Chapter 356 Stinger Spider Trap!!

Since the establishment of the Institute.

Li En removed Xia Shi from the field members of the police company.

Instead, let her inherit her mantle

It’s a little strange to say that, though.

After all, Lane himself was just a D-level reincarnation player.

But the number of knowledge and skills he possesses,

But it is a height that some C-level or even B-level players can’t reach! Especially in the use of mind conduction ability that spares no effort.

After constantly instilling a system of knowledge into Xia Shi,

The latter can now be called the trumpet version of Lane.

In addition to not having talents such as “True-Excessive Imagination” and “Magic Deconstructor”.

The knowledge and skills possessed by Xia Shi were not much worse than those of Li En.

Anyway, it’s all Lv10’s full level skills.

The only thing that is lacking may be the actual combat experience after the identity change.

That’s why Lane put her in her group.

“What was the subject I left for you last week?”

“Research and manufacture of bionic machinery.”

The two men advanced along the edge of the battlefield, and the terrain in the outer area was fairly flat.

The naked eye can see the constant influx of large numbers of proenterates.

A considerable part of them rushed towards the flesh-and-blood millstone of the frontal battlefield.

And a very small part of it is like a tributary of a river,

Squeezed out of the frontal battlefield…

Because the number of protozoa is simply too much.

Even under the constant artillery fire of the 017,

There are still thousands of protozoas entering the flank battlefield.

And depending on the speed of action,

A jagged picture of hell is laid out on a battlefield with flat terrain.

Within the range of sight visible,

There are already a lot of police partners,

Start treating the protozoa that will cross the cordon.

“The scorpion-type protozoa in front of you on the left, that’s your test subject.”

Lane stopped,

“Let me see the results of your research.”


Just when Xia Shi made a move,

The protozoa, sensing the dangerous breath, also sped up towards the two men.

The girl waved her arms calmly,

Two pieces of metal were thrown out by her and landed on the ground.

And then the density decreases rapidly,

Decompose and reassemble into two machines – zero spawn!

Xia Shi’s strength attributes and weight-bearing ability naturally could not be compared with Li En.

However, it is also possible to carry some lighter machinery. Lane watched the girl’s battle with interest.

The device generated by Xia Shi,

It’s two with spider looks… Mine!

【Bionic weapon – spider booby trap】

+ Level: D

+ Damage: 100 (Physical)

+ Effect: If the target is a protozoa, the exploded holmium metal shards provide 500 extra damage

+ Bionic characteristics: sticking to the spit wire, such as walking on the ground

+ Note: “Due to the construction period, I cancelled the function of weaving the net to set the 1,000th birthday summer world.”

Palm-sized spider booby trap with a certain ability to move.

Six slender and flexible mechanical legs were able to overcome the complex terrain and, under the control of Xia Shi, rushed straight towards the scorpion-type protozoa.

The half-human-tall scorpion-type protozoa did not notice the small thing in front of it and its eyes were only two strange humans standing still.

Just when it thinks it’s going to feast.

Two slight popping sounds sounded.


Spider Booby Ray has no jumping ability,

Instead, move with the help of sticky spider silk that spews out!

At the moment of hanging to the body of the scorpion-type protozoa, two explosions exploded!

Because the target is a protozoa,

Two spider booby traps instantly caused more than a thousand damage!

Directly hit this scorpion-type procass around stage II!

“Good idea.”

Li En nodded slightly, which was a recognition of the effect of the spider booby trap.

But then the teachings of the teacher followed.

“But it’s just pure [bionic].”

“As far as [landmines] are concerned, the biggest feature is their concealment.”

“Using [spiders] as bionic prototypes just adds some maneuverability.”

“Instead of struggling to control the spider booby trap to cause damage…”

“Why don’t I use a more convenient spider-type robot?”

I don’t see any movement from Len,

Scorpion-type protozoa that slumps to the ground

Suddenly, there was an even more intense explosion! This time it will blow it up completely! Lane held out a finger,

It was as if something extremely tiny had landed on it.

He put his finger in front of Xia Shi.

“Bionic weapons, first of all it is a piece.”

“Weapons”. ”

“Then according to the characteristics of the weapon, to consider the goal of bionic.”

Xia Shi’s small face showed a thoughtful expression.

She looked at Lane’s fingers.

A look of surprise appeared in both eyes.

“Teacher, this is…?”

“One of the enemies of humanity… Well, mosquitoes. ”

Lane smiled, and what stayed on his finger was a mechanical mosquito.

“Codename [Stinger], it is one of the bionic weapons that I have officially put into production.”

The explosion just now was also caused by this mechanical mosquito.

Another stinger, to be precise.

In the space near Lane,

In a narrow scale that is not recognizable to the naked eye.

Filled with hundreds of stingers on patrol! They are extremely small,

Like a real mosquito, it is gone.

But if he received Lane’s order to attack.

Die with the enemy!

【Bionic weapon – Stinger】

+ Level: D+

+ Damage: 10

+ Slot: liquid slot x1

+ Effects: Ability to inject units without armor, as well as self-detonate

+ Bionic features: short flight

+ Note: “In order not to cause physical discomfort, it does not make a buzzing sound when flying – Lane.” ”

This was after Lane had made many expeditions.

The bionic weapon developed to best suit him.

The reason for this is that the damage of the stinger is pitifully low.

Because of its size limitations, it cannot carry more weapons,

It can only be used as a one-time attack with its own explosion.

But it was also a “attack” launched by Lane. ”

In other words, it can also trigger the Magnetic Storm Corona! The stingers that surrounded Lane were bombs that hurt him horribly! However, this tactic is not suitable for Xiashi.

Because the latter even if there is a magnetic storm crown.

There is no amazing total amount of mechanical retention,

There can be no such terrible damage.

The most important thing is…

The cost of “Stinger” is quite low! Compare this to the same D-class “cornerstone class floating gun.” ”

The individual cost of the “Stinger” is only one percent of the latter! The raw material consists only of some common metals plus microchips.

The most expensive is instead the stinger production line, which needs to be re-customized.

But for Lane, it’s not that hard.

“Last time, you passed the subject.”

Lane walked over to the charred black scorpion-type protozoal carcass.

“As a reward…”

He held out his hand, and a thick evolutionary energy was drawn from the corpse.

Instead, he sent it into Xia Shi’s body.

– Race Abilities – Co-Evolution!

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