Chapter 354 Torrent Triple Battle Zone!!

The megalithic monument did not last until noon the next day. In fact, at the moment when the sun is just rising.

It has already begun the process of collapse.

“Len, look!”

Mu Geng pulled Li En, and Shinchen Fat headed in the direction of the giant stone stele.

All civilian police in the camp

Turning his head around the empty terrain of the outer area

They were able to observe the full extent of the collapse.

At first there was a notch in the corner of the monument and then it looked like a domino

Triggered a series of collapses

The megalithic monument is not a complete sheet of superalloy metal. Instead, it is a giant creation made of countless cubes bonded.

Because of this, there is room for corrosion.

The white erosion marks began to spread huge cracks, and as they continued to collapse, the boulder monument made a dull hidden sound.

Like the mournful cry of a dying giant.

Finally, as if pushed down by an invisible palm, the entire chain of stone tablets sank violently

It became a pile of useless waste.

From a distance, the whole process looks like slow motion.

But then, a rumbling vibration came along the ground! It was as if a huge amount of soot was enough to cover the entire sky, rising slowly.


Lost the suppression of [suppressing magnetic field].

Countless protozoas poured in from the forbidden area like torrents of all kinds of crying, roaring and roaring!

【The Third Battle of Guandong】

It’s time to start!

【Copy Notice! 】

【The Third Battle of Sekido has begun!】 】

【Both sides of the war are Dongkyo District VS Enterozoa!】 】

【All reincarnated players default to members of Dongkyo District】

【The battlefield is divided into 3 battle zones】

【The first battle zone is a frontal battlefield, with a 200% power bonus and the highest difficulty!】 】

【The second war zone is a side battlefield, with a 150% power boost bonus and medium difficulty!】 】

[The third theater is the logistics department, 100% merit bonus, the lowest difficulty!] 】

[Each theater has specific tactical objectives, war objectives]

[Completing tactical objectives and war objectives will advance the victory of your own camp!] 】

[I wish you all the victorious side]

All reincarnation players are in front of their eyes

A long list of copy announcements emerged.

The same goes for Lane.

He rubbed his eyes and thought to himself.

This should be the last big story in the Dark Bullet dungeon.

“Yes, this kind of big scene is worthy of the exit of the reincarnated player.” Lane unleashed several reconnaissance drones. ”

Observe the situation on the frontal battlefield with the help of camera feedback from multiple perspectives.

The protozoa was like a tidal wave over the ruins after the collapse of the megalithic monument and the dust raised was like a storm

Charge at the army that has just been regrouped from the explosion.

In the next instant, an attack from humans finally broke out.

Self-propelled guns, chariot guns, and machine guns simultaneously spew out tongues of fire to face such an astonishing number of protozoans

There is no need to be accurate at all

Each shell can take the lives of several, a dozen or even dozens of protozoans.

The first row of protozoa was instantly emptied

The enemy in the second row continued to charge forward over the corpses and artillery fire of the same kind.

The number of them is endless.

But the army’s killing efficiency is also extremely fast.

“This lethality should not be on the hall for a while.” Lane did not doubt the combat effectiveness of the army. ”

Humanity’s most powerful weapon

It is a variety of killing weapons produced by using science and technology.

Crossfire points composed of two heavy machine guns

Only two well-trained soldiers are needed.

You can defend hundreds of times as many enemies.

The only problem was the soldier’s state and lack of ammunition. The human physique cannot be compared with that of a protozoa and requires rest.

Although the ammunition was supported by Sima Heavy Industry

But the capacity of a military enterprise

No amount of expansion can sustain the attrition of a war.

In particular, the war did not last a day or two.

It lasts for two weeks!

“It looks like I’m going to do my best too.” A thought flashed through Lane’s mind. ”

He was not worried about the situation that had shown disadvantages from the beginning

On the contrary, there is a kind of excitement that wants to try! War!

This is the home of mechanics!

“All the members of the Civil Police Corps, assemble!”

My cousin’s voice resounded throughout the camp with restless tension in the air.

The originally noisy and rude police officers also did not say a word like walking humanoid gunpowder cans.

Lane joined the queue with beautiful girls who were enough to attract everyone’s attention, waiting for the order of the regimental commander.

My cousin was waiting with his initiator at the pulpit in the middle of the camp early.

“The fighting on the front line, while intense, has stabilized. As soon as he came up, he injected everyone with a cardiotonic agent. ”

“The military has given us orders to join the flanks!”

Side battlefield?

That means going to the second war zone? Lane automatically takes the other person’s words

Converted into a term for reincarnated players.

“Our main tasks are two. My cousin spoke quickly. It seems that the situation on the battlefield really cannot be delayed. ”

“One is to prevent the spread of protozoa from frontal battlefields to other areas.”

“The second is to weaken the number of protozoan troops and reduce the pressure on the frontal battlefield!”

“On this basis, you are free to play. My cousin walked over to the blackboard with a map of the war zone, “The side battlefield is divided into two parts, the left side and the right side. ”

“Sima Heavy Industries has set up supply camps at these two locations.”

“Below, there will be an auxiliary formation of 6 people.”

“Split into two roads and head to two flank battlefields!”

The number of civilian police corps exceeds two cadres.

The basic operational unit is the “Auxiliary Formation.” ”

Every 10 auxiliary formations form 1 detachment, which is led by 470 detachment leaders.

Every 10 squadrons form a squadron, commanded by the squadron leader.

Finally, there is the regimental commander who commands the squadron leader

That is, “I am the head of the church.” ”

In the end, the Civilian Police Corps split into 6 squadrons and set out for different battlefields

Lane was assigned to 3 squadrons on the left side of the battlefield.

Coincidentally, the Kataki brothers and sisters are also in the same team.

However, he did not see the figures of Akira and Bushicui.

It should be in the team of another battlefield.

Take advantage of the marching time

Lane clicked on the prompts that had been popping up since the beginning of the incident.

【You have joined the second war zone!】 】

【The war objectives of the current theater are as follows】

[Objective 1: Stop the protozoa from breaking through the battlefield and entering the civilian area (0%)]

[Goal 2: Kill as many protozoas as possible to reduce the pressure on the frontal battlefield (0%)]

[For every 1% increase in the progress of the war goal, the damage to the protozoa is increased by 1%]

【Tactical Objective Not Unlocked】

“It seems that the goal of war is a snowball process.”

Lane glanced at the target’s requirements and rewards

I have a general understanding of the mechanism.

“I don’t know what the tactical goal is.”

Half an hour later, Li En followed the large army to the supply camp set up by Sima Heavy Industry.

However, as soon as I stepped into the camp.

He saw a figure that had been waiting for him here for a long time.

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