Chapter 355 Group War Decision!!

A side battlefield, or a makeshift camp near the Second Theater of Operations.

In a tent isolated from a single room.

Two teenage girls are facing each other across from Lane.

“This is a battlefield, and it is better to be a fox spirit that will only seduce men.”

Mu Gengduan sat on the cushion,

Without mercy, he stared at Sima Weiwe.

The palm of his hand was already placed on the handle of the demon sword.

As if a word does not agree, the next second will burst into trouble.

“Far away? Who do you think provided these ammunition and weapons? ”

Unwoven smile squints open the folding fan,

Block the smile on your face.

This action looks elegant, but it falls into the eyes of Mu Geng,

But there was a special feeling of mocking her.

“Don’t forget, Lane is my belonging, there is a contract in black and white, Oh hearing this, Lane can’t help but cough softly.”

This is the constraint brought about by the identity of the protagonist he plays.

He is the weapon and ammunition used by the civilian police.

All products from Sima Heavy Industry.

This is not without its cost.

A series of collaborations with Sima Unwoven also included deals.

It’s all a spin-off of this contract.

Of course…… Lane must be the one who takes advantage.

But on this occasion it is brought up,

Absolutely overwhelming physical evidence.

“Len, hurry up and get out of this fox woman!”

Mu Geng watched as Unwoven hugged Li En’s arm, “Cough, there is a war going on outside, be serious.” ”

Lane stopped the fight from spreading.

He turned his head to look at the unwoven almost sticking to his body.

“Is there anything important that requires you to come to the front line in person?”

As the president of Sima Heavy Industry, Qianjin.

Sima Unwoven’s identity was no lower than that of the Holy Heavenly Son.

Despite the various fortifications in the camp, well-equipped company guards.

But in the face of an army of hundreds of thousands of protozoans,

Sima Weiori ventured to the front line, still with a fairly high risk.

Hearing this, Sima Wei narrowed his smile,

It was the first time Lane had seen her look so serious.

“My father sent me to be an observer of this war.”

The girl said in a serious tone.

Sima Muori’s father.

Naturally, he is the president of the foundation.

“You should know that Sima Heavy Industry is not only in Dongjing District, Li En and Mu nodded.”

The title of the International Military Industry Foundation is not a false name.

“So, we’re ready in two hands.”

“On the one hand, we fully support the army in Dongjing District, and the supplies are good.”

“As long as it is the needs of the Holy Heavenly Son, we will meet them as much as possible.”

This statement is not false, at this critical juncture.

Only Sima Heavy Industry could help with this.

“On the other hand.”

Unwoven suppressed the sound.

“We are also ready for the defeat of the war and the relocation of the headquarters of the consortium.”

Lane frowned.

“Are the observers you speak of the success or failure of this war?”

“It is worthy of the man I look up to, and I can see through the essence at a glance.”

A smile appeared on the face of the consortium,

“As long as I think this war is going to fail.”

“I have the right to decide—”

“Stop all supplies to the army and follow your father out of the Dongjing area.”

There was silence in the tent, and the needles could be heard.

I have to say that Sima Chonggong’s abacus is very exquisite.

If the war is won, drive the protoinal back to the exclusion zone.

Then Sima Heavy Industry will be the greatest contributor to this victory! More political resources are bound to be available in Dongjing District.

If the war is lost, it will only lose some materials.

The relocation of the headquarters in a timely manner will not be affected in any way.

In other words.

Sima Weiwei was the one who could determine the course of this war. With a single order, she could cut off the army’s supplies.

Let the army of protozoa overwhelm the entire Dongjing area.

And the development of this war depends entirely on her observations.

“If that’s the case, why are you coming to me?”

Lane looked at President Qianjin.

“Shouldn’t the observer make decisions from an objective perspective?”

“I just don’t want to lose you.”

Unwoven unexpectedly uttered these words in front of Kigen.

“Whatever the outcome, if you think the war can be won, I will support you at all costs.”

“If you think there is no cure for this war, I will take you out of Dongjing District.”

“Other women, you can take whoever you want… As long as you are willing to follow me. ”

After Sima Weiwei said these words, he fell silent.

Judging from the delicate shoulders that trembled slightly,

Nor is she as tough as she seems.

Lane thought for several seconds, not understanding himself….

Or that there is something shining in the male protagonist of the original work, who can attract such a good girl and is willing to die with him.

However, it does not matter.

“This war will be the victory of mankind.”

Lane said softly.

The tone is flat like boiled water.

But it is full of unquestionable determination.

“At the same time, it is also the beginning of change in the world.”


After leaving this luxurious tent.

Lane looked at Kigen, who hadn’t spoken since just now.

“What, jealousy?”

“No, I just… I want to chop something. ”

Mu Geng replied in a somewhat depressed tone.

“Obviously, I haven’t signed a contract with Lane, but I can say something like that…”

“There’s a sense of frustration at being compared.”

Mu Geng refers to the nature of Sima Unwoven

It wasn’t a follower of Lane yet.

“That being the case, let’s cheer up in the next battle.”

Lane patted Mu Geng’s shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

Then everyone shouted over.

“Let’s start grouping.”

Counting Lane himself, there were a total of 6 combat forces.

Night and night were left in the institute just in case.

After all, the institute is Lane’s base, and it can’t be left unattended.

The purpose of the grouping is to expand the results of the battle.

After all, such a group of fierce people gathered together, the enemy is not enough to divide.

“Iluri, nameless, you two in a group.”

Iluri’s ice ability,

Has a strong control effect.

With the nameless with a super high explosion, it is easy to win more with less.

“Mugen, you and Tina are in a group.”

Tina, who is good at using firearms,

Coupled with Mu Geng, who specializes in close combat, the division of labor is reasonable.

And the two of them are also partners in the original plot.

There is no need to worry about cooperation.

“Finally… Xia Shi, you follow me. ”

“It’s time to test the results of actual combat.”

Hearing these words, Xia Shi, whose expression was somewhat cold, answered softly.

“Yes, teacher.”

Lane nodded, then took a large amount of the potion from the lipid ring. The latest models of gaprovirus resistance agents produced by these institutes. Continuous use, can maintain up to 12 hours of viral immune effect. However, because of the need to use stage III grade proenterate carcasses.

Therefore, the production is very small, and the reincarnation players really can’t buy it.

For his own people, Lane naturally will not be indebted to him.

“We fight in 3 directions and are in constant contact.”

“Meet at 6 p.m. at the supply camp.”

“If there is no problem, start now!”

(Make up a picture of Bushicui)

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