Chapter 359: The Gun with Mercury!!

Think with common sense.

The behavior of these regular soldiers is actually very strange. No prior communication was initiated, no means of transport.

It was like a group of silent corpses walking.

They’re just a bunch of corpses.

“No, that’s not a soldier…!”

Finally, a certain starter with night vision ability cried out in horror.

“They are enemies!”


The soldiers dragged their intestines out of their abdominal cavities as they walked on stiff legs.

After getting closer, resort to the lights of the camp.

You can see their bloodless faces and blue lips.

The ruptured abdomen has emptied all internal organs,

All that remains is the hollow shell of the walking dead.

And the forces that underpin their actions…

“Enemy Attack!”

“Quick! Fire on them! ”

In the midst of chaos,

I don’t know who fired the first shot.

With the sour sound of bone breaking,

The body of the soldier who originally had a human form was twisted and deformed, and the limbs and organs that did not belong to humans grew out of thin air.

In full view of everyone, the transition from human to inhuman was completed.

The scorpion-type protozoa that Lane had seen during the day reappeared! Only this time, they are in the number of 3 figures!

“There’s that too!”

“It’s all over the place… We’re surrounded! ”

Screams came from the other side of the camp.

Lane’s brow furrowed,

The camp was momentarily thrown into an extremely dangerous situation.

And a doubt came to his mind.

“How did they hide from the copy map?”

Under Lane’s surveillance,

These protozoas suddenly appeared as if they had grown out of thin air and suddenly appeared in the form of red markers!

“Growth… Grow?! ”

A thought instantly came to Lane’s mind.

These protozoas didn’t wade through the forbidden area! It was produced by a mother in the corner of the battlefield!

“Solve the immediate crisis first…”

Lane understood if he didn’t solve the mother.

Attacks like this will probably keep coming!

Just then, a shell from the frontal battlefield let out a piercing scream.

At the end of the tracer trajectory,

Bloom with a rapidly expanding light! Flares!

Soon after, several light sources took off at the same time.

Where it was attacked,

It’s not just Lane’s camp!

Elsewhere are also aware of the looming crisis! The intense light will cut the night,

Except for Lane, who already knew the situation.

Others also saw their surroundings… Countless hill-like silhouettes huddled together,

But there was no sound.

This kind of dark writhing posture in the dark makes people can’t help but feel numb and creepy.

“In the previous grouping, you go to the other direction of the camp to defend.”

Li En said solemnly to Mu Geng and the others.

At the same time, he kept taking out mechanical magic boxes from his ring.

“Xia Shi, use its power.”


Xia Shi nodded slightly, then closed his eyes.

It was as if the mind was calling for some kind of existence.

The next moment, a pale blue light appeared on her body.

A dolphin that comes alive and appears as if composed of a brilliant starry sky appears out of thin air next to Xia Shi, swimming happily…

【Void Armed Dolphin Star】

+ Void value: 1000

+ Effect: Summons its own guardian star god Dolphin Star, the star god is immune to all damage,

+ Correction: When the Star God is present, it can be considered your replicant, consuming 1 null value per minute

+ Charge: 10 Void Values/Hour

+ Progression: When the host’s strength level increases, the Dolphin Star will also co-evolve, gaining additional void points and effects

+ Note: “The stars are shining, the galaxy is shining”…

The Void Armor effect of Xia Shi is very simple.

It’s about summoning another her.

Although it is in the form of dolphins.

But she can inherit all her attribute states!

Xia Shi can control up to two sword dancers.

With the help of Dolphin,

The number of units she can manipulate directly doubles! The duration of the flares ends.

Night Comes Again,

But the countless protozoa that have been exposed,

Their scarlet eyes flickered in the night.

Where they have already been exposed, they do not have to be covered up again.

So they roared up to the sky and let the air vibrate for it! A giant protozoa in the vanguard is running like a bamboo, trying to break the walls of the camp!

“Stop it!”

Several police officers armed with guns opened fire in unison!

The rough gunfire accompanied by flames erupting from the muzzle of the gun,

High-speed rifle bullets doped with holmium alloy spin and stab into the front of the enemy

This bullet after a collision,

It will become mushroom-shaped under the action of force, thereby expanding the trauma area and tearing the muscles. And with the help of the magnetic field of the holmium alloy, it causes further damage to the protozoa.

Even the stage II proentero,

Hit by such a bullet, either dead or crippled… But the monsters did not fall.

They let out hysterical roars, as if they don’t feel pain,

Dragging the bloodied body and squirming, “Poof—”

A sword dancer swings his weapon,

Directly cut off the head of a protozoa,

The blade it holds in its hand is made of holmium alloy.

Deadly enough for protozoans!

“Battle mode, free to fight enemies, free to kill!”

Lane through the Mechanical Network,

Gives instructions to the AI that is controlling the autodoll.

At the same time, it is used for two purposes,

control the surrounding stingers,

Constantly crashing into the 650 protozoa that have invaded the camp, saving other police officers or initiators before they are about to be killed.

“There are more and more machines that need to be manipulated, and it is a bit difficult……”

Li En’s brow furrowed, and he did not dare to relax at all.

Elementary AI can play a limited role.

The reason why he was able to take control of the sword dancer for him.

Or because the organ puppet inherited from the combat style of the successor to the national edge has a high enough combat response ability.

But a structure like Stinger is simple,

A mechanical unit that does not have its own logic of action.

At most, they can only be left on standby around them.

Then when it is needed, give instructions one by one.

It was too much trouble and very draining on energy and attention.

There are only two ways to solve the problem.

One is to increase its own maneuverable unit limit.

This is a palliative rather than a cure.

The second is to get more advanced artificial intelligence technology… Suddenly!

A strong tingling sensation

An instant arose in Lane’s mind.

Directivity is extremely obvious,

It is a sense of crisis coming from a certain direction in the forbidden area! Lane didn’t even think about it.

Reach straight out and condense a gleaming petal shield. – Void Arms: Partial Folding Shield!

The next second, an attack like a silver spear cut through the night, directly knocking Lane flying through the air with great force!

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