Chapter 353: The Day of Martyrdom and Collapse!!

Meetings of the Civilian Police Corps were forcibly interrupted.

Everyone stared at the distant sky with trepidation.

Under the soaring fire,

A mushroom cloud is slowly rising.

Explosions kept coming.

It’s like a muffled thunder that rings in succession when a thunderstorm intersects.

“It was martyrdom… The first explosion was only a trigger. ”

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Lane’s heart.

He pulled open the copy map,

Discover the army garrison more than ten kilometers apart.

Creepy voids appeared.

No soldiers survived within the range of the explosion! The survivors are like headless flies,

Doing irregular Brownian motion on the map.

Because their headquarters was taken away by a sudden explosion!

“Judging from the location of the explosion, it should be an ammunition depot…”

“Fortunately, the location of the ammunition depot is relatively scattered, and it is deliberately arranged in a more remote place.”

“The loss of troop numbers is not very serious… But the question is. ”

“This wave is a very heavy blow to morale.”

Li En looked at the police around him,

Just now he was beaten by the regimental commander’s words like a chicken blood-like excitement.

It has now been replaced by a thick uneasiness.

“Lane… What do we do now? ”

Mu Geng’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she also saw that the current situation was quite bad.

“This matter is most likely done by a protozoa.”

Lane pondered for a moment and gave a guess.

“Do you remember the big earthworm you killed?”

“That’s a special unit that has been mutated.”

“That’s why we can cross such a long distance and sneak attack from the ground.”

Hearing this, Mu even looked moved.

“You mean… The army also encountered similar mutated protozoa? ”

Lane nodded, but without any joy in getting the right result.

Because if his guess holds.

It means that the situation at hand is only the beginning of a crisis.

“Since there is a mutation in the drilling ground, then stealth is not impossible.”

“The army may have anti-aircraft firepower, but they are less likely to deploy anti-stealth radar.”

“After all, the enemy they face is just a bunch of protozoa that will only rely on instinct to fight.”

“Unless—this corps of protozoa, has a brilliant [commander].”

Mu Geng immediately guessed what Lane was trying to say.

“You mean… Accommodation Five? ”

“But even the stage IV protozoa has at most a near-secret profile.”

“Send invisibility protozoa to attack army ammunition depots.”

“This kind of thing only happens in movies, right?!”

Lane sighed and looked at Mu Geng.

“If I say…”

[Bi Su Wu] has also mutated? ”

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

This is a fact that no one wants to face.

Lane just punctured the possibility and put it in front of everyone.

Fortunately, the reincarnation players do not know the plot of the original game. You might think that this is the normal unfolding of the quest world.

Although after the explosion,

The difficulty of the Third Battle of Guandong,

It is necessary to rise from the difficulty to the level of hell.

But for Lane, who has always been in the difficulty of hell, it is just a matter of thinking about more methods.

It was just when Mu Geng was shocked by Lane’s speculation and could not speak.

The silver-haired young man who had just questioned my cousin came over.

“Long time no see, Brother Zhangmo.”

Lane offered to say hello.

Mu Geng also came back to God,

Looking at the familiar figure, a voice of amazement was emitted.

“Really fake? Shōma… You’ve been away for years, haven’t you? ”

All three were nominally disciples of Tiantong Liu.

Mu is more practicing the art of drawing the sword.

And Li En and Zhangmu cultivation is a combat technique.

So I knew it from the beginning in terms of setting.

Although this is only the second time that Lane has met with Akira.

“Are you talking about what just happened?”

Akira seemed to have heard the conversation just now,

“Maybe that’s what we’re going to face.”

Lane repeated what he had just guessed.

It’s just hiding things related to the space of samsara.

“Variation… This is a situation that has never been heard of. ”

Zhangmao’s expression suddenly became serious.

He was a few points older than Lane and had a sense of maturity and reliability.

“This is not the place for conversation.”

Lane swept his eyes around,

“Brother Zhangmo, how about coming to my stronghold?”

The silver-haired youth nodded solemnly.


In the midst of a bunch of low tents.

Lane’s stronghold is particularly conspicuous.

Because he built a small two-story building directly on the spot. —Mechanical Magic Box – Construction Box

This is when Lane is idle and fine,

An improved product derived from a mechanical magic box.

Highly compressed building panels,

Has a certain folding, stretching structure. Prefabricated buildings can be generated directly.

Although only one room can be unfolded at a time,

But stitching them together can form larger, wider buildings. It is one of the few machines that Lane uses to improve his life.

The main frame of the institute is made of building boxes.

“…… If it is like you say, this war is going to be very troublesome. ”

Shōma took the hot tea handed by Irori,

But there is no mood to enjoy it.

After understanding the beginning and end of the mutation.

His face has always been ugly.

“The worst case scenario is when the corps of protozoa breaks through the defensive line.”

“Then the whole Dongjing District will be flooded, and the lives will be destroyed.”

Kigawa interjected and quipped.

“It’s so pessimistic, it’s not like your character, Akira.”

A bitter smile appeared on Akira’s face…

“That said, I was homeless.”

“So I’ll fight to the end too… And my partner. ”

At this moment, the eyes of the crowd gathered on the petite figure beside him.

“Cui, don’t be shy, show it to everyone.”

With the encouragement of Shōma,

The girl who combed her long silver hair into a braided braid, timidly took off the hat on the top of her head.

Stand up and bow deeply to everyone.

“I, I, my name is Bushicui.”

“The initiator of the cat carrier…”

“The way to fight is to make quick attacks with your claws…”

Compared to her self-introduction.

Including Leon, the attention was more on the top of her head.

On silky silver hair,

There was a pair of white cat ears that didn’t look like fakes at all.

“I hope you don’t panic, she is not going to turn into a protozoa.”

Akira explained out loud.

“Some sons of curse are using the power of the protovirus.”

“Primitive animal factors have a strong effect on the body…”

“Thus changing the structure of the body.”

“These are scientifically based studies.”

Lane patted him on the shoulder.

“I understand, in fact, that our company has two children in the same situation.”

“Is it…”

Hearing Lane say this, Akira immediately relaxed his mind.

“That’s fine.”

It seems that these two people have indeed experienced some not very good experiences because of this incident before. After the serious conversation, we talked for a while.

Shōma took Bushicui with him.

Lane didn’t keep it.

Because he’s in the squad now has enough numbers. No additional combat power is required to replenish it.

Moreover…… There are outsiders in the words.

Some means are also inconvenient to use.

Jingle Bells…

Lane’s phone rang after a long absence. I looked at the incoming call information on the screen.

He couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.

After answering the phone, he said succinctly.

“What is the specific situation, and does the army still have combat effectiveness?”

Saint Tianzi’s slightly tired voice came from the telephone.

“There’s good news, and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

“What’s the good news?”

Lane couldn’t help but be a little curious.

“The losses of the army are not much, the losses in ammunition… I have just contacted Sima Heavy Industry. ”

“They promised to provide supplies overnight this evening.”

Hearing this, Lane couldn’t help but think in his mind

A beautiful girl in a kimono and holding a fan.

Saint Tianzi himself went to ask her for help,

It is estimated that at this time Unwoven is rolling happily on the bed.

“So, what about the bad news?”

After Lane asked these words, Saint Tianzi was silent for a moment.

“The shaking of the explosion accelerated the collapse of the No. 32 monument.”

“Tomorrow noon at the latest… War will come early! ”

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