated directly and split into a dozen slightly weaker rays of light!

“Can this be considered archery?” It’s all magic…”

Lee, who came on a motorcycle, thought silently in his heart.

The acquaintance in front of her is Celia.

It is not uncommon for reincarnated players to appear on the battlefield.

Because of the camp mission set by Lane,

There is no requirement that players must stay in a specific war zone. Therefore, in the 3 war zones, you can see the figure of the reincarnated player.

An arrow was fired, and it seemed to be a remarkable victory.

However, the feedback that Celia got from the battle prompt made her silver teeth bite lightly,

Obviously, the attack just now didn’t do much damage.

These flying troops who sneaked into the side battlefield,

All of them are proenterates above stage II! There are also several Stage III level elites mixed in!

“Sure enough, without that kind of metal, the lethality will be greatly reduced… A cracking sound came,”

Celia quickly sidestepped the attack from the air! Of these nearly 50 flying enemies,

Many have the means of long-range attacks! The tentative attack of the elf maiden just now had obviously angered them!

Only to see these V-shaped protozoa, turning the direction of flight.

Swoop down towards where she is!


Celia looked changed,

She didn’t expect these protoins to act so decisively! I thought that only a few of the people who were attacked by her would react,

But who knew that all of a sudden the entire flying race was attracted to it! Buzz…

Bowstring tremor,

A series of arrows shot out almost side by side, and Celia switched her weapon into a short bow.

Although the range is closer and less powerful than the longbow, the victory is faster and more flexible!

However, it was too late for her to respond… What’s more, she’s alone,

Simply can’t fight dozens of angry protozoans!

The wings of the enemy overwhelmed Celia’s line of sight,

The elven maiden’s fingers were also severed and bleeding in the rapid fire.

A deep despair welled up in her heart…

“Is this war…”

Just when Celia was about to give up, out of nowhere, suddenly came a childish voice with a little childishness.

“Teacher, if you don’t shoot again, it’s too late.”


A hint of doubt appeared in Celia’s mind.

Then, a strong stream of hot air rose up, directly blowing away the protozoa that had pounced! ———————————

“Natsushi, that’s where you need to learn.”

Lane casually threw the used mechanical gloves into the ring.

With Xia Shi walked into Celia’s sight… Then he snapped his fingers.

“When the entire battlefield is under your control.”

“There is no question of being too late.”

The next moment, a series of crisp crackling sounds erupted from the air! The noise is not deafening,

It’s more like the movement of a water-filled balloon bursting! – Chain Burst Mines – Stinger!

characteristics of chain burst mines,

As the number of mines detonated in the sensing sequence increases, the higher the damage of subsequent detonated mines, the greater the range! Although Stinger can no longer be called a mine.

But Lane was indeed modified from the blueprints of the chain burst mine, after 100 stingers detonated,

The explosion range of the 101st stinger will be a staggering 500% of the special liquid contained in these bionic weapons,

Also splashed with explosions,

and evaporates into a cloud of mist at high temperatures,

With the scorching air currents will envelop all flying protozoa!

“The sun is shining today, the wind is beautiful.”

Lane looked at the blazing sun hanging high in the sky and muttered to himself.

“Little things like you…”

“It should burn five times in hell.”

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